WATCH: BLM Harasses Wisconsin Children’s Christmas Charity Event Attendees

I looked it up. The animals were in great need of some shotgun therapy.

The way you do it is go after their financial infrastructure. We had some idiot white kids in this little town who were putting up BLM signs. A local Sheriff's Deputy friend of mine let me in on a secret as to which company was printing them.

All it took was one time that I removed one of their signs, wrote the name of the printing company on the back in big black Magic Marker, then stapled it back up.

The signs immediately stopped.

So you resorted to vandalism?

Yes. Right wingers have no respect for private property, except for their own and their allies.
How disgusting to see these black goons harassing children.....and allowed to do so by the powers that be.

A good example of the downhill slope America is now on thanx to the msm and liberal elites.

WATCH: BLM Harasses Wisconsin Children’s Christmas Charity Event Attendees
Local members were likely unhappy with not being given favored blacks before everyone else with toy handouts---this was likely just harrassing hopine they could scare the charity into putting blacks for the best toys that were donated.
I looked it up. The animals were in great need of some shotgun therapy.

The way you do it is go after their financial infrastructure. We had some idiot white kids in this little town who were putting up BLM signs. A local Sheriff's Deputy friend of mine let me in on a secret as to which company was printing them.

All it took was one time that I removed one of their signs, wrote the name of the printing company on the back in big black Magic Marker, then stapled it back up.

The signs immediately stopped.

So you resorted to vandalism?
How do you vandalize litter?

Toward the end of Summer, I drove to town at 3 AM in the morning with the intent of defacing some of their signs. I was carrying several colors of spray paint and some brass stencils I stapled to a piece of a yardstick.

Stuck to a large piece of plywood at a baseball field were several signs they made that read "Black Lives Matter", with the ugly clenched fist in the middle.

I had just got done spraying over the "Black" and stenciling in "Blue" when a city cop pulled behind my car. he asked me "Are you alright" because he probably though I had broken down.

I just came right out and told him "Yeah, I fine. I;m just changing the words on those signs from Black to Blue."
He laughed, got back in his car, and left.

The idiots were leaving those signs stapled to sticks, and planting them on the courthouse lawn too for awhile. I pulled up about 15 of them and burned those also. None of the cops that drove be even gave me a second look, or asked me why I was out so early in the morning.
I looked it up. The animals were in great need of some shotgun therapy.

The way you do it is go after their financial infrastructure. We had some idiot white kids in this little town who were putting up BLM signs. A local Sheriff's Deputy friend of mine let me in on a secret as to which company was printing them.

All it took was one time that I removed one of their signs, wrote the name of the printing company on the back in big black Magic Marker, then stapled it back up.

The signs immediately stopped.

So you resorted to vandalism?

Yes. Right wingers have no respect for private property, except for their own and their allies.

Your private property deserves to be destroyed, just like that private property was destroyed in all your protesting, rioting, looting, and arson.

Wouldn't that be something?
BLM is a hate-group.
They are a black supremacist hate group, the equivalent of the KKK-cubed, who perform lynchings in the form of assassinating police and commit cross-burnings in the form of BLM graffiti on public and others’ property.
They should be designated as a hate group and cuomo should prohibit their logo before prohibiting swastikas or confederate flags. That’s how bad they truly are.

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