Watching CNN interview Trump supporters, they saved their toughest words for John McCain

Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress

The buck must never stop at Trump :rolleyes:

Dumb inbreds...

He doesn't vote on these bills, he signs them. Obstructionism is coming from too many corners.

When Ronald Reagan won in 1980, he had a tax plan ready to go. Ultimately he got most of what he wanted. Reagan also had specific plans for improving the military. Trump has no such plans and he is incapable of understanding such plans.
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress and their inability to get things done, to get behind his policies and some even suggest they are purposely undermining him.

The harshest criticism was saved for John McCain, a couple of them absolutely despise him and his vote on healthcare and his general ideology. One guy went so far as to say "I wonder if he is on Nancy Pelosi's payroll". Ouch.

Needless to say, people suggesting that Trump doesn't have pull because his polling numbers aren't high are missing the fact that the GOP numbers are much worse, and without question, many of them are going to lose to any challenger who gets behind Trump in their next election.

Should be an interesting time over these four years, it's clear Americans are fed up like never before.

Reality check:

Trump only won the two or three states he absolutey HAD to have because a razor thin margin of gullibles voted for what they saw was the lesser of two turds.

Those days have already ended, months ago. All those people now understand what a disaster this loser is. Poll numbers show it without question. He has zero chance in 2020 and the Republicans will lose both houses in 2018.

This was in fact the last big hurrah for Republicans before demographics renders them also-rans in all future national elections. THEY know it. That the few Trump prisoners still locked in the semi-truck don't know this is of no consequence. Enjoy your moment, and don't blink.

The arrogance and over-confidence of you Democrats will cause you to lose again in 2018, and 2020. You have no platform, no ideas, no plan, and nothing but the same old worn-out identity politics and wealth-redistribution. A couple more years of the improvements we\re seeing in the economy will guarantee Trump another term, regardless whether Congress comes up with any bills or not.

We're seeing economic growth the Obama administration couldn't even come close to in 8 years.
What a fucking liar you are. We are seeing economic growth at the same rate that we saw in the last two years of the Obama administration, and, indeed, it is because the policies that Obama put into place are still in place. After the first budget of the Trump admin goes into effect, then a silly asshole like you can brag about the Trump economy. Until then it is just empty flap yap from an empty head.
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress and their inability to get things done, to get behind his policies and some even suggest they are purposely undermining him.

The harshest criticism was saved for John McCain, a couple of them absolutely despise him and his vote on healthcare and his general ideology. One guy went so far as to say "I wonder if he is on Nancy Pelosi's payroll". Ouch.

Needless to say, people suggesting that Trump doesn't have pull because his polling numbers aren't high are missing the fact that the GOP numbers are much worse, and without question, many of them are going to lose to any challenger who gets behind Trump in their next election.

Should be an interesting time over these four years, it's clear Americans are fed up like never before.

Reality check:

Trump only won the two or three states he absolutey HAD to have because a razor thin margin of gullibles voted for what they saw was the lesser of two turds.

Those days have already ended, months ago. All those people now understand what a disaster this loser is. Poll numbers show it without question. He has zero chance in 2020 and the Republicans will lose both houses in 2018.

This was in fact the last big hurrah for Republicans before demographics renders them also-rans in all future national elections. THEY know it. That the few Trump prisoners still locked in the semi-truck don't know this is of no consequence. Enjoy your moment, and don't blink.

The arrogance and over-confidence of you Democrats will cause you to lose again in 2018, and 2020. You have no platform, no ideas, no plan, and nothing but the same old worn-out identity politics and wealth-redistribution. A couple more years of the improvements we\re seeing in the economy will guarantee Trump another term, regardless whether Congress comes up with any bills or not.

We're seeing economic growth the Obama administration couldn't even come close to in 8 years.
What a fucking liar you are. We are seeing economic growth at the same rate that we saw in the last two years of the Obama administration, and, indeed, it is because the policies that Obama put into place are still in place. After the first budget of the Trump admin goes into effect, then a silly asshole like you can brag about the Trump economy. Until then it is just empty flap yap from an empty head.

Consumer confidence is at an all-time high, so is the stock market.

Trump deserves credit for this.
Hillary Supporters can't even find N. Korea on a map.

People know exactly why they vote for Trump and unlike the bs lies reject Newton claims the American people voted for Trump and we didn't need to CHEAT unlike the loser Clinton who cheated, lied, scam beyond believe and the dumb bitch still couldn't win.

‘That’s still Siberia’: New Yorkers try to locate North Korea

Hillary Voters Can’t Find NKorea On Map
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress and their inability to get things done, to get behind his policies and some even suggest they are purposely undermining him.

The harshest criticism was saved for John McCain, a couple of them absolutely despise him and his vote on healthcare and his general ideology. One guy went so far as to say "I wonder if he is on Nancy Pelosi's payroll". Ouch.

Needless to say, people suggesting that Trump doesn't have pull because his polling numbers aren't high are missing the fact that the GOP numbers are much worse, and without question, many of them are going to lose to any challenger who gets behind Trump in their next election.

Should be an interesting time over these four years, it's clear Americans are fed up like never before.

Reality check:

Trump only won the two or three states he absolutey HAD to have because a razor thin margin of gullibles voted for what they saw was the lesser of two turds.

Those days have already ended, months ago. All those people now understand what a disaster this loser is. Poll numbers show it without question. He has zero chance in 2020 and the Republicans will lose both houses in 2018.

This was in fact the last big hurrah for Republicans before demographics renders them also-rans in all future national elections. THEY know it. That the few Trump prisoners still locked in the semi-truck don't know this is of no consequence. Enjoy your moment, and don't blink.

The arrogance and over-confidence of you Democrats will cause you to lose again in 2018, and 2020. You have no platform, no ideas, no plan, and nothing but the same old worn-out identity politics and wealth-redistribution. A couple more years of the improvements we\re seeing in the economy will guarantee Trump another term, regardless whether Congress comes up with any bills or not.

We're seeing economic growth the Obama administration couldn't even come close to in 8 years.
What a fucking liar you are. We are seeing economic growth at the same rate that we saw in the last two years of the Obama administration, and, indeed, it is because the policies that Obama put into place are still in place. After the first budget of the Trump admin goes into effect, then a silly asshole like you can brag about the Trump economy. Until then it is just empty flap yap from an empty head.

Consumer confidence is at an all-time high, so is the stock market.

Trump deserves credit for this.
No, President Obama deserves credit for that. Trump has done nothing at all in the economic sphere that would aid business. An asshole like you will not admit that President Obama took office in an economy that was on it's way to the Second Great Republican Depression. He ended his second term with the market at all time highs up to that point. The Trump admin is simply still enjoying the runon from Obama admin. By the end of 2019 we shall see what effect the Trump admin has on business.
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress and their inability to get things done, to get behind his policies and some even suggest they are purposely undermining him.

The harshest criticism was saved for John McCain, a couple of them absolutely despise him and his vote on healthcare and his general ideology. One guy went so far as to say "I wonder if he is on Nancy Pelosi's payroll". Ouch.

Needless to say, people suggesting that Trump doesn't have pull because his polling numbers aren't high are missing the fact that the GOP numbers are much worse, and without question, many of them are going to lose to any challenger who gets behind Trump in their next election.

Should be an interesting time over these four years, it's clear Americans are fed up like never before.

Reality check:

Trump only won the two or three states he absolutey HAD to have because a razor thin margin of gullibles voted for what they saw was the lesser of two turds.

Those days have already ended, months ago. All those people now understand what a disaster this loser is. Poll numbers show it without question. He has zero chance in 2020 and the Republicans will lose both houses in 2018.

This was in fact the last big hurrah for Republicans before demographics renders them also-rans in all future national elections. THEY know it. That the few Trump prisoners still locked in the semi-truck don't know this is of no consequence. Enjoy your moment, and don't blink.

The arrogance and over-confidence of you Democrats will cause you to lose again in 2018, and 2020. You have no platform, no ideas, no plan, and nothing but the same old worn-out identity politics and wealth-redistribution. A couple more years of the improvements we\re seeing in the economy will guarantee Trump another term, regardless whether Congress comes up with any bills or not.

We're seeing economic growth the Obama administration couldn't even come close to in 8 years.
What a fucking liar you are. We are seeing economic growth at the same rate that we saw in the last two years of the Obama administration, and, indeed, it is because the policies that Obama put into place are still in place. After the first budget of the Trump admin goes into effect, then a silly asshole like you can brag about the Trump economy. Until then it is just empty flap yap from an empty head.

Consumer confidence is at an all-time high, so is the stock market.

Trump deserves credit for this.
No, President Obama deserves credit for that. Trump has done nothing at all in the economic sphere that would aid business. An asshole like you will not admit that President Obama took office in an economy that was on it's way to the Second Great Republican Depression. He ended his second term with the market at all time highs up to that point. The Trump admin is simply still enjoying the runon from Obama admin. By the end of 2019 we shall see what effect the Trump admin has on business.

Such foul language. It weakens your argument.

As it were, debt and bailouts helped the economy recover. You now have a debt level that is nearly unsustainable. I give Obama credit for turning around the economy, but I also know he didn't stop spending, got drunk off of debt and so did all of his pals and donors. Just look at the Green Industry and all the failed taxpayer backed businesses.

Also, how many bankers went to prison for their role in this economic recession?
Reality check:

Trump only won the two or three states he absolutey HAD to have because a razor thin margin of gullibles voted for what they saw was the lesser of two turds.

Those days have already ended, months ago. All those people now understand what a disaster this loser is. Poll numbers show it without question. He has zero chance in 2020 and the Republicans will lose both houses in 2018.

This was in fact the last big hurrah for Republicans before demographics renders them also-rans in all future national elections. THEY know it. That the few Trump prisoners still locked in the semi-truck don't know this is of no consequence. Enjoy your moment, and don't blink.

The arrogance and over-confidence of you Democrats will cause you to lose again in 2018, and 2020. You have no platform, no ideas, no plan, and nothing but the same old worn-out identity politics and wealth-redistribution. A couple more years of the improvements we\re seeing in the economy will guarantee Trump another term, regardless whether Congress comes up with any bills or not.

We're seeing economic growth the Obama administration couldn't even come close to in 8 years.
What a fucking liar you are. We are seeing economic growth at the same rate that we saw in the last two years of the Obama administration, and, indeed, it is because the policies that Obama put into place are still in place. After the first budget of the Trump admin goes into effect, then a silly asshole like you can brag about the Trump economy. Until then it is just empty flap yap from an empty head.

Consumer confidence is at an all-time high, so is the stock market.

Trump deserves credit for this.
No, President Obama deserves credit for that. Trump has done nothing at all in the economic sphere that would aid business. An asshole like you will not admit that President Obama took office in an economy that was on it's way to the Second Great Republican Depression. He ended his second term with the market at all time highs up to that point. The Trump admin is simply still enjoying the runon from Obama admin. By the end of 2019 we shall see what effect the Trump admin has on business.

Such foul language. It weakens your argument.

As it were, debt and bailouts helped the economy recover. You now have a debt level that is nearly unsustainable. I give Obama credit for turning around the economy, but I also know he didn't stop spending, got drunk off of debt and so did all of his pals and donors. Just look at the Green Industry and all the failed taxpayer backed businesses.

Also, how many bankers went to prison for their role in this economic recession?

The debt level is high because middle class wages are stagnant.
Hillary Supporters can't even find N. Korea on a map.

People know exactly why they vote for Trump and unlike the bs lies reject Newton claims the American people voted for Trump and we didn't need to CHEAT unlike the loser Clinton who cheated, lied, scam beyond believe and the dumb bitch still couldn't win.

‘That’s still Siberia’: New Yorkers try to locate North Korea

Hillary Voters Can’t Find NKorea On Map

You post a link from Russian propaganda site?
Hillary Supporters can't even find N. Korea on a map.

People know exactly why they vote for Trump and unlike the bs lies reject Newton claims the American people voted for Trump and we didn't need to CHEAT unlike the loser Clinton who cheated, lied, scam beyond believe and the dumb bitch still couldn't win.

‘That’s still Siberia’: New Yorkers try to locate North Korea

Hillary Voters Can’t Find NKorea On Map

You post a link from Russian propaganda site?

No your just dumb enough to think that's what it is. Guess you are one of Obama's good little obeyers .
Hillary Supporters can't even find N. Korea on a map.

People know exactly why they vote for Trump and unlike the bs lies reject Newton claims the American people voted for Trump and we didn't need to CHEAT unlike the loser Clinton who cheated, lied, scam beyond believe and the dumb bitch still couldn't win.

‘That’s still Siberia’: New Yorkers try to locate North Korea

Hillary Voters Can’t Find NKorea On Map

You post a link from Russian propaganda site?

No your just dumb enough to think that's what it is. Guess you are one of Obama's good little obeyers .

Here's something for you. Well written and factual.

What Is Russia Today?
Brook Baldwin is doing a two part special where she sits down with Trump supporters and ask them questions about their opinions about the job he has done. All of them placed most blame on Congress

The buck must never stop at Trump :rolleyes:

Dumb inbreds...

He is sitting there ready to sign a healthcare bill...the Senate hasn't passed ain't on him. Dittos just about everything else....
Hillary Supporters can't even find N. Korea on a map.

People know exactly why they vote for Trump and unlike the bs lies reject Newton claims the American people voted for Trump and we didn't need to CHEAT unlike the loser Clinton who cheated, lied, scam beyond believe and the dumb bitch still couldn't win.

‘That’s still Siberia’: New Yorkers try to locate North Korea

Hillary Voters Can’t Find NKorea On Map

You post a link from Russian propaganda site?

No your just dumb enough to think that's what it is. Guess you are one of Obama's good little obeyers .

Here's something for you. Well written and factual.

What Is Russia Today?

Here's the sources you leftist believe tell the truth notice you all refer to the same sources including Obama, and Including Clinton Notice how much bigger the leftist CONTROLLED msm is. that dictate what they want their leftist sheep to believe.

Hillary Supporters can't even find N. Korea on a map.

People know exactly why they vote for Trump and unlike the bs lies reject Newton claims the American people voted for Trump and we didn't need to CHEAT unlike the loser Clinton who cheated, lied, scam beyond believe and the dumb bitch still couldn't win.

‘That’s still Siberia’: New Yorkers try to locate North Korea

Hillary Voters Can’t Find NKorea On Map

You post a link from Russian propaganda site?

No your just dumb enough to think that's what it is. Guess you are one of Obama's good little obeyers .

Here's something for you. Well written and factual.

What Is Russia Today?

Here's the sources you leftist believe tell the truth notice you all refer to the same sources including Obama, and Including Clinton Notice how much bigger the leftist CONTROLLED msm is. that dictate what they want their leftist sheep to believe.

View attachment 143029

You didn't read the link, did you.

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