watching democrats in congress grandstanding because a train crashed makes me want to vomit

Maybe you could just wretch for a while..........heave a little each time till it hurts............
have any of us ever driven by an horrific car accident, and the first thing that came to mind was " we need more funding".
Only if low of beer funds.......
how about the nepal earthquakes? lack of funds too?
The Great Depression.........lack of funds?
I am pretty sure that when that led zepplin crashed to the ground, it was a lack of funding.
Leonard Skynard.
and where was the left on 9/11? why didnt they scream lack of funding on 9/12?

They still managed to blame Republicans, especially Bush, even though all the planning happened on Clinton's watch.
if they knew of 9/11 coming, why didnt they mention it during the 2000 election?

Clinton wanted it to be a surprise since a Republican won the WH.
just give it a few weeks, sooner or later, Sharpton,Jackson Lee,Waters will blame slavery on lack of funds.
Duh dupes- doesn't change the fact our infrastructure has gone to hell under Reaganism, along with the non rich. see sig. Change the channel, functional morons...
Shaking fingers and pointing at other congressmen while they proclaim "we are responsible for not protecting those passengers on Amtrak"

Two things.....


2. Where was your outrage yesterday before the crash?

George Bush winning back to back elections. Yah. had to be lack of funding being they couldnt find any fraudulent votes.
Pretty damn low. Bodies are still warm. Next it'll be because of 'Racism' and of course DA BOOOOOSH's fault.
Duh dupes- doesn't change the fact our infrastructure has gone to hell under Reaganism, along with the non rich. see sig. Change the channel, functional morons...

Why isn't your Dear Leader spending more on it? Not like he cares about the several $Trillion in Debt he's left future generations to suffer with. Why not spend more? And he does have a pen, no?
Duh dupes- doesn't change the fact our infrastructure has gone to hell under Reaganism, along with the non rich. see sig. Change the channel, functional morons...

We've traded in the "it's Bush's fault" slogan for "it's Reagans fault"

It's not like we've had TWO, two term democrats since then huh?
They were silently wishing more people were killed in it.

you know that saying: the more the merrier and the more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for THIER AGANDA
They were silently wishing more people were killed in it.

you know that saying: the more the merrier and the more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for THIER AGANDA

Liar. No one is wishing for more deaths. You are one hate filled witch.
Duh dupes- doesn't change the fact our infrastructure has gone to hell under Reaganism, along with the non rich. see sig. Change the channel, functional morons...
Reagan is to blame? You stupid liberals need guardians to function in life. No wonder you demand a mommy government.
Our infrastructure is just peachy fine. Run with that.
Prove that it isn't.

Do NOT cite government investigative sources. People who benefit from getting more money should NOT be the people who inspect their own job security.
Dear Leader already STOLE almost a Trillion dollars from us and all we got to show for it was these lovely signs.

but here they are again. I think they should ask for a trillion for each dead body. hey, their voters will fall for it. so why not
This thread is more proof that cons are out to destroy American infrastructure. That derailment is costing the economy $100 million a day in lost productivity.

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