Waterboarding Kids

You know we are entering the realm of pussification when waterboarding is classified as torture. When I was like 5-6 years old my mother would wash my hair in the kitchen sink. Why? Who the fuck knows? I am lucky to have made it out of my childhood alive. The procedure was for me to lie on my back with my head tilted back into the sink and a towel over my face do I would not get water in my eyes. Mom would shampoo my head, rinse, shampoo a second time, then rinse again. The whole time my face was covered with a towel.

Now, my family are not angels. Our parents loved and provided for us and us kids loved our parents. But mom and dad did like to imbibe in the spirits. So mom and dad are routinely soused, mom in the kitchen washing my hair and dad in the living room watching tv or reading the newspaper. Mom is distracted because she pissed at dad about something and they are shouting a conversation back and forth. Meanwhile, mom has the sink's water hose inadvertently spaying gobs of water in my face through the towel on my face. As I express unhappiness with my circumstances I am told to "shut the hell up and sit still". In other words, I just had to lie there and take it. It's just fucking water, afterall.

I hated having my hair washed. It was horror. Now I know that it was officially torture. Obviously it was not to the level of CIA administered waterboarding, but it still sucked. Just for the record, I never did this to my kids. In fact, I consciously stay away from most all of my parents' child rearing tactics. If anything I spoil my kids.

No, I do not support waterboarding kids. However, I do support waterboarding enemy combatants. Waterboarding is not dangerous. In fact, it is a very effective interrogation technique that can be done repeatedly without causing harm.

Waterboarding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Obviously it was not to the level of CIA administered waterboarding, but it still sucked.".

Have you ever REALLY been waterboarded? I doubt it, because your, as you called her "soused up mother" didn't try to make you feel like you would really drown. Having a towel over your eyes is much different than having it pulled over your whole face while they pour water into your mouth and nose.

Waterboarding is considered a war crime because it was outlawed under the Geneva Conventions.

Additionally, you do know that torture is the LEAST effective method of gaining intelligence, right?

If you had served in the military, you would know those things.
Don't be a c*nt. It is well known and accepted that coercion, even tortuous coercion, leads to information that is false. I still think we ought to waterboard terrorists though, just for the fuck of it and because they are sub-human vermin.

Look, pal, being in the military does not give you any special voice in this convo. Special perspective, maybe. But special opinion? Nope.

You even said in your post that you think that "tortourous coercion, leads to information that is false", and that basically means that torture doesn't work.

However, you support torture "just for the fuck of it and because they are sub human vermin".

On that statement alone, it shows that you never served in the military, or if you did, you didn't make it very far.
You know we are entering the realm of pussification when waterboarding is classified as torture. When I was like 5-6 years old my mother would wash my hair in the kitchen sink. Why? Who the fuck knows? I am lucky to have made it out of my childhood alive. The procedure was for me to lie on my back with my head tilted back into the sink and a towel over my face do I would not get water in my eyes. Mom would shampoo my head, rinse, shampoo a second time, then rinse again. The whole time my face was covered with a towel.

Now, my family are not angels. Our parents loved and provided for us and us kids loved our parents. But mom and dad did like to imbibe in the spirits. So mom and dad are routinely soused, mom in the kitchen washing my hair and dad in the living room watching tv or reading the newspaper. Mom is distracted because she pissed at dad about something and they are shouting a conversation back and forth. Meanwhile, mom has the sink's water hose inadvertently spaying gobs of water in my face through the towel on my face. As I express unhappiness with my circumstances I am told to "shut the hell up and sit still". In other words, I just had to lie there and take it. It's just fucking water, afterall.

I hated having my hair washed. It was horror. Now I know that it was officially torture. Obviously it was not to the level of CIA administered waterboarding, but it still sucked. Just for the record, I never did this to my kids. In fact, I consciously stay away from most all of my parents' child rearing tactics. If anything I spoil my kids.

No, I do not support waterboarding kids. However, I do support waterboarding enemy combatants. Waterboarding is not dangerous. In fact, it is a very effective interrogation technique that can be done repeatedly without causing harm.

Waterboarding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Obviously it was not to the level of CIA administered waterboarding, but it still sucked.".

Have you ever REALLY been waterboarded? I doubt it, because your, as you called her "soused up mother" didn't try to make you feel like you would really drown. Having a towel over your eyes is much different than having it pulled over your whole face while they pour water into your mouth and nose.

Waterboarding is considered a war crime because it was outlawed under the Geneva Conventions.

Additionally, you do know that torture is the LEAST effective method of gaining intelligence, right?

If you had served in the military, you would know those things.
Don't be a c*nt. It is well known and accepted that coercion, even tortuous coercion, leads to information that is false. I still think we ought to waterboard terrorists though, just for the fuck of it and because they are sub-human vermin.

Look, pal, being in the military does not give you any special voice in this convo. Special perspective, maybe. But special opinion? Nope.

You even said in your post that you think that "tortourous coercion, leads to information that is false", and that basically means that torture doesn't work.

However, you support torture "just for the fuck of it and because they are sub human vermin".

On that statement alone, it shows that you never served in the military, or if you did, you didn't make it very far.
I'm saying that you don't know what you are talking about and are just parroting the talking points that you have been given from your own news source (which is probably FAUX Nooze).

And, I also stated that you have never served in the military, because if you had, you would understand how much bullshit your post had.
I'm saying that you don't know what you are talking about and are just parroting the talking points that you have been given from your own news source (which is probably FAUX Nooze).

And, I also stated that you have never served in the military, because if you had, you would understand how much bullshit your post had.
I don't think that military service (aka, social welfare for those young people who do not go to college) is a prerequisite for assessing torture and interrogation techniques.

What is your special qualification for your assessment? Pushing pencils filling out forms does not put you in much of a position for anything.
I'm saying that you don't know what you are talking about and are just parroting the talking points that you have been given from your own news source (which is probably FAUX Nooze).

And, I also stated that you have never served in the military, because if you had, you would understand how much bullshit your post had.
I don't think that military service (aka, social welfare for those young people who do not go to college) is a prerequisite for assessing torture and interrogation techniques.

What is your special qualification for your assessment? Pushing pencils filling out forms does not put you in much of a position for anything.

Actually, many young people DO go into the military so that they can get a degree. Many programs exist to help them with that, PACE is one of the many.

And no, military service is not a prerequisite for torture techniques, however, we do know what it is, as we have many classes on a regular basis to illustrate what it is.

What is my special qualification for my assessment? 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and also because I have served on many special teams.

What are your qualifications?

"You know we are entering the realm of pussification when waterboarding is classified as torture."


We are entering the realm of obeying the law, guided by logic and reason, not fear and ignorance – where it's correctly understood that information obtained via torture is unreliable, and serves only to make our enemies stronger.

Indeed, it takes great courage to reject the temptation of torture.

That many on the right are advocates of torture and lawlessness comes as no surprise.
I'm saying that you don't know what you are talking about and are just parroting the talking points that you have been given from your own news source (which is probably FAUX Nooze).

And, I also stated that you have never served in the military, because if you had, you would understand how much bullshit your post had.
I don't think that military service (aka, social welfare for those young people who do not go to college) is a prerequisite for assessing torture and interrogation techniques.

What is your special qualification for your assessment? Pushing pencils filling out forms does not put you in much of a position for anything.

Social welfare? Yeah, signing up for brutal training, insane hours, and very low pay, while offering to die for your country is "social welfare". lmao
I'm saying that you don't know what you are talking about and are just parroting the talking points that you have been given from your own news source (which is probably FAUX Nooze).

And, I also stated that you have never served in the military, because if you had, you would understand how much bullshit your post had.
I don't think that military service (aka, social welfare for those young people who do not go to college) is a prerequisite for assessing torture and interrogation techniques.

What is your special qualification for your assessment? Pushing pencils filling out forms does not put you in much of a position for anything.

Actually, many young people DO go into the military so that they can get a degree. Many programs exist to help them with that, PACE is one of the many.

And no, military service is not a prerequisite for torture techniques, however, we do know what it is, as we have many classes on a regular basis to illustrate what it is.

What is my special qualification for my assessment? 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and also because I have served on many special teams.

What are your qualifications?
Sitting on your ass as a fucking squid qualifies you for nothing but hard drinking and ass fucking, you knob. Grow up.

"You know we are entering the realm of pussification when waterboarding is classified as torture."


We are entering the realm of obeying the law, guided by logic and reason, not fear and ignorance – where it's correctly understood that information obtained via torture is unreliable, and serves only to make our enemies stronger.

Indeed, it takes great courage to reject the temptation of torture.

That many on the right are advocates of torture and lawlessness comes as no surprise.
Clayton, you are a fag. A pure fag, through and through. If you were in a foxhole with others your dumb ass would be fucked by a bayonet and thrown out because you clearly have no regard for anyone but yourself and your dishonest leftist ethos, thereby making yourself a threat to the survival of the whole.
You know we are entering the realm of pussification when waterboarding is classified as torture. When I was like 5-6 years old my mother would wash my hair in the kitchen sink. Why? Who the fuck knows? I am lucky to have made it out of my childhood alive. The procedure was for me to lie on my back with my head tilted back into the sink and a towel over my face do I would not get water in my eyes. Mom would shampoo my head, rinse, shampoo a second time, then rinse again. The whole time my face was covered with a towel.

Now, my family are not angels. Our parents loved and provided for us and us kids loved our parents. But mom and dad did like to imbibe in the spirits. So mom and dad are routinely soused, mom in the kitchen washing my hair and dad in the living room watching tv or reading the newspaper. Mom is distracted because she pissed at dad about something and they are shouting a conversation back and forth. Meanwhile, mom has the sink's water hose inadvertently spaying gobs of water in my face through the towel on my face. As I express unhappiness with my circumstances I am told to "shut the hell up and sit still". In other words, I just had to lie there and take it. It's just fucking water, afterall.

I hated having my hair washed. It was horror. Now I know that it was officially torture. Obviously it was not to the level of CIA administered waterboarding, but it still sucked. Just for the record, I never did this to my kids. In fact, I consciously stay away from most all of my parents' child rearing tactics. If anything I spoil my kids.

No, I do not support waterboarding kids. However, I do support waterboarding enemy combatants. Waterboarding is not dangerous. In fact, it is a very effective interrogation technique that can be done repeatedly without causing harm.

Waterboarding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If I would have been your Mama, darling I would have taken you into the woodshed....FORGET ABOUT Waterboarding....woodshed!


we didnt have a wood shed

dad would make you cut your own stick

it had to be just right or he would send you out for another

I'm saying that you don't know what you are talking about and are just parroting the talking points that you have been given from your own news source (which is probably FAUX Nooze).

And, I also stated that you have never served in the military, because if you had, you would understand how much bullshit your post had.
I don't think that military service (aka, social welfare for those young people who do not go to college) is a prerequisite for assessing torture and interrogation techniques.

What is your special qualification for your assessment? Pushing pencils filling out forms does not put you in much of a position for anything.

Social welfare? Yeah, signing up for brutal training, insane hours, and very low pay, while offering to die for your country is "social welfare". lmao
Today's military is not what it used to be. I know people who went through basic at Paris Island 50 years ago. Today when a recruit arrives at Paris Island they receive a fruit basic and stress relieving foot massage (by comparison).

You are out of your element here, Winter. Go suck your partner's toes or something.

edit: fruit basket
I'm saying that you don't know what you are talking about and are just parroting the talking points that you have been given from your own news source (which is probably FAUX Nooze).

And, I also stated that you have never served in the military, because if you had, you would understand how much bullshit your post had.
I don't think that military service (aka, social welfare for those young people who do not go to college) is a prerequisite for assessing torture and interrogation techniques.

What is your special qualification for your assessment? Pushing pencils filling out forms does not put you in much of a position for anything.

Social welfare? Yeah, signing up for brutal training, insane hours, and very low pay, while offering to die for your country is "social welfare". lmao
Today's military is not what it used to be. I know people who went through basic at Paris Island 50 years ago. Today when a recruit arrives at Paris Island they receive a fruit basic and stress relieving foot massage (by comparison).

You are out of your element here, Winter. Go suck your partner's toes or something.

edit: fruit basket

I never claimed basic training was tougher than it used to be. Just that it was tough. Military life is far tougher than almost any civilian equivalent. And there is always a very real chance that you can be killed for your underpaid service.
You know we are entering the realm of pussification when waterboarding is classified as torture. When I was like 5-6 years old my mother would wash my hair in the kitchen sink. Why? Who the fuck knows? I am lucky to have made it out of my childhood alive. The procedure was for me to lie on my back with my head tilted back into the sink and a towel over my face do I would not get water in my eyes. Mom would shampoo my head, rinse, shampoo a second time, then rinse again. The whole time my face was covered with a towel.

Now, my family are not angels. Our parents loved and provided for us and us kids loved our parents. But mom and dad did like to imbibe in the spirits. So mom and dad are routinely soused, mom in the kitchen washing my hair and dad in the living room watching tv or reading the newspaper. Mom is distracted because she pissed at dad about something and they are shouting a conversation back and forth. Meanwhile, mom has the sink's water hose inadvertently spaying gobs of water in my face through the towel on my face. As I express unhappiness with my circumstances I am told to "shut the hell up and sit still". In other words, I just had to lie there and take it. It's just fucking water, afterall.

I hated having my hair washed. It was horror. Now I know that it was officially torture. Obviously it was not to the level of CIA administered waterboarding, but it still sucked. Just for the record, I never did this to my kids. In fact, I consciously stay away from most all of my parents' child rearing tactics. If anything I spoil my kids.

No, I do not support waterboarding kids. However, I do support waterboarding enemy combatants. Waterboarding is not dangerous. In fact, it is a very effective interrogation technique that can be done repeatedly without causing harm.

Waterboarding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trump is for the torture of terrorists. He says that if they can bomb US Citizens - behead and torture American Captives......we should be able to torture them.

Something worth thinking about.

The bible says an "Eye for and eye" - Does the Koran?

Shadow 355
You know we are entering the realm of pussification when waterboarding is classified as torture. When I was like 5-6 years old my mother would wash my hair in the kitchen sink. Why? Who the fuck knows? I am lucky to have made it out of my childhood alive. The procedure was for me to lie on my back with my head tilted back into the sink and a towel over my face do I would not get water in my eyes. Mom would shampoo my head, rinse, shampoo a second time, then rinse again. The whole time my face was covered with a towel.

Now, my family are not angels. Our parents loved and provided for us and us kids loved our parents. But mom and dad did like to imbibe in the spirits. So mom and dad are routinely soused, mom in the kitchen washing my hair and dad in the living room watching tv or reading the newspaper. Mom is distracted because she pissed at dad about something and they are shouting a conversation back and forth. Meanwhile, mom has the sink's water hose inadvertently spaying gobs of water in my face through the towel on my face. As I express unhappiness with my circumstances I am told to "shut the hell up and sit still". In other words, I just had to lie there and take it. It's just fucking water, afterall.

I hated having my hair washed. It was horror. Now I know that it was officially torture. Obviously it was not to the level of CIA administered waterboarding, but it still sucked. Just for the record, I never did this to my kids. In fact, I consciously stay away from most all of my parents' child rearing tactics. If anything I spoil my kids.

No, I do not support waterboarding kids. However, I do support waterboarding enemy combatants. Waterboarding is not dangerous. In fact, it is a very effective interrogation technique that can be done repeatedly without causing harm.

Waterboarding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trump is for the torture of terrorists. He says that if they can bomb US Citizens - behead and torture American Captives......we should be able to torture them.

Something worth thinking about.

The bible says an "Eye for and eye" - Does the Koran?

Shadow 355
Right on. That is how deterrence works. You hurt one of ours then we hurt 10 of yours.
You know we are entering the realm of pussification when waterboarding is classified as torture. When I was like 5-6 years old my mother would wash my hair in the kitchen sink. Why? Who the fuck knows? I am lucky to have made it out of my childhood alive. The procedure was for me to lie on my back with my head tilted back into the sink and a towel over my face do I would not get water in my eyes. Mom would shampoo my head, rinse, shampoo a second time, then rinse again. The whole time my face was covered with a towel.

Now, my family are not angels. Our parents loved and provided for us and us kids loved our parents. But mom and dad did like to imbibe in the spirits. So mom and dad are routinely soused, mom in the kitchen washing my hair and dad in the living room watching tv or reading the newspaper. Mom is distracted because she pissed at dad about something and they are shouting a conversation back and forth. Meanwhile, mom has the sink's water hose inadvertently spaying gobs of water in my face through the towel on my face. As I express unhappiness with my circumstances I am told to "shut the hell up and sit still". In other words, I just had to lie there and take it. It's just fucking water, afterall.

I hated having my hair washed. It was horror. Now I know that it was officially torture. Obviously it was not to the level of CIA administered waterboarding, but it still sucked. Just for the record, I never did this to my kids. In fact, I consciously stay away from most all of my parents' child rearing tactics. If anything I spoil my kids.

No, I do not support waterboarding kids. However, I do support waterboarding enemy combatants. Waterboarding is not dangerous. In fact, it is a very effective interrogation technique that can be done repeatedly without causing harm.

Waterboarding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trump is for the torture of terrorists. He says that if they can bomb US Citizens - behead and torture American Captives......we should be able to torture them.

Something worth thinking about.

The bible says an "Eye for and eye" - Does the Koran?

Shadow 355

The Old Testament advocates an eye for an eye. The New Testament revokes that by saying turn the other cheek.
Too bad a lot of Christians don't know the true meaning of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

It's something that the Jews came up with, and in their beliefs, if you injured someone who made their living with their eyes, you were to pay them the income that they lost by having been injured by you for the rest of their life.

Ask a rabbi sometime what that means, you'll get a much different answer than what you would expect.

If the human race were to follow the Christian interpretation of that saying, then the whole world would end up toothless and blind.
Too bad a lot of Christians don't know the true meaning of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

It's something that the Jews came up with, and in their beliefs, if you injured someone who made their living with their eyes, you were to pay them the income that they lost by having been injured by you for the rest of their life.

Ask a rabbi sometime what that means, you'll get a much different answer than what you would expect.

If the human race were to follow the Christian interpretation of that saying, then the whole world would end up toothless and blind.

Since the Christian version of anything would include the New Testament, no one strike back.

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