We are ALL in this together.....


Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2015
so please keep any differences to other forums. This is about how we as a people, can help each other thru this crisis and not about pointing fingers. There are plenty of other threads for that.

Do you have any suggestions, thoughts or ideas that may help someone else manage in the face of empty store shelves, quarantines, lock downs , loss of jobs or school and whatever yet may come from this craziness???

Anyone being faced with unexpected challenges have any questions that someone may have an answer for???

Let's open civil discussion about the realities of our basic needs and how to get around any shortages with possible alternatives.

A few things come to mind right off, as it seems to be some of the biggest issues...….empty store shelves. Food, water & paper products.

1. This is early spring and a good time to find out about and get some supplies for gardening. Even those in apartments or HOA's can put a few plants in pots to grow inside. May not be much, but it's a start. Something, anything that you can do for yourself can help put even some food on your table. Also, the act of caring for those plants, can take your mind off why they're needed.
Anyone in a complex or community can maybe get together and go to your landlord, HOA, or property manager to get permission to use a dedicated common area for gardens, or even chickens or goats. Those property managers or owners are more likely to agree if several of you have sat down to make a plan and come to them in agreement. Though sometimes they'll still say no, but it's worth a try.
Another option, is to get with someone that has a larger piece of property or acreage, that you can offer to help with chores in exchange for.????

2. Water??? Meh, that's a tricky one for sure. But there is always water catchment systems for rainwater, that can be used for pet or animals to drink, though you may need to purify or boil it for human consumption. Same goes for other natural water sources such as lakes, ponds, rivers, & streams.

3. Paper products....remember, once upon a time people used cloth to keep themselves and their environments clean. They were washed & sanitized to be used again.

Anyone else??? Other ideas??? Question???

Come on now, I know we can come together as a community group to help each other out in hard times. Leave your attitudes, arguments, trolling, nitpicking, politics, racism, religion, blaming and plain old butt hurt at the door. :2up:
eating fresh garlic has been shown to help fight infections and boost the immune system ...simply crush a clove peel it and chop it up .then let stand for about 15 to 20 minutes in open air ... i advise all people to look up the anti viral benefits of garlic.
eating fresh garlic has been shown to help fight infections and boost the immune system ...simply crush a clove peel it and chop it up .then let stand for about 15 to 20 minutes in open air ... i advise all people to look up the anti viral benefits of garlic.
AND it's known to ward off vampires. OR your mother-in-law!
Already got guns, ammo and food and water. We went to walmart today to look around and it was chaos.
eating fresh garlic has been shown to help fight infections and boost the immune system ...simply crush a clove peel it and chop it up .then let stand for about 15 to 20 minutes in open air ... i advise all people to look up the anti viral benefits of garlic.

yes, thank you. Garlic has a lot of good benefits.

Here's a link about natural ways of helping improve lung function, that includes raw garlic as well. This may even help with the virus and/or it's effects on the lungs.

eating fresh garlic has been shown to help fight infections and boost the immune system ...simply crush a clove peel it and chop it up .then let stand for about 15 to 20 minutes in open air ... i advise all people to look up the anti viral benefits of garlic.
AND it's known to ward off vampires. OR your mother-in-law!

Then it's a winner if she has the virus
eating fresh garlic has been shown to help fight infections and boost the immune system ...simply crush a clove peel it and chop it up .then let stand for about 15 to 20 minutes in open air ... i advise all people to look up the anti viral benefits of garlic.
AND it's known to ward off vampires. OR your mother-in-law!

Then it's a winner if she has the virus
You should see the TEETH on her!
Already got guns, ammo and food and water. We went to walmart today to look around and it was chaos.

Do you also have any medical supplies should you need them? Or know how to treat basic medical needs? First Aid? CPR?
eating fresh garlic has been shown to help fight infections and boost the immune system ...simply crush a clove peel it and chop it up .then let stand for about 15 to 20 minutes in open air ... i advise all people to look up the anti viral benefits of garlic.
AND it's known to ward off vampires. OR your mother-in-law!

Then it's a winner if she has the virus
You should see the TEETH on her!

So your MIL is a vampire???
so please keep any differences to other forums. This is about how we as a people, can help each other thru this crisis and not about pointing fingers. There are plenty of other threads for that.

Do you have any suggestions, thoughts or ideas that may help someone else manage in the face of empty store shelves, quarantines, lock downs , loss of jobs or school and whatever yet may come from this craziness???

Anyone being faced with unexpected challenges have any questions that someone may have an answer for???

Let's open civil discussion about the realities of our basic needs and how to get around any shortages with possible alternatives.

A few things come to mind right off, as it seems to be some of the biggest issues...….empty store shelves. Food, water & paper products.

1. This is early spring and a good time to find out about and get some supplies for gardening. Even those in apartments or HOA's can put a few plants in pots to grow inside. May not be much, but it's a start. Something, anything that you can do for yourself can help put even some food on your table. Also, the act of caring for those plants, can take your mind off why they're needed.
Anyone in a complex or community can maybe get together and go to your landlord, HOA, or property manager to get permission to use a dedicated common area for gardens, or even chickens or goats. Those property managers or owners are more likely to agree if several of you have sat down to make a plan and come to them in agreement. Though sometimes they'll still say no, but it's worth a try.
Another option, is to get with someone that has a larger piece of property or acreage, that you can offer to help with chores in exchange for.????

2. Water??? Meh, that's a tricky one for sure. But there is always water catchment systems for rainwater, that can be used for pet or animals to drink, though you may need to purify or boil it for human consumption. Same goes for other natural water sources such as lakes, ponds, rivers, & streams.

3. Paper products....remember, once upon a time people used cloth to keep themselves and their environments clean. They were washed & sanitized to be used again.

Anyone else??? Other ideas??? Question???

Come on now, I know we can come together as a community group to help each other out in hard times. Leave your attitudes, arguments, trolling, nitpicking, politics, racism, religion, blaming and plain old butt hurt at the door. :2up:

eating fresh garlic has been shown to help fight infections and boost the immune system ...simply crush a clove peel it and chop it up .then let stand for about 15 to 20 minutes in open air ... i advise all people to look up the anti viral benefits of garlic.
AND it's known to ward off vampires. OR your mother-in-law!

Then it's a winner if she has the virus
You should see the TEETH on her!

So your MIL is a vampire???
I've had my suspicions about her. She's always pale, sickly and never leaves the house during daytime. And she REALLY enjoys her meat rare, VERY rare. With lots of blood, "right off the hoof", as it were.
Peppermint and hibiscus teas ... keep my hands washed ... speak calming words to those concerned ... this too shall pass ...

I'm lost on this toilet paper thing ... a 12-pack might last me a year ... so I have a nine months supply right now ...
and bottled water? ... Corona doesn't transmit through tap water, does it? ... it has to get into the lungs, not the stomach ...
Guns and ammo is a good idea ... and practice your marksmanship ...
eating fresh garlic has been shown to help fight infections and boost the immune system ...simply crush a clove peel it and chop it up .then let stand for about 15 to 20 minutes in open air ... i advise all people to look up the anti viral benefits of garlic.

yes, thank you. Garlic has a lot of good benefits.

Here's a link about natural ways of helping improve lung function, that includes raw garlic as well. This may even help with the virus and/or it's effects on the lungs.


I'm a serious believer in garlic. Unfortunately couldn't find any today. I do have some in a jar though, so I may fall back on that until it can be found again.

About them thar store shelves though --- there were a loooooooooooot of empty spaces as I made my rounds today. I can only guess people are spooked that they're going to be locked down and have started hoarding everything. Still don't see a shortage of toilet paper but general groceries, cleaned out. Prolly because they're city people. Out here in the fields where a grocery trip is a considerable distance we're already used to being stocked up, so outside of the garlic, I may run short on grits and coffee creamer but other than that I did OK. I definitely am not going to run out of cookies.

Trader Joe's tole me they get two trucks a day and their warehouse is rationing them, but the second truck comes at night after closing so the best time to get there is first thing in the AM when they open. I suspect that's a general rule anywhere.
so please keep any differences to other forums. This is about how we as a people, can help each other thru this crisis and not about pointing fingers. There are plenty of other threads for that.

Do you have any suggestions, thoughts or ideas that may help someone else manage in the face of empty store shelves, quarantines, lock downs , loss of jobs or school and whatever yet may come from this craziness???

Anyone being faced with unexpected challenges have any questions that someone may have an answer for???

Let's open civil discussion about the realities of our basic needs and how to get around any shortages with possible alternatives.

A few things come to mind right off, as it seems to be some of the biggest issues...….empty store shelves. Food, water & paper products.

1. This is early spring and a good time to find out about and get some supplies for gardening. Even those in apartments or HOA's can put a few plants in pots to grow inside. May not be much, but it's a start. Something, anything that you can do for yourself can help put even some food on your table. Also, the act of caring for those plants, can take your mind off why they're needed.
Anyone in a complex or community can maybe get together and go to your landlord, HOA, or property manager to get permission to use a dedicated common area for gardens, or even chickens or goats. Those property managers or owners are more likely to agree if several of you have sat down to make a plan and come to them in agreement. Though sometimes they'll still say no, but it's worth a try.
Another option, is to get with someone that has a larger piece of property or acreage, that you can offer to help with chores in exchange for.????

2. Water??? Meh, that's a tricky one for sure. But there is always water catchment systems for rainwater, that can be used for pet or animals to drink, though you may need to purify or boil it for human consumption. Same goes for other natural water sources such as lakes, ponds, rivers, & streams.

3. Paper products....remember, once upon a time people used cloth to keep themselves and their environments clean. They were washed & sanitized to be used again.

Anyone else??? Other ideas??? Question???

Come on now, I know we can come together as a community group to help each other out in hard times. Leave your attitudes, arguments, trolling, nitpicking, politics, racism, religion, blaming and plain old butt hurt at the door. :2up:
Donate to charities helping people who are displaced from their jobs. Look after friends and elderly people who might be hurting financially.
Already got guns, ammo and food and water. We went to walmart today to look around and it was chaos.

Do you also have any medical supplies should you need them? Or know how to treat basic medical needs? First Aid? CPR?
Yes, but if we die, we don't care.

Not necessarily for you. OR what about broken bones? Or if you shoot yer eye out??????
Then I die.

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