Harpy Eagle
family and friends can lose jobs also and i help them when i can
stores can't sell inventory and have to cut profit estimates, or worse, post a loss.
investors take hits, be they professional or simply 401k bound. my own savings has taken a serious beating in the last 18 months where previously i was able to borrow from it as needed to fix things around the house. recently i couldn't do that and took out a loan instead because withdrawing from investments now is stupid. so im in debt i wouldn't have been before, paying interest]
add all this to an already fucked up economy and yes, people notice. add this on top of this admins insane desire to change our entire power system overnight while winning staring contests with statues and it's worse.
these are not good times and i don't know of anyone - ANYONE - saying they don't notice. whether the economy or simply war is around the corner and then what?
if a recession was the ONLY thing happening then i can see your point. but due to the fact it has been brought on by 2 years of bullshit COVID excuses and lies from everywhere possible, no one trusts anything right now.
yes, people notice.
due to our leaders making rules they refuse to follow splitting us in 2 moreso than we were before, it compounds things even more.
yes, people notice.
so i'd say, yes. if you've not noticed, great. but i certainly have and simply don't have the room to move around like i did under trump or any other admin in my lifetime.
Thank you for your answer. That all makes a great deal of sense.