We are officially in a Recession.

It is expected we might see a drop in property values, but not sure that will help with the taxes
well that was expected. i know a few people who rode the tide and were able to sell / buy in good times and use the cash to not have to finance. i've updated my 25 year old house with new windows, floor, bathrooms, kitchen and so forth to where even if i sold it, i'd never find something close to what i built that i wanted.

ride the tide and keep on moving.

taxes are just gonna suck. even moving to the country won't help much cause then you commute back for things you're used to doing to simply change lifestyles completely.

i think about moving back to my high school town and in looking, a house outside of town with a few acres will cost about the same, but be outside of town with some land.

things are definitely changing.
Not to be cold, but really what else matters? I worry about me and mine first and foremost, as I am sure you do as well

Weeellll yeah, first and foremost I have to take care of myself and my own, but I do care about friends and neighbors and the rest of the country. As I'm sure you do too, so I look askance at what's going on and wonder how much debt and trouble are we putting off until tomorrow so we can avoid the fiscal and financial issues we ought to be dealing with today. At a time when even Obama said you don't raise taxes in a recession, the news today is that the democrats in the Senate have a reconciliation bill that will raise taxes. Some say we ain't really in a recession, but I don't think there's any question that we are God Damned close to it and things could get worse going forward. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reported decreases in “private inventory investment, residential fixed investment, federal government spending, state and local government spending, and nonresidential fixed investment.” If investments are going down, that doesn't seem like a good thing for the future IMHO.

And about that gov't spending part: usually you do not tax and spend your way to prosperity. It helps your chances of getting re-elected, but all you're really doing is adding to the debt and paying off your political cronies. Nothing the democrats are doing is going to help economic growth and it ain't going to curb inflation either. The best you can say about it is that at least the democrats didn't get to spend as much as they wanted nor raise taxes as much as they wanted either.

PS: interesting to see if Sen. Sinema agrees with what's been done lately in the Senate.
So. maybe someone here can help me out.

Other than losing a job, what is the biggest hardship for an individual during a recession?

If one does not lose a job and works during the recession, would they even notice it was happening?

This question proves you are beyond help.
The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reported decreases in “private inventory investment, residential fixed investment, federal government spending, state and local government spending, and nonresidential fixed investment.” If investments are going down, that doesn't seem like a good thing for the future IMHO.


So, "private inventory investment" is just a fancy term for the amount of inventory on hand. With all of the supply chain issues it is not totally unexpected to see inventory down. But this also means that companies are not sitting too much unused inventory.

I think we both agree that less federal government spending, state and local government spending is a good thing.

The drop in nonresidential fixed investment is probably the most troubling of all the downward signs.
"Other than losing a job"


Yes, is that too complicated for you?

In the last 3 recessions (not including the COIVD one) we were experiencing negative job growth either months before the start of the recession or the same month it started.

We are not experiencing that now, and while that could change, the fact there is a labor shortage suggest it won't.
Yes, is that too complicated for you?

In the last 3 recessions (not including the COIVD one) we were experiencing negative job growth either months before the start of the recession or the same month it started.

We are not experiencing that now, and while that could change, the fact there is a labor shortage suggest it won't.
There isn't a labor shortage. There's homeless people everywhere who would rather stay high than work.
Yes, is that too complicated for you?

In the last 3 recessions (not including the COIVD one) we were experiencing negative job growth either months before the start of the recession or the same month it started.

We are not experiencing that now, and while that could change, the fact there is a labor shortage suggest it won't.

Spoken like a true heartless, clueless, statist.
So. maybe someone here can help me out.

Other than losing a job, what is the biggest hardship for an individual during a recession?

If one does not lose a job and works during the recession, would they even notice it was happening?
The dollar weakens and ability to spend get harder which lead to layoffs…

So yes people notice and feel it…
The dollar weakens and ability to spend get harder which lead to layoffs…

So yes people notice and feel it…

You said a recession leads to layoffs.

Yet the job creation hasn't slowed down.

When are the layoffs supposed to happen, after the recession is over?
Actually he's right on point. If we're creating 400,000 jobs a month

They aren't being created. These are jobs that were lost because of the lockdowns.

They aren't being created, they are being refilled.

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