We are officially in a Recession.

You said a recession leads to layoffs.

Yet the job creation hasn't slowed down.

When are the layoffs supposed to happen, after the recession is over?
Awww, are you upset that Biden has messed it up more than Trump?

People ain’t working and the growth of the economy is at a negative, so how do you technically layoff someone if they refuse to work?


Now I know you will whine and proclaim none of this is Biden fault and truthfully it isn’t but seeing you guys on the left would blame a Republican, well guess what?

Yep, Biden is to blame for the recession even if he didn’t cause it and it is lazy people like you refusing to work…
They aren't being created. These are jobs that were lost because of the lockdowns.

They aren't being created, they are being refilled.
Shhh, they believe everyone was working when Trump was in office and the lockdowns didn’t put people out of work and the great boom that Biden has had wasn’t because of the economy reopening…

So, "private inventory investment" is just a fancy term for the amount of inventory on hand. With all of the supply chain issues it is not totally unexpected to see inventory down. But this also means that companies are not sitting too much unused inventory.

I think we both agree that less federal government spending, state and local government spending is a good thing.

The drop in nonresidential fixed investment is probably the most troubling of all the downward signs.

If inventory on hand is down then that tells me that the business community is not expecting demand to go up anytime soon, and with the current supply chain issues not expected to improve much for awhile, it could mean another round of higher inflation when demand does pick up. All of which indicates IMHO that the economy may or may not actually be in a no-shit recession, things ain't going so good either. And the current consumer confidence numbers bear that out.

Whether the GDP numbers indicate a recession or not, on thing is crystal clear IMHO: the economy is not doing well and I don't think it's going to get much better. And the way the Fed is raising interest rates does not portend an economic rebound either. Nor does inflation look to be going away, if inventories are low then supply is necessarily low too. Those higher rates means less money flying around, right? [Less borrowing I think.] So that's good, although apparently the gov't is going to spend more money on stuff that may not increase the production of goods and services relative to the extra money going into the economy. IOW: stagflation. Maybe not excessive, but not so good either.
They aren't being created. These are jobs that were lost because of the lockdowns.

They aren't being created, they are being refilled.

Remember, many businesses closed down for good because of the shutdowns. Their jobs are never going to be "refilled", but new businesses open, and create new jobs.
If inventory on hand is down then that tells me that the business community is not expecting demand to go up anytime soon,

Or it means the inventory has been slow getting here, thus depleting their inventory

IMHO: the economy is not doing well and I don't think it's going to get much better.

I agree. It has been weaker than people think for a number of years now. It was being propped up by tax cuts and hugely increased Govt spending.
family and friends can lose jobs also and i help them when i can
stores can't sell inventory and have to cut profit estimates, or worse, post a loss.
investors take hits, be they professional or simply 401k bound. my own savings has taken a serious beating in the last 18 months where previously i was able to borrow from it as needed to fix things around the house. recently i couldn't do that and took out a loan instead because withdrawing from investments now is stupid. so im in debt i wouldn't have been before, paying interest]

add all this to an already fucked up economy and yes, people notice. add this on top of this admins insane desire to change our entire power system overnight while winning staring contests with statues and it's worse.

these are not good times and i don't know of anyone - ANYONE - saying they don't notice. whether the economy or simply war is around the corner and then what?

if a recession was the ONLY thing happening then i can see your point. but due to the fact it has been brought on by 2 years of bullshit COVID excuses and lies from everywhere possible, no one trusts anything right now.

yes, people notice.

due to our leaders making rules they refuse to follow splitting us in 2 moreso than we were before, it compounds things even more.

yes, people notice.

so i'd say, yes. if you've not noticed, great. but i certainly have and simply don't have the room to move around like i did under trump or any other admin in my lifetime.

And yet....this is all part of the plan of the democrats...they just don't want to lose power over it.

When a rich family has a child who is out of control....they cut them off, cut up the credit cards, take their car....

The democrat party thinks the U.S. is a child out of control...they think our wealth and power has been achieved not through hard work, freedom and innovation, but through greed, and cheating...

But....how do you cut off a country?

You do that by destroying them economically...make the country so in debt, so poor, they can't fund the military, they can't compete with other countries, and other more deserving countries, in their eyes...China, Iran.........they can now get ahead because America is out of the way...

So this recession only matters to the democrats in that they might lose control of congress over it...otherwise, they are happy like pigs in slop...
Remember, many businesses closed down for good because of the shutdowns. Their jobs are never going to be "refilled", but new businesses open, and create new jobs.
Again, even if you spin it that way the boom that Biden has seen is because of economies reopening but the issue isn’t really not having enough jobs out there but the ability to get people back to work which is causing the economic slow down…

Many of you in the left can not understand that we might have record amount of jobs but if you can not find people to work then and companies can not earn and spend then you do understand the growth then will revert to a negative.

I bet so many of you will disagree and not realize our economic recession is actually self inflicted!
I noticed the sky is still above us and the ground below our feet.

Yea, thanks to Joe Biden, that ground no longer belongs to us. And for that matter, far fewer airplanes in the air because of Joe Bidens inability to keep the supply of oil up, driving up the cost of flying to being prohibitive for all but the very rich. 9 dollars a gallon for AVGAS is no joke.
Again, even if you spin it that way...
Businesses closing due to shutdowns is not spin.
New businesses being created after the reopening is not spin.

It's fact that new jobs are still being created.
Businesses closing due to shutdowns is not spin.
New businesses being created after the reopening is not spin.

It's fact that new jobs are still being created.
Again, those jobs are just replacing the jobs lost to the Covid Lockdowns and are not new jobs created on top of the old jobs we had.

Also the recession is self inflected because the American public ( most likely like you ) refuse to work which is going to cause a negative growth in the economy which mean another slow down.
Again, those jobs are just replacing the jobs lost to the Covid Lockdowns and are not new jobs created on top of the old jobs we had.

Also the recession is self inflected because the American public ( most likely like you ) refuse to work which is going to cause a negative growth in the economy which mean another slow down.

Yeah......as the analogy given ....... a chair sitting on a water hose, cutting off the flow.....take the chair off, and you don't have new water, you are just releasing the water trapped..........
Many of you in the left can not understand that we might have record amount of jobs but if you can not find people to work then and companies can not earn and spend then you do understand the growth then will revert to a negative.

So all that has to happen is people continue to go back to work, to fill the 400,000 new jobs every month, so businesses can get back to the business of business. And there is no recession, since there are no layoffs.
Yeah......as the analogy given ....... a chair sitting on a water hose, cutting off the flow.....take the chair off, and you don't have new water, you are just releasing the water trapped..........
See so many want to argue new job creation while not discussing loss jobs and if we are in a negative or positive area since the Covid lockdowns.

It is like their argument that Unemployment is low but what they do not state is those that are out of employment and are not looking, so what is the true unemployment number?

The left see four hundred thousand jobs created as a plus factor but how many jobs have those jobs replaced and are we now in the positive or are we still in the negative?

I mean number can be spun to look like we are doing well when we are not…

How many of those jobs pay a living wage and how many of them are part time or seasonal summer jobs that will go away once fall rolls around?
So all that has to happen is people continue to go back to work, to fill the 400,000 new jobs every month, so businesses can get back to the business of business. And there is no recession, since there are no layoffs.
As I wrote the recession is self inflected this time around and also you use a number you have yet to break down and explain what type of jobs are being created…
Yeah......as the analogy given ....... a chair sitting on a water hose, cutting off the flow.....take the chair off, and you don't have new water, you are just releasing the water trapped..........
Actually the analogy, is a chair sitting on a water hose.
The hose bursts. The water is that hose disappears.
You go to the hardware store and get a new hose.
The water coming out of the new hose, is new water.
As I wrote the recession is self inflected this time around and also you use a number you have yet to break down and explain what type of jobs are being created…
You can look up the breakdown for yourself.
Get back to us, where the jobs are being created.
Joe Potatohead announced another filthy ass spending bill today.

We are in a recession, $30 trillion in debt and massive inflation and the sonofabitch wants to spend more government money? How fucking stupid is that? That guy is an idiot.

It is mostly wasted money for the stupid Environmental Wacko useless Green New Deals with a little prescription drug cost reducing items thrown in as crumbs.

Anybody that voted for Potatohead is an idiot.

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