We have known this all the time, Red states are the welfare states in this country.


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
This is no mystery to the people who get their media from something other then Fox Crap News and Rush fatty. From politifacts. which are the poorest county's in this country
So how did the data turn out?

For median income, we found that 95 of the 100 poorest counties were located in red states. Here are the 10 poorest, all of them in red states:

1. Owsley County, Ky.

2. Jefferson County, Miss.

3. Wolfe County, Ky.

4. Brooks County, Texas

5. McCreary County, Ky.

6. Hudspeth County, Texas

7. Hancock County, Tenn.

8. Jackson County, Ky.

9. Clay County, Ky.

10. Holmes County, Miss.

For percentage of residents in poverty, we found that 93 of the 100 poorest counties were in red states.

Here are the 10 with the highest poverty rates, all of them in red states:

1. Shannon County, S.D.

2. Clay County, Ga.

3. East Carroll Parish, La.

4. Sioux County, N.D.

5. Todd County, S.D.

6. Hudspeth County, Texas

7. Holmes County, Miss.

8. Corson County, S.D.

9. Wolfe County, Ky.

10. Humphreys County, Miss.

Politifacts looked at the comment that 97% of the poorest counties in this country are red county's . They said it was true. true true.

Are 97 of the nation's 100 poorest counties in red states?
This is no mystery to the people who get their media from something other then Fox Crap News and Rush fatty. From politifacts. which are the poorest county's in this country
So how did the data turn out?

For median income, we found that 95 of the 100 poorest counties were located in red states. Here are the 10 poorest, all of them in red states:

1. Owsley County, Ky.

2. Jefferson County, Miss.

3. Wolfe County, Ky.

4. Brooks County, Texas

5. McCreary County, Ky.

6. Hudspeth County, Texas

7. Hancock County, Tenn.

8. Jackson County, Ky.

9. Clay County, Ky.

10. Holmes County, Miss.

For percentage of residents in poverty, we found that 93 of the 100 poorest counties were in red states.

Here are the 10 with the highest poverty rates, all of them in red states:

1. Shannon County, S.D.

2. Clay County, Ga.

3. East Carroll Parish, La.

4. Sioux County, N.D.

5. Todd County, S.D.

6. Hudspeth County, Texas

7. Holmes County, Miss.

8. Corson County, S.D.

9. Wolfe County, Ky.

10. Humphreys County, Miss.

Politifacts looked at the comment that 97% of the poorest counties in this country are red county's . They said it was true. true true.

Are 97 of the nation's 100 poorest counties in red states?

Hmm, kinda throws a screwball into the liberal narrative that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. Sorry sport, can’t have it both ways.
Yup there is little comparison , red states of course are the biggest welfare queens. FRom Business insider--
"Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let's go through the top twenty.

  • New Mexico: $2.03
  • Mississippi: $2.02
  • Alaska: $1.84
  • Louisiana: $1.78
  • West Virginia: $1.76
  • North Dakota: $1.68
  • Alabama: $1.66
  • South Dakota: $1.53
  • Kentucky: $1.51
  • Virginia: $1.51
  • Montana: $1.47
  • Hawaii: $1.44
    • Maine: $1.41
    • Arkansas: $1.41
    • Oklahoma: $1.36
    • South Carolina: $1.35
    • Missouri: $1.32
    • Maryland: $1.30
    • Tennessee: $1.27
    • Idaho: $1.21"
    This number represents the amount these states take in compared to what they pay out in taxes to the federal government. Pay in is set at $1.00
"Where can we find liberal bastions California, New York, and Massachusetts? California is 43rd, getting back only $0.78 for every dollar it sends to Washington. New York is 42nd, and one penny better off, at $0.79 per dollar. Massachusetts is 40th, receiving $0.82 for every dollar it sends to DC.
Red States Are Welfare Queens"
There is no comparison ,red states make up almost the total amount of welfare states.
This is no mystery to the people who get their media from something other then Fox Crap News and Rush fatty. From politifacts. which are the poorest county's in this country
So how did the data turn out?

For median income, we found that 95 of the 100 poorest counties were located in red states. Here are the 10 poorest, all of them in red states:

1. Owsley County, Ky.

2. Jefferson County, Miss.

3. Wolfe County, Ky.

4. Brooks County, Texas

5. McCreary County, Ky.

6. Hudspeth County, Texas

7. Hancock County, Tenn.

8. Jackson County, Ky.

9. Clay County, Ky.

10. Holmes County, Miss.

For percentage of residents in poverty, we found that 93 of the 100 poorest counties were in red states.

Here are the 10 with the highest poverty rates, all of them in red states:

1. Shannon County, S.D.

2. Clay County, Ga.

3. East Carroll Parish, La.

4. Sioux County, N.D.

5. Todd County, S.D.

6. Hudspeth County, Texas

7. Holmes County, Miss.

8. Corson County, S.D.

9. Wolfe County, Ky.

10. Humphreys County, Miss.

Politifacts looked at the comment that 97% of the poorest counties in this country are red county's . They said it was true. true true.

Are 97 of the nation's 100 poorest counties in red states?

Hmm, kinda throws a screwball into the liberal narrative that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. Sorry sport, can’t have it both ways.
No what it shows is how stupid the right is voting against their own best interest. These poor people are sucked in by the hate that your party sells all the time with these endless lists of who they hate and who or look down on. Their hate list is non stop.
Tell me what party would support the budget bill that takes trillions from the people in need and literally give it to the wealthy and the military industrial complex. So since no democrats voted for this bill, that means they don't want to hand it all over to the wealthy. So lets put it this way, scummy wealthy support the right because they like the bill that the right just passed. Their politicians are doing what they are told. Now a wealthy democrat , what does that mean, well it says he is not a scumbag like the wealthy right but understand that there are needy in this country that need to be helped and they are showing they are willing simply by the fact that they apose the hate party policy of giving everything to the wealthy. and are will to pay the taxes needed to support the old and sick and poor in this country, something you aren't willing to do. Because the right generally hates the poor. don't they?
You fucking leftardz are always accusing republicans of only looking after the rich. No you have a problem with them doing more than the blue States do to help the poor?
Hmm, kinda throws a screwball into the liberal narrative that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. Sorry sport, can’t have it both ways.

It's the party of people voting against their own interest. Has been for some time now.
No what it shows is how stupid the right is voting against their own best interest. These poor people are sucked in by the hate that your party sells all the time with these endless lists of who they hate and who or look down on. Their hate list is non stop.

Besides the OP, that is by far the most ridiculous post in this thread. What a waste of space. I just brought up the OP's link.....it's.....POLITIFACT!! :rofl:The link doesn't prove that most of the welfare goes to Red States as the OP seems to suggest. They are just rural and in those areas, income is much less than in areas such as NY and LA. Also, in rural areas, goods and services cost less. Bottom line, POLITFACT has proven once again that their name is an oxymoron. What's really funny is what the last line in the article reads: "The statement is accurate but needs clarification or additional information, so we rate it Mostly True." Now boys and girls.....How can a statement be accurate when there is not enough support? You libbies are such sheep...Baaaa Baaa

This is no mystery to the people who get their media from something other then Fox Crap News and Rush fatty. From politifacts. which are the poorest county's in this country
So how did the data turn out?

For median income, we found that 95 of the 100 poorest counties were located in red states. Here are the 10 poorest, all of them in red states:

1. Owsley County, Ky.

2. Jefferson County, Miss.

3. Wolfe County, Ky.

4. Brooks County, Texas

5. McCreary County, Ky.

6. Hudspeth County, Texas

7. Hancock County, Tenn.

8. Jackson County, Ky.

9. Clay County, Ky.

10. Holmes County, Miss.

For percentage of residents in poverty, we found that 93 of the 100 poorest counties were in red states.

Here are the 10 with the highest poverty rates, all of them in red states:

1. Shannon County, S.D.

2. Clay County, Ga.

3. East Carroll Parish, La.

4. Sioux County, N.D.

5. Todd County, S.D.

6. Hudspeth County, Texas

7. Holmes County, Miss.

8. Corson County, S.D.

9. Wolfe County, Ky.

10. Humphreys County, Miss.

Politifacts looked at the comment that 97% of the poorest counties in this country are red county's . They said it was true. true true.

Are 97 of the nation's 100 poorest counties in red states?

Jeesh you're fucking stupid. Lets look at one of those counties, Shannon County (I happen to know it well) is now known as Oglala Lakota County BECAUSE IT IS the PINE RIDGE INDIAN RESERVATION.

Most of those "poor" counties aren't. They are major military bases. That's the problem with you clowns, you look at the money that goes to the counties and think they are welfare. They are mainly going to FEDERAL MILITARY BASES. Get a clue.
Yup there is little comparison , red states of course are the biggest welfare queens. FRom Business insider--
"Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let's go through the top twenty.

  • New Mexico: $2.03
  • Mississippi: $2.02
  • Alaska: $1.84
  • Louisiana: $1.78
  • West Virginia: $1.76
  • North Dakota: $1.68
  • Alabama: $1.66
  • South Dakota: $1.53
  • Kentucky: $1.51
  • Virginia: $1.51
  • Montana: $1.47
  • Hawaii: $1.44
    • Maine: $1.41
    • Arkansas: $1.41
    • Oklahoma: $1.36
    • South Carolina: $1.35
    • Missouri: $1.32
    • Maryland: $1.30
    • Tennessee: $1.27
    • Idaho: $1.21"
    This number represents the amount these states take in compared to what they pay out in taxes to the federal government. Pay in is set at $1.00
"Where can we find liberal bastions California, New York, and Massachusetts? California is 43rd, getting back only $0.78 for every dollar it sends to Washington. New York is 42nd, and one penny better off, at $0.79 per dollar. Massachusetts is 40th, receiving $0.82 for every dollar it sends to DC.
Red States Are Welfare Queens"
There is no comparison ,red states make up almost the total amount of welfare states.

This is so entirely stupid. All it does is put on display the lack of analytical skills and critical thinking by those who push it. The amount of Federal money to support Highways and other infrastructure is NOT related to population density. It's related to a Federal highway developed in the 50s to build a fairly uniform grid. So there are Highways in the South that NEED support from a much smaller TAXPAYER BASE. The size of the TAXPAYER base is the variable here. The "dollars into DC" not the "dollars out of DC". It's just the way that Washington makes "one size fits all" programs that receive Federal funds.

Furthermore "COST OF LIVING" differs by factors exceeding 2 or 3 amongst the states. So life and wages are DIFFERENT. Not necessarily more poverty. Californians make more money, pay more Federal taxes because it's COSTLY to live there.

This is some of the stupidest shit in the Old and Moldy political talking points file. And it just illustrates how folks on the left don't spend enough time ASSESSING and thinking to figure out "how things work"..
Yup there is little comparison , red states of course are the biggest welfare queens. FRom Business insider--
"Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let's go through the top twenty.

  • New Mexico: $2.03
  • Mississippi: $2.02
  • Alaska: $1.84
  • Louisiana: $1.78
  • West Virginia: $1.76
  • North Dakota: $1.68
  • Alabama: $1.66
  • South Dakota: $1.53
  • Kentucky: $1.51
  • Virginia: $1.51
  • Montana: $1.47
  • Hawaii: $1.44
    • Maine: $1.41
    • Arkansas: $1.41
    • Oklahoma: $1.36
    • South Carolina: $1.35
    • Missouri: $1.32
    • Maryland: $1.30
    • Tennessee: $1.27
    • Idaho: $1.21"
    This number represents the amount these states take in compared to what they pay out in taxes to the federal government. Pay in is set at $1.00
"Where can we find liberal bastions California, New York, and Massachusetts? California is 43rd, getting back only $0.78 for every dollar it sends to Washington. New York is 42nd, and one penny better off, at $0.79 per dollar. Massachusetts is 40th, receiving $0.82 for every dollar it sends to DC.
Red States Are Welfare Queens"
There is no comparison ,red states make up almost the total amount of welfare states.

The hight taxed blue States are getting their welfare though the tax code.

Red states are by far the poorest, Least educated and yes the biggest welfare states in the union.

These fucking states like Mississippi look more like some place you'd find in central America or africa...
Red states are by far the poorest, Least educated and yes the biggest welfare states in the union.

These fucking states like Mississippi look more like some place you'd find in central America or africa...
All incorrect moron.
Yup there is little comparison , red states of course are the biggest welfare queens. FRom Business insider--
"Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let's go through the top twenty.

  • New Mexico: $2.03
  • Mississippi: $2.02
  • Alaska: $1.84
  • Louisiana: $1.78
  • West Virginia: $1.76
  • North Dakota: $1.68
  • Alabama: $1.66
  • South Dakota: $1.53
  • Kentucky: $1.51
  • Virginia: $1.51
  • Montana: $1.47
  • Hawaii: $1.44
    • Maine: $1.41
    • Arkansas: $1.41
    • Oklahoma: $1.36
    • South Carolina: $1.35
    • Missouri: $1.32
    • Maryland: $1.30
    • Tennessee: $1.27
    • Idaho: $1.21"
    This number represents the amount these states take in compared to what they pay out in taxes to the federal government. Pay in is set at $1.00
"Where can we find liberal bastions California, New York, and Massachusetts? California is 43rd, getting back only $0.78 for every dollar it sends to Washington. New York is 42nd, and one penny better off, at $0.79 per dollar. Massachusetts is 40th, receiving $0.82 for every dollar it sends to DC.
Red States Are Welfare Queens"
There is no comparison ,red states make up almost the total amount of welfare states.

From 2011?

Oh my the far left drones do not have a clue.

Most of the welfare in those states go into Democrat stronghold cities run by the far left to keep the people poor so they have a voter base.
4. Brooks County, Texas
6. Hudspeth County, Texas

Hey, lying pinko commie. Do you motherfuckers ever know the truth at all? You are so cocksucking dumb.


Take a WILD fucking guess which part of Texas Brooks and Hudspeth Counties are located.

Everything that borders Mexico is overrun and infested with low IQ, uneducated, cockroach illegal Mexican SHIT living off our welfare system. Guess who those filthy subhumans illegally vote for? Why do you think the commie democrat left put up such a fight against the new Texas voter ID laws? Those worthlees, leeching subhuman filthbags are little prolateriat commie democrats.

I grow so tired of this fucking horse shit

All that you fucking commie leftists know how to do is cheat, steal, and lie through your rotten yellow teeth.
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My response to the OP would be this: if you’re from a blue state, why is this a situation you’d want to continue? Let’s say for example you’re from New York, and all the taxes and spending for Social Security and Medicare were repealed; well now all the money for those payroll taxes that New Yorkers were paying into Washington DC, stays in New York. New York State then might have enough funds the finance a public option health insurance program that kept payouts local to New York health care providers. If New York is paying more in to the federal government then it gets out, you should want to reduce the federal taxing/spending footprint as much as possible and your state would be better off. It’s not like “red staters” are gushing with gratitude for what New York is paying into the US Treasury, in fact it seems to me that resentment between states has only ever been increasing my whole life. If New York managed its social spending policy independently from Alabama there really should be less reason for resentments between New Yorkers and Alabamans.

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