We have to clean house in 2024, otherwise the damage to the US may be irreversible.

Did it ever occur to you that they are skeered of the dem weaponized DOJ turning their lives upside down?....And to get to the point of the thread that is why the whole of the DOJ needs to be decapitated and gutted like a fish.

The DOJ is independent as it always was. You all have excuses for everything.
Them vs. US(A). Simple as that, since 2008 housing crash it was clear.
They all live very large, become massively wealthy, deplete treasury and flaunt law and order.

DemWitted stooges on this site cheer for all of it....always screaming "give me more". Never take issue with obvious fraud or corruption.
I love a 40 car Black SUV caravan into Scotland (hauling a drooling imbecile) to a Global warming conference! more please.
They foolishly put personal entertainment over long-term success.


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The DOJ, The FBI and Homeland "Security" (LOL) is loaded at the top with stinking Democrat GARBAGE. The rank and file of those departments want to work for the good of the country but their hands are tied by the leaders installed by the Regime. If the GOP can win the White House and the Senate in 2024, then we can take out the garbage, clean house and start operating like America again. I don't care whether it's Trump or Desantis, the Democratic Regime has got to be taken out of power.

No damn way I could support either Desantis or Trump. Sorry not sorry. They are both petty dictators. Won't vote for Decomposing Joe either. It will be somebody else or nobody for me.
No damn way I could support either Desantis or Trump. Sorry not sorry. They are both petty dictators. Won't vote for Decomposing Joe either. It will be somebody else or nobody for me.

Shocker. Anti-American scum gotta Anti.
In some ways I agree with you. But I don't think this country can be fixed by an election. In fact, I don't think it can or will be fixed. A new era is at hand. The only thing left of the USA is the name, the rest has been lost for good.
Half the country is patriotic and the other half wants socialism.
Half the country is patriotic and the other half wants socialism.

They want socialism but being two-faced as they are, they claim that they're the only ones who are patriotic Americans. In all my years of casually-observing liberals and Democrats, I've never seen a phenomenon like this. And this is coming from someone who used to be one of them myself.

I think the point where the left magically became fake neo-cons was at some time during the third year of Trump's presidency. He must have made something snap and break inside them. The left went from rabidly protesting, looting, and burning right before the pandemic, and then seemingly overnight started posing collectively like right-wing, super-patriotic, miniature Joe McCarthy wannabes, accusing everyone on the right of being "Russia spies, traitors, and insurrectionists."

It was probably a combination of Trump and the pandemic that made them lose their minds, which is curious, because to this very day they still blame Trump for the pandemic, not China. Many of them still believe COVID came from eating bats from a Chinese wet market, and that it wasn't a biological weapon. So their erratic behavior makes very little sense to me
They want socialism but being two-faced as they are, they claim that they're the only ones who are patriotic Americans. In all my years of casually-observing liberals and Democrats, I've never seen a phenomenon like this. And this is coming from someone who used to be one of them myself.

I think the point where the left magically became fake neo-cons was at some time during the third year of Trump's presidency. He must have made something snap and break inside them. The left went from rabidly protesting, looting, and burning right before the pandemic, and then seemingly overnight started posing collectively like right-wing, super-patriotic, miniature Joe McCarthy wannabes, accusing everyone on the right of being "Russia spies, traitors, and insurrectionists."

It was probably a combination of Trump and the pandemic that made them lose their minds, which is curious, because to this very day they still blame Trump for the pandemic, not China. Many of them still believe COVID came from eating bats from a Chinese wet market, and that it wasn't a biological weapon. So their erratic behavior makes very little sense to me
But seriously, whats with the SS Nazi officer's cover in your avatar?
The DOJ, The FBI and Homeland "Security" (LOL) is loaded at the top with stinking Democrat GARBAGE. The rank and file of those departments want to work for the good of the country but their hands are tied by the leaders installed by the Regime. If the GOP can win the White House and the Senate in 2024, then we can take out the garbage, clean house and start operating like America again. I don't care whether it's Trump or Desantis, the Democratic Regime has got to be taken out of power.
Defeating Trump and the House GOP Majority in 2024 would be a house cleaning.
I wear accusations of being in a "cult" like a badge of honor.

That validates the fact that I'm a member of the the new counter-culture, and they're the old establishment dinosaurs.
Contrary to your belief, Nazism is not a new counter-culture thing that all the kewl kidz are doing.

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