"we inherited the deficit of two wars fought on a credit card"

You're wrong.

We RAISED TAXES to pay for the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.

Only with the appearance of the modern day borrow and spend Republican party did we stop paying for wars.

Can I point out the obvious here?

We borrowed to pay for every single one of those wars.

We raised taxes to pay for the borrowing you moron.
But the fact remains, your GD hero V.P. lied thru his freaking teeth, just like every other liberal does.

What exactly did he lie about?

Is "Voting for the war" the same thing as "Voting to pay for the war on a credit card"?

Last time I checked, those were 2 completely different things.

I'm not sure about phrasing over there on the Bizarro planet though.

There was never a vote to put the wars on a Credit Card ass munch, anyone who voted for the Use of Force Resolution, Voted to put a war on a credit card.

There was the the infamous 87 billion that John Kerry took a lot of heat for in the 04 election.

Remember what the controversy was? John Kerry and some Democrats wanted to PAY for that appropriation.

Bush did not.
Bush kept both wars "off budget" - along with major tax cuts. Therefore, all war funds had to be borrowed.
Prior to going to war? Hell no...afterward.

So after Bush invades Iraq, we should raise taxes to pay for it?

What year are you living in?

Hey asshole. Do you think any WAR ever fought by this country was prepaid? F'ing moron.

I know you shouldn't be calling people morons when your avatar isn't accurate at all.
Obama's fist day of his budget the deficit was $11.9 trillion, now I'll knock the cost of his stimulus just to make it more accurate and fair because it shouldn't count against "W" even though it fell into Bush's fiscal year. So let's knock it down the total to $11.1 trillion as the stimulus was $787 billion,
As of today, the National Debt is $16.2 trillion. $16.2 trillion minus $11.1 trillion is $5.1 trillion and all previous president's total is $11.1 trillion.
So let's compare the factual numbers to your avatar. Previous presidents $11.1 trillion. Obama $5.1 trillion
See what BS your avatar is?
I'm not defending Obama, he has spent way too much and I'm not happy about it. Did ever think to check the figures within your avatar? I guess not. And now you look like a moron.
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