We need a 20 year innovation, technology plan to compete with China.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
We need a 20 year innovation, technology plan to compete with China.

-Medical advancement goals-The Manhattan project for cancer, heart disease, extending life, ect.
-General use technology goals, Smart phones, t.vs, VR, VA, ect
-Space advancement goals-Ways to make it affordable, surface to orbit, earth to moon, moon to mars, ect. As much as I hate Obama's plan on nasa...I agree a little with him giving money to private corporations to do some of the heavy lifting. We need to expand on his strong points, while funding the science portion of nasa.
-Energy goals, clean energy advancements. ECT. We must advance battery tech, clean energy, nuclear, ect.
-Military technology goals...I went hyper sonic unmanned aircrafts and unnamed ships. This will give our country far more power without putting our people at risk. Rail-guns, lasers, ect.

This is what we need. Once these goals are moving forward there needs to be a pool of resources to support such. The same could be done for infrastructure.

We need to rely mostly on the private sector but with government support.
Things done this way
-The highway system
-The railroad
-The nuclear bomb

We're competing against China if we like it or not. :eusa_shhh: If we're going to be number one much longer. We're going to have to have a serious plan with making it so.
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No, no we don't need any stinking 20-year plan.

Five-year and ten-year and twenty-year and when-hell-freezes-over plans are the playthings of authoritarian central planners, like those of Soviet Russia.

What we need are politicians and bureaucrats at the EPA, DoE, FDA, and scads of other assorted gubmint meddlers, know-it-alls and do-gooders to STFU and get the hell out of the way of the entrepreneurs and industrialists...The rest will take care of itself.
You fucking liberals...

All we "need" is for the government to stay the hell out of the way. American innovation will take care of the rest. Want to invest some federal $$$ in certain areas? Great. Leave the money at the door and go away. Let Americans do what we do better than anyone else - without excessive regulation, control, taxation, and WITHOUT any doomed ambitions about central planning - and no one can compete with us.
We should be panicking. Because leadership is not addressing the real reasons for economic contraction. Jobs didn't disappear because of the housing bubble. Jobs disappeared because America lost it's innovative momentum in a global economy. Just like Matthew points out..

But the prescription for this is more like OddBall's suggestion. In that most everything Congress and DC does to "FIX" the economy ends up bolstering the arthritic multinationals and punishing the new startups that we need.

Largest fix required is to stop subsidizing ALL CRAP that already exists. That means eliminating subsidies as we know them and using a fraction of all that for real Research/Development.

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