We Need Cameras In Court So We Can See How Rotten Trump Trial Judges Have Been Acting


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Every one of these judges need cameras in their courts so there can be grounds for disbarment against all of them.

Their prejudicial and outlandishly inappropriate conduct has been on full display inside the court, but nobody outside of the courtroom can see how these judges are acting. It may fly in movies, but not real life.

If America could see the way these judges have been acting I guarantee it would anger any decent person.

Judges aren't supposed to make wise-cracks at the defendant's expense. They aren't supposed to scream at defense attorneys. They aren't supposed to show any indication that they are prejudiced against either side. They should be sued for judicial misconduct at the very least.

Judge Engoron, Judge Merchan, and now Judge Chutkan have all conducted themselves in an obviously prejudicial manner against Trump, in court.

A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in all Activities

(A) Respect for Law. A judge should respect and comply with the law and should act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.

(B) Outside Influence. A judge should not allow family, social, political, financial, or other relationships to influence judicial conduct or judgment. A judge should neither lend the prestige of the judicial office to advance the private interests of the judge or others nor convey or permit others to convey the impression that they are in a special position to influence the judge. A judge should not testify voluntarily as a character witness.

(C) Nondiscriminatory Membership. A judge should not hold membership in any organization that practices invidious discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, or national origin.
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Every one of these judges need cameras in their courts so there can be grounds for disbarment against all of them.

Their prejudicial and outlandishly inappropriate conduct has been on full display inside the court, but nobody outside of the court knows how these judges are acting.

If America could see the way these judges have been acting I guarantee it would anger any decent person.

Judges aren't supposed to make wise-cracks at the defendant's expense. They aren't supposed to scream at defense attorneys. They aren't supposed to show any indication that they are prejudiced against either side. They should be sued for judicial misconduct at the very least.

Judge Engoron, Judge Merchan, and now Judge Chutkan have all conducted themselves in an obviously prejudicial manner against Trump, in court.


We Need Cameras In Court So We Can See How Rotten Trump Trial Judges Have Been Acting​

Do we get to watch Trump throwing a tantrum and sleeping?
How has whining and calling for violence worked out for Trump's legal team so far?

Not so well?

But then, what else can the Trump cult do? It's not like DearLeader can be defended on facts and evidence.
The truth will come out and her career will be tainted forever... Trump haters never look ahead... they are too clouded with hatred...
Same goes with Merchan and Garland Wray and Smith and all the rest...
The truth will come out and her career will be tainted forever... Trump haters never look ahead... they are too clouded with hatred...
Same goes with Merchan and Garland Wray and Smith and all the rest...
How have your past predictions on Trump's legal woes worked out?

What's that? Your failure record there is perfect and unblemished?

Well, I'm sure things are different now. Really. That's why everyone should listen to you.
How has whining and calling for violence worked out for Trump's legal team so far?

Not so well?

But then, what else can the Trump cult do? It's not like DearLeader can be defended on facts and evidence.

That is what is so biased

All those judges, prosecutors, juries and the media are tainted by facts and evidence

Doesn’t whining count for anything in our justice system?

We Need Cameras In Court So We Can See How Rotten Trump Trial Judges Have Been Acting​

Do we get to watch Trump throwing a tantrum and sleeping?
He's only doing that because your Obama judges are acting like total asswads.

Best way he can react to them is just act like he's asleep or not listening to them. Clearly the judge is trying to piss Trump off.

I really question your sense of fairness when you think this sort of conduct should go unpunished.

I think we can say without a doubt that every single one of these court cases are meant to harass Trump and ruin him.

They wouldn't tried it if you folks had a decent candidate to run in the election.
How have your past predictions on Trump's legal woes worked out?

What's that? Your failure record there is perfect and unblemished?

Well, I'm sure things are different now. Really. That's why everyone should listen to you.
He is still a free man and about to win the presidency so I would say pretty damn good...
That is what is so biased

All those judges, prosecutors, juries and the media are tainted by facts and evidence

Doesn’t whining count for anything in our justice system?
Doesn't matter. A judge isn't supposed to make jokes at the defendants expense to get a laugh out of the crowd.

A judge also isn't suppose to scream at witnesses because they are presenting evidence that destroys the prosecution's case.
Doesn't matter. A judge isn't supposed to make jokes at the defendants expense to get a laugh out of the crowd.

A judge also isn't suppose to scream at witnesses because they are presenting evidence that destroys the prosecution's case.

I know our side acts like clowns, but nobody is allowed to laugh at our clown antics! And if anyone does, you have to acquit!"
-- The Trump cult.
Our judges allowed Trump to get away with repeated acts of contempt of court
You mean like that gag order still in force after the trial?

The jury already rendered a verdict. They cannot be influenced anymore because they're out of the picture.

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