We need Ron Paul for President and here is why


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
We need Ron Paul for president as he is the only one that is not a globalist piece of crap that wishes to spend our wealth and blood on nation building. We've been in Afghanistan for over a decade and you have to ask yourself for what? The leadership hasn't had the balls to win the damn thing and the nation building that we're doing IS NOT advancing the nation at all. These people once we leave- either tomorrow or 50 years from now will be ruled by extremist islamic thugs one way or the other. Truth is It's UP to them to rebuild there nation and to fight for there freedom, and not for us to do for them. We need a president that will give a damn about our nation and defending our nation through closed borders. As Ron Paul said in the debate---Iran doesn't have a airforce that is able to attack us or any thing else that can. All they have like the rest of our enemy is a bunch of fucking thugs that will cross our open borders.

Why is all these men and woman saying that we must attack another nation, while our borders are open. That is the only way they can hurt us at all here half way around the fucking world. Ask your self seriously, why? He is right about China, Russia, Pakistan. You fucking think that Pakistan is stable? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: but we live with it. Truth is the world has nuclear bombs and the best way to deal with it is to let the other nation know that you will use YOURS if they ever try it. This is another area I agree with Ron Paul. Seriously, we have 6,000 nukes and ways to knock them down if need be. Why does the United states need to spend trillions of dollars and thousands of more troops blood into another war. Seriously, after the past 10 years any one that is running for president that said that they would outright start another one should be laughed off the fucking stage. :lol:

We need to withdraw from these wars. As they cost us a lot of blood and treasure and we GET NOTHING FOR IT. Iraq gave China the oil and shit. :evil: Let other nations handle there wars them selfs and worry about our problems for once. Lets stop the invasion of mexico into America. That is a trillion times more important then getting into a pissing match with Iran.

We need to go back to the gold standard to back our money and end the fucking fed. Ever since 1913 our value of our money has gone, down, down, down. You wonder why our grand fathers talk all the time about buying bread for penny's, while you must pay two plus dollars for it or of buying a house for thousands--- instead of hundreds of thousands of dollars. You wonder why family's in the old days only needed a man to provide, but today both need to work there ass off to get anything off the ground. Theres your answer. It is called inflation and it is killing this nation. The worthless fed thinks it can print trillions on trillions of dollars that are worthless to buy or pay for everything out of thin fucking air. Guess what the truth is it's going to cause us to be a very sorry and poor nation if we don't stop soon. Look up wiener republic before, nazi germany or Zimbabwe(Mugabe) that is our future if we we can keep doing what we're doing with the fucking fed. The fed is evil. Andrew Jackson and many of our founding fathers did everything in there power to keep us away from it and a central bank.

Idiocy. Ron Paul will end it and back our money with mental that will make it strong.

We need Ron Paul in 2012 because the rest of the idiots(globalist, money loving assholes) will give us a nation that is poor. You people all grew up in a nation that is richer then any other empire that had came before--- Greece, Rome, Holy roman empire, French empire, British empire, but if we're not careful we will fall and our children and grand children won't have that.

Vote for Ron Paul to get our troops home with there family's and to strengthen our economic system. He is a true believer in what the founders imagined our nation to be.
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It took the US only 4 years to go from a small military to forcing Japan and Germany to surrender in just 4 years.

The reason we haven't won in Afghanistan is because the powers that be don't want us to win. There is much more money to be made in a conflict that lasts 10 years or more.

Look at Vietnam. US advisers arrived in 1950 and we didn't get out until 1973. 23 fuckin' years of defense contracts. The number of dead US servicemen doesn't matter to them.
We need Ron Paul for president as he is the only one that is not a globalist piece of crap that wishes to spend our wealth and blood on nation building. We've been in Afghanistan for over a decade and you have to ask yourself for what? The leadership hasn't had the balls to win the damn thing and the nation building that we're doing IS NOT advancing the nation at all. These people once we leave- either tomorrow or 50 years from now will be ruled by extremist islamic thugs one way or the other. Truth is It's UP to them to rebuild there nation and to fight for there freedom, and not for us to do for them. We need a president that will give a damn about our nation and defending our nation through closed borders. As Ron Paul said in the debate---Iran doesn't have a airforce that is able to attack us or any thing else that can. All they have like the rest of our enemy is a bunch of fucking thugs that will cross our open borders.

Why is all these men and woman saying that we must attack another nation, while our borders are open. That is the only way they can hurt us at all here half way around the fucking world. Ask your self seriously, why? He is right about China, Russia, Pakistan. You fucking think that Pakistan is stable? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: but we live with it. Truth is the world has nuclear bombs and the best way to deal with it is to let the other nation know that you will use YOURS if they ever try it. This is another area I agree with Ron Paul. Seriously, we have 6,000 nukes and ways to knock them down if need be. Why does the United states need to spend trillions of dollars and thousands of more troops blood into another war. Seriously, after the past 10 years any one that is running for president that said that they would outright start another one should be laughed off the fucking stage. :lol:

We need to withdraw from these wars. As they cost us a lot of blood and treasure and we GET NOTHING FOR IT. Iraq gave China the oil and shit. :evil: Let other nations handle there wars them selfs and worry about our problems for once. Lets stop the invasion of mexico into America. That is a trillion times more important then getting into a pissing match with Iran.

We need to go back to the gold standard to back our money and end the fucking fed. Ever since 1913 our value of our money has gone, down, down, down. You wonder why our grand fathers talk all the time about buying bread for penny's, while you must pay two plus dollars for it or of buying a house for thousands--- instead of hundreds of thousands of dollars. You wonder why family's in the old days only needed a man to provide, but today both need to work there ass off to get anything off the ground. Theres your answer. It is called inflation and it is killing this nation. The worthless fed thinks it can print trillions on trillions of dollars that are worthless to buy or pay for everything out of thin fucking air. Guess what the truth is it's going to cause us to be a very sorry and poor nation if we don't stop soon. Look up wiener republic before, nazi germany or Zimbabwe(Mugabe) that is our future if we we can keep doing what we're doing with the fucking fed. The fed is evil. Andrew Jackson and many of our founding fathers did everything in there power to keep us away from it and a central bank.

Idiocy. Ron Paul will end it and back our money with mental that will make it strong.

We need Ron Paul in 2012 because the rest of the idiots(globalist, money loving assholes) will give us a nation that is poor. You people all grew up in a nation that is richer then any other empire that had came before--- Greece, Rome, Holy roman empire, French empire, British empire, but if we're not careful we will fall and our children and grand children won't have that.

Vote for Ron Paul to get our troops home with there family's and to strengthen our economic system. He is a true believer in what the founders imagined our nation to be.

The answer to these wars is not "let's surrender to an inferior force" because I guarantee you that is a recipe that will end up costing far more lives. There is a HEAVY penalty to be paid for failing to win a war. Our refusal to win in Vietnam and handing victory to an enemy that would never have gotten it unless we did - cost 4 million people their lives! Refusing to win in Afghanistan will not only embolden our enemies, but confirm EXACTLY what Bin Laden predicted would happen. YOUR mentality is exactly what Bin Laden predicted would end up carrying the day and would demand the US just HAND them victory -a victory they can't get unless we do give it to them. It is why they never worried about the fact they are the inferior force -he understood American instant oatmeal brains and predicted they would up GIVING them the victory. When I saw his videotape predicting it -I hoped he was wrong, but I knew in my gut he was absolutely right.

If we hand them victory then we totally deserve everything that results from it -I only wish the people who will end up paying for it with their lives were the ones insisting we hand victory to our sworn enemy. Apparently these are the very people who don't understand what they meant when they said it was a war to the death -and they intend to make sure it is OURS. And unlike stupid Americans, they don't care how long it takes or how much it costs.

Americans have an instant oatmeal mentality that has been BRED into them over the last few decades -that unless it can be done fast and cheap, its just not worth it. That even if its the right and best thing to do, if it can't be done on the cheap and fast, then don't bother and do the WRONG thing instead. Because the wrong thing usually is the fastest and cheapest thing to do. The idea that what is the right and best thing to do just shouldn't be done unless it can be done cheap and fast is breathtakingly stupid, arrogant, short-sighted, lethally STUPID and a sickening American trait that didn't exist prior to the 60s. And it is a delight to our enemies who will never put a time schedule or price tag on THEIR goals -but believe this trait will result in Americans demanding we just HAND them victory!

Instant oatmeal brains that Americans have cultivated as part of their culture costs real people their very real lives. We totally deserve the revolting reputation we have regarding our state of moral decay. The proper response to seeing leaders who refuse to get off the pot and just win the damn war -is NOT to demand we just surrender.

Libertarianism is a good model for one's own personal political ideology -but it is incapable of forming and being an effective party actually leading and controlling government beyond the local level. Libertarians are about 1/3 of the office holders in local government in the western half of my state -but like all states, they fail on the state and federal levels. Libertarianism by definition demands a government that is weak and we learned the hard way it only leads our enemies to believe we are vulnerable and can be victimized. Ron Paul better serves this nation right where he is, keeping his voice in Congress which is the branch most inclined to expand its powers beyond those given it by the Constitution and needs constant watchdogs in place to try and keep that natural tendency in check. I could never support him as President though.

Members of Congress -House or Senate -have produced some of our WORST Presidents -if voters understood the difference better between the branches of government maybe they would realize being elected to the legislative branch is NOT a qualifier for the executive branch! The skills needed to be an effective legislator are NOT the same skills and traits needed to be an effective EXECUTIVE -and Americans would do well to make sure the person they elect even HAS any executive skills before casting a vote for that guy! Obama is in over his head and NO leader of any kind -all because so many people wanted to vote for his skin color without consideration for his qualifications. In fact his strongest supporters insisted it was irrelevant -this is what it looks like when you have a President with zero executive skills. Pathetic, whiny speeches constantly blaming everyone and anything else for HIS failures as President and someone who has never once stopped being a partisan HACK -because THAT is the only skill he really has - and was never able to assume the role and BE President. The best Presidents stop being partisan hacks and become STATESMEN instead. Obama is no statesman. Because he CAN'T.

My first choices for a candidate are ALWAYS from the ranks of governors and former governors -for a reason -after which I weed them down by their policies. Governor is the second highest executive office in this country -and IMMEDIATELY qualifies someone for the top one. It doesn't matter what state because the job is interchangeable and nearly identical from state to state -regardless of size, population or wealth. All governors have to deal with nearly the identical problems a President faces plus the individualized ones particular to that state -with the exception of foreign policy. All new Presidents have to learn that one on the job since even Congressional experience which is basically sitting on some oversight committee - amounts to jackshit for that. If your candidate has no CEO or equivalent experience in the private sector and no executive office experience in government -then that person has not yet proven they even have the BASIC skills and experience necessary for the HIGHEST executive office. President is not an entry level job where you find out if the person even has the basic skills to be an effective executive after the fact.

Obama doesn't sound so eloquent when giving speeches anymore, does he? In fact he sounds pathetically whiny, petty and small. That is because his ability to read off a teleprompter was his only real "qualification" -one the left actually believes is more important than substance and definitely more important than PROVEN EXECUTIVE SKILLS. Ron Paul doesn't have those skills either -I refuse to get behind him. In spite of the fact Bachmann can claim some soft business skills, she doesn't have any proven executive skills either and I refuse to back HER either. Liking a candidate's policies are WORTHLESS unless they have the PROVEN abilities to get them done in the first place!

Back to the wars though -the proper response to failed leadership that refuses to just win the war is NOT to demand our surrender. And let's not try to delude ourselves on this one, ok? You can call it any touchy-feely phrase you want pretending to retain some shred of dignity to the process -but I guarantee our enemies will see it as nothing BUT the surrender it really is. This is NOT like Vietnam where we at least knew that the enemy would not continue coming after us upon our surrender. Vietnam was unique and THIS isn't Vietnam! Our enemy has PROMISED they will continue this war to OUR death. It is truly a monumental American STUPIDITY to believe that if we just call it off -so will they. Jaw dropping stupid to believe that. So those demanding we surrender and no longer allow the best trained for that confrontation, best armed and most likely to survive that confrontation carry it out - are in reality demanding the war be fought on OUR soil and those who will be confronted must be men, women children who are not trained, unarmed, the least likely to survive unless it is by sheer LUCK. Our enemy has no problem with that -last time we let them set the terms for confrontation we lost thousands in a matter of hours and they CHOSE to lose just 9. Those are kill odds THEY would certainly prefer -and would certainly support your insistence that we give it to them.
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I like Ron Paul a lot but during this last debate he really lost a lot of people with his comments about Iran.

Iran is the source of much of the terrorism and attacks on our troops. He is living in a dream world if he thinks Iran getting a nuclear bomb isn't going to happen. We saw that same story already in N. Korea, only this time the nukes will be given over to terrorists.

And by the way we could easily win the wars in the middle east if we just carpet bombed and don't do this stupid street patrol/nation building crap.
We need Ron Paul for president as he is the only one that is not a globalist piece of crap that wishes to spend our wealth and blood on nation building. We've been in Afghanistan for over a decade and you have to ask yourself for what? The leadership hasn't had the balls to win the damn thing and the nation building that we're doing IS NOT advancing the nation at all. These people once we leave- either tomorrow or 50 years from now will be ruled by extremist islamic thugs one way or the other. Truth is It's UP to them to rebuild there nation and to fight for there freedom, and not for us to do for them. We need a president that will give a damn about our nation and defending our nation through closed borders. As Ron Paul said in the debate---Iran doesn't have a airforce that is able to attack us or any thing else that can. All they have like the rest of our enemy is a bunch of fucking thugs that will cross our open borders.

Why is all these men and woman saying that we must attack another nation, while our borders are open. That is the only way they can hurt us at all here half way around the fucking world. Ask your self seriously, why? He is right about China, Russia, Pakistan. You fucking think that Pakistan is stable? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: but we live with it. Truth is the world has nuclear bombs and the best way to deal with it is to let the other nation know that you will use YOURS if they ever try it. This is another area I agree with Ron Paul. Seriously, we have 6,000 nukes and ways to knock them down if need be. Why does the United states need to spend trillions of dollars and thousands of more troops blood into another war. Seriously, after the past 10 years any one that is running for president that said that they would outright start another one should be laughed off the fucking stage. :lol:

We need to withdraw from these wars. As they cost us a lot of blood and treasure and we GET NOTHING FOR IT. Iraq gave China the oil and shit. :evil: Let other nations handle there wars them selfs and worry about our problems for once. Lets stop the invasion of mexico into America. That is a trillion times more important then getting into a pissing match with Iran.

We need to go back to the gold standard to back our money and end the fucking fed. Ever since 1913 our value of our money has gone, down, down, down. You wonder why our grand fathers talk all the time about buying bread for penny's, while you must pay two plus dollars for it or of buying a house for thousands--- instead of hundreds of thousands of dollars. You wonder why family's in the old days only needed a man to provide, but today both need to work there ass off to get anything off the ground. Theres your answer. It is called inflation and it is killing this nation. The worthless fed thinks it can print trillions on trillions of dollars that are worthless to buy or pay for everything out of thin fucking air. Guess what the truth is it's going to cause us to be a very sorry and poor nation if we don't stop soon. Look up wiener republic before, nazi germany or Zimbabwe(Mugabe) that is our future if we we can keep doing what we're doing with the fucking fed. The fed is evil. Andrew Jackson and many of our founding fathers did everything in there power to keep us away from it and a central bank.

Idiocy. Ron Paul will end it and back our money with mental that will make it strong.

We need Ron Paul in 2012 because the rest of the idiots(globalist, money loving assholes) will give us a nation that is poor. You people all grew up in a nation that is richer then any other empire that had came before--- Greece, Rome, Holy roman empire, French empire, British empire, but if we're not careful we will fall and our children and grand children won't have that.

Vote for Ron Paul to get our troops home with there family's and to strengthen our economic system. He is a true believer in what the founders imagined our nation to be.

You just want to smoke dope without feeling guilty about it.
The American people never do what is best for their country when voting. 90% of them will make their decision based on a commercial. They will vote for the best looking candidate knowing full well everything the face says is a lie. Ron Paul is a patriot and would go down in history as the best president since Washington if given the chance. People being what they are will vote their political party without really understanding what they represent anymore and if reelected obama will continue to divide the races, create social and economic classes that will tare the country apart in race and class warfare. Obama seems to live to tear this country apart. Michalle Obama said she had NEVER had reason to be proud of this country until obama was elected. that alone says there is nothing they like about this country and their actions since the election proves they want it torn apart and will probable lead to civil war if given the chance. If there is a god in heaven may he prevent obamas re-election, unless he too wants a civil war to correct the wrongs taking place in our country.
I like Paul's economics, but his foreign policy is just dangerous in this day and age.

Not only that but Ive been talking to people and he come across as a crochety old man to alot of people.
It took the US only 4 years to go from a small military to forcing Japan and Germany to surrender in just 4 years.

The reason we haven't won in Afghanistan is because the powers that be don't want us to win. There is much more money to be made in a conflict that lasts 10 years or more.

Look at Vietnam. US advisers arrived in 1950 and we didn't get out until 1973. 23 fuckin' years of defense contracts. The number of dead US servicemen doesn't matter to them.

We're still in Japan and we're still in Germany actually. We just characterize our involvement there as being something different. Yeah we conquered their military just like we did in Afghanistan and Iraq. The difference is that we, for some reason, decided that we need to also rebuild the nation from the ground up and leave all of the resources we spent blood and treasure to free up over there while Americans are paying $3.50 a gallon for gas (could you imagine if we lost?).

The funny thing is that it was the blood and guts GOP that made these mistakes twice in Iraq.
I like Paul's economics, but his foreign policy is just dangerous in this day and age.

Not only that but Ive been talking to people and he come across as a crochety old man to alot of people.
He IS a crochety old man. He should be. He spent most of his adult life watching his country turn into a piece of shit since murkins( including the famous 535) don't have a clue how to make an informed decision.
I like Paul's economics, but his foreign policy is just dangerous in this day and age.

Not only that but Ive been talking to people and he come across as a crochety old man to alot of people.

We can have the strongest military in the world stationed right here at home and in the oceans around the world. We can have a complete base anyplace there is an ocean with the deployment of a carrier group. Think of the money that would go into our economy if most troops were stationed here and the jobs created building Air Craft Carriers and support vessels. Unemployment 0%
It took the US only 4 years to go from a small military to forcing Japan and Germany to surrender in just 4 years.

The reason we haven't won in Afghanistan is because the powers that be don't want us to win. There is much more money to be made in a conflict that lasts 10 years or more.

Look at Vietnam. US advisers arrived in 1950 and we didn't get out until 1973. 23 fuckin' years of defense contracts. The number of dead US servicemen doesn't matter to them.

:lol: Watch less movies and read more history. We didn't force Japan and Germany to surrender all by ourselves. We had help.
I like Ron Paul a lot but during this last debate he really lost a lot of people with his comments about Iran.

Iran is the source of much of the terrorism and attacks on our troops. He is living in a dream world if he thinks Iran getting a nuclear bomb isn't going to happen. We saw that same story already in N. Korea, only this time the nukes will be given over to terrorists.

And by the way we could easily win the wars in the middle east if we just carpet bombed and don't do this stupid street patrol/nation building crap.

You mean we could easily win if we decided to mass murder the innocent civilians of those countries.
It took the US only 4 years to go from a small military to forcing Japan and Germany to surrender in just 4 years.

The reason we haven't won in Afghanistan is because the powers that be don't want us to win. There is much more money to be made in a conflict that lasts 10 years or more.

Look at Vietnam. US advisers arrived in 1950 and we didn't get out until 1973. 23 fuckin' years of defense contracts. The number of dead US servicemen doesn't matter to them.

:lol: Watch less movies and read more history. We didn't force Japan and Germany to surrender all by ourselves. We had help.
That's your only criticism? You think I don't know that we didn't do it "all by ourselves"? Oh is that why we were the Allies and they were the Axis? Gee thanks CG, never knew that. I can see now why the Libs here call you snobby and patronizing.

The fact remains, if the US didn't enter the war vast areas of Europe would be speaking German. Plus it was done in years not decades. THAT is my point.

Kissinger: "Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy." This is the typical thinking of the Military Industrial Complex. The only thing I would ad is "...and to make us more money."
I don't understand why neoconservatives from the old progressive movement that have taken over the Republican party think that the loss of thousands of American lives and the growing hatred towards us of other countries sick of our empire is "victory." That is all continuing these pointless interventions is.

You want victory? BRING THE TROOPS HOME. Keeping them there is surrender. Surrender to foolish progressive ideology.
I do not want a president who would have voted against the civil rights act. Period. Fuck ron paul.
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