We need the real CDC back, and we need it now!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Has Trump corrupted, muffled and intimidated the CDC too? Many questions yet to be answered. At some point, the American people are going to need those answers.

Ashish K. Jha, M.D., is director of the Harvard Global Health Institute and professor of global health at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

As political leaders discuss relaxing social distancing restrictions and opening up the economy again, a majority of Americans are concerned about whether it is safe to do so. They have fundamental questions about how the nation is doing, what will happen after it opens up, whether we will be able to keep people safe, and could we have to shut down again.​
As we struggle our way through this, an essential element is missing: strong, effective leadership from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the premier public health agency in the world.​
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the CDC has been inexplicably absent, and Americans are suffering and dying for it.​
The CDC has long been the steady, trusted source for high-quality national data and evidence-based guidance. But not this time, when its voice is needed the most.​
Want to know how many tuberculosis cases there were in the U.S. last year? Ask the CDC. Want to know about health-care-associated infections? Ask the CDC. It knows.​
But ask how many Covid-19 tests have been done, and the CDC’s doesn’t have an answer. Want a daily update on how many people are getting hospitalized for Covid-19? The CDC isn’t tracking it. Want to know if social distancing is making a difference? The CDC doesn’t know.​


I can add to Dr. Jha’s indictment. Not only has CDC failed to take the lead in providing objective, reliable data, it has actually gone out of its way to supply less information than it has historically done. For some time, CDC has routinely published weekly mortality numbers–the total of all Americans that died each week. This was done partly to track influenza deaths, but total mortality numbers were part of the routine release.

Just over a week ago, I and others pointed out that according to the CDC’s numbers, tens of thousands fewer Americans had died of all causes from January 1 through early April this year, compared with 2019. Within 24 hours after my post was published, the CDC pulled the data set I had referred to and replaced it with a similar spread sheet that begins only in Week 40 of 2019, so that the comparison I and others did is no longer possible, using that source. The current spread sheet contains less information in one or two other respects as well. The CDC Is AWOL
I just went to their website and it has # of cases, # of deaths, # hospitalized. They update numbers Mon-Fri, hospitalizations are updated once a week.

No one knows the answer to "does social distancing make a difference" because what do we compare it to? Everyone is practicing social distancing to some extent.

Why are you slamming the CDC?
I just went to their website and it has # of cases, # of deaths, # hospitalized. They update numbers Mon-Fri, hospitalizations are updated once a week.

No one knows the answer to "does social distancing make a difference" because what do we compare it to? Everyone is practicing social distancing to some extent.

Why are you slamming the CDC?

I'm gonna have to refer that question to Dr Jha
Has Trump corrupted, muffled and intimidated the CDC too? Many questions yet to be answered. At some point, the American people are going to need those answers.

Ashish K. Jha, M.D., is director of the Harvard Global Health Institute and professor of global health at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

As political leaders discuss relaxing social distancing restrictions and opening up the economy again, a majority of Americans are concerned about whether it is safe to do so. They have fundamental questions about how the nation is doing, what will happen after it opens up, whether we will be able to keep people safe, and could we have to shut down again.​
As we struggle our way through this, an essential element is missing: strong, effective leadership from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the premier public health agency in the world.​
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the CDC has been inexplicably absent, and Americans are suffering and dying for it.​
The CDC has long been the steady, trusted source for high-quality national data and evidence-based guidance. But not this time, when its voice is needed the most.​
Want to know how many tuberculosis cases there were in the U.S. last year? Ask the CDC. Want to know about health-care-associated infections? Ask the CDC. It knows.​
But ask how many Covid-19 tests have been done, and the CDC’s doesn’t have an answer. Want a daily update on how many people are getting hospitalized for Covid-19? The CDC isn’t tracking it. Want to know if social distancing is making a difference? The CDC doesn’t know.​


The story mentions nothing about Trump. I love how you can twist anything to blaming Trump. Thanks for the daily laugh.
The story mentions nothing about Trump. I love how you can twist anything to blaming Trump. Thanks for the daily laugh.

Another one too dumb to know that Trump micromanages EVERY government agency in an effort to cast himself in the most favorable light.
So why did he block Dr Fauci from testifying to House Select?
I know - Bet you don't
Has Trump corrupted, muffled and intimidated the CDC too? Many questions yet to be answered. At some point, the American people are going to need those answers.

Ashish K. Jha, M.D., is director of the Harvard Global Health Institute and professor of global health at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

As political leaders discuss relaxing social distancing restrictions and opening up the economy again, a majority of Americans are concerned about whether it is safe to do so. They have fundamental questions about how the nation is doing, what will happen after it opens up, whether we will be able to keep people safe, and could we have to shut down again.​
As we struggle our way through this, an essential element is missing: strong, effective leadership from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the premier public health agency in the world.​
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the CDC has been inexplicably absent, and Americans are suffering and dying for it.​
The CDC has long been the steady, trusted source for high-quality national data and evidence-based guidance. But not this time, when its voice is needed the most.​
Want to know how many tuberculosis cases there were in the U.S. last year? Ask the CDC. Want to know about health-care-associated infections? Ask the CDC. It knows.​
But ask how many Covid-19 tests have been done, and the CDC’s doesn’t have an answer. Want a daily update on how many people are getting hospitalized for Covid-19? The CDC isn’t tracking it. Want to know if social distancing is making a difference? The CDC doesn’t know.​


Only 4.5 years to go!
I really think they don't want us to know. I mean the CDC never monitored people with the flu over 18, they just estimated the no. of flu deaths. We have no idea about how many tests they have done, but they have gone down in MI. And they only test symptomatic people.
I really think they don't want us to know. I mean the CDC never monitored people with the flu over 18, they just estimated the no. of flu deaths. We have no idea about how many tests they have done, but they have gone down in MI. And they only test symptomatic people.

Donald continues to lie about being number one in testing. We ain't even CLOSE
The story mentions nothing about Trump. I love how you can twist anything to blaming Trump. Thanks for the daily laugh.

Another one too dumb to know that Trump micromanages EVERY government agency in an effort to cast himself in the most favorable light.
So why did he block Dr Fauci from testifying to House Select?
I know - Bet you don't

You have proof he micromanages every department. I find that such an idiot, that has no idea what he is doing, is micromanaging every department. Tough for me to think he is that good when you left wing idiots tell me otherwise.

I did go to the CDC site and it gives everything the article claimed it didn’t. Odd isn’t it? Your article seems to be false.
Has Trump corrupted, muffled and intimidated the CDC too? Many questions yet to be answered. At some point, the American people are going to need those answers.

Ashish K. Jha, M.D., is director of the Harvard Global Health Institute and professor of global health at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

As political leaders discuss relaxing social distancing restrictions and opening up the economy again, a majority of Americans are concerned about whether it is safe to do so. They have fundamental questions about how the nation is doing, what will happen after it opens up, whether we will be able to keep people safe, and could we have to shut down again.​
As we struggle our way through this, an essential element is missing: strong, effective leadership from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the premier public health agency in the world.​
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the CDC has been inexplicably absent, and Americans are suffering and dying for it.​
The CDC has long been the steady, trusted source for high-quality national data and evidence-based guidance. But not this time, when its voice is needed the most.​
Want to know how many tuberculosis cases there were in the U.S. last year? Ask the CDC. Want to know about health-care-associated infections? Ask the CDC. It knows.​
But ask how many Covid-19 tests have been done, and the CDC’s doesn’t have an answer. Want a daily update on how many people are getting hospitalized for Covid-19? The CDC isn’t tracking it. Want to know if social distancing is making a difference? The CDC doesn’t know.​


Ahhh, the Trump Derangement Syndrome continues unabated. If the president found a way to cure all cancers, end world hunger, discovered faster than light flight and ended all wars, the left would criticize him for not doing any of it fast enough and say his methods were sloppy.
The only thing that will make the left happy is if they get a president that does the following:
1. Eliminate ICE, Border Patrol and Customs.
2. Eliminate borders.
3. Cease referring to this as a nation and the United States.
4. Says to all, "hey, you want to come in here, no problem. It doesn't matter if you are wanted in your original country for murder, rape, theft, terrorism, or drug and sex trafficking. We welcome you all and accept the lives you will ruin here."
5. Makes it law that if you are just lazy and don't want to work, he/she will give you an income, as long as you vote for him/her.
6. Makes it illegal to stop people from stealing property (the San Francisco DA's office has already done it, so it might as well be continent-wide.
7. Forces you to harbor homeless inside your homes, which they can steal from.
8. Creates re-education camps and gulags for those that object to such policies.
This is the left's ideal candidate.
Has Trump corrupted, muffled and intimidated the CDC too? Many questions yet to be answered. At some point, the American people are going to need those answers.

Ashish K. Jha, M.D., is director of the Harvard Global Health Institute and professor of global health at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

As political leaders discuss relaxing social distancing restrictions and opening up the economy again, a majority of Americans are concerned about whether it is safe to do so. They have fundamental questions about how the nation is doing, what will happen after it opens up, whether we will be able to keep people safe, and could we have to shut down again.​
As we struggle our way through this, an essential element is missing: strong, effective leadership from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the premier public health agency in the world.​
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the CDC has been inexplicably absent, and Americans are suffering and dying for it.​
The CDC has long been the steady, trusted source for high-quality national data and evidence-based guidance. But not this time, when its voice is needed the most.​
Want to know how many tuberculosis cases there were in the U.S. last year? Ask the CDC. Want to know about health-care-associated infections? Ask the CDC. It knows.​
But ask how many Covid-19 tests have been done, and the CDC’s doesn’t have an answer. Want a daily update on how many people are getting hospitalized for Covid-19? The CDC isn’t tracking it. Want to know if social distancing is making a difference? The CDC doesn’t know.​


how is that going to help?

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