We need to put the rocket and mortar attacks against Israel in perspective.

I just 'love' the attempted justification for terrorism based upon the fact that hardly anyone is killed!

Definition of 'terrorism' - "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."

If someone kept throwing rockets into my back garden, without injuring anyone or any thing I would be pissed off too!

The FIRST step for peace is for Hamas to stop launching rockets. End of story!

Abi, your attempt at making some kind of justification for Hamas terrorism does you nor any other pro Palestinian supporter. You simply end up tarring pro Palestinian supporters and Palestinians with the same 'terrorist brush'!
Looks like another question that chased off the cherry picking one.
I already said bye to him. He insinuated there was no the occupation.

Back on topic, now that we have this rocket/mortar thing put into perspective, will the narrative change?

The only perspective that matters is that acts of islamic terrorism carry consequences. Now that we have put things in perspective for you, one or more of the Islamic terrorist franchises has a work opportunity for you.

PA promotes suicide bombings - PMW Bulletins
Why the hell compare suicide rates with terrorism? You may as well compare incidences of heart attacks or death by old age to dealth by terror. Obviously those numbers should be dramatically different. There should be no deaths by terror. End of.
To put into perspective the role that these attacks play and how different the reality is from what many believe. And there should be no deaths in war either, but what is generally labeled as a terror attack, to 'the terrorists' at least, is their way of fighting back. When they see the results of Israeli bombing raids and the men, women and children who were blown to pieces or burnt beyond recognition as they slept, they want revenge. They want to take lives of those who perpetrated the terror that the media labels incorrectly as something other than terror.

Do I agree with this idea? NO, I agree with none of it. But, as stated, nothing changes before the occupation becomes a term for something that was.

:boohoo: Why begin with this narrative again? The never ending circular argument that gets no one anywhere. Except perhaps to increase the suicide rate.
The occupation must end. Anyone and everyone who has looked at the situation knows this. Playing your violin in response to me pointing out the horror of occupation is telling and sad.
Definition of 'terrorism' - "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."
So, why is Israel never condemned as a terrorist regime?
If someone kept throwing rockets into my back garden, without injuring anyone or any thing I would be pissed off too!
Me too, as I would living through generation of brutal occupation.
I chose Jewish sources on purpose for this thread.

Total fatalities in the history of rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza into Israel: 44
How many people have died from Gaza rockets into Israel?

If we do the math, based on 6 million Jews in Israel, we see that rockets and mortar attacks combined have killed 0.00000733333 of the Jewish population in Israel.

Compare that with what Ynet (another Jewish source) reported in 2015 and which covers nearly the exact same time frame.

Between 2000 and 2013, 4,806 people in Israel committed suicide. A worrying new report presented to the Knesset's Immigration and Absorption Committee reveals a third of those are immigrants who came to Israel under the Law of Return...

Ynetnews Culture - A third of all suicides in Israel committed by olim

When we do the math, we see that Israelis kill themselves over 100 times more often than terrorist's rockets and mortar attacks combined.

Even when we isolate the IDF from the general population, we can see that even they are more lethal to themselves than the rocket and mortar attacks combined.

At the beginning of this year, the Times of Israel (another Jewish source) claimed that: Suicide was the main cause of death among IDF soldiers in 2016, more than terror attacks, training accidents, car crashes or illness, the army reported Sunday.
Suicide was top cause of death for IDF soldiers in 2016

I am not quite sure what to make of this, but I'm guessing the zionists will continue to frame not only the Palestinians, but the entire Muslim and Christian world as Jews haters who want to kill all Israelis.

No terrorost supporter we don't have to put pal terrorosts in perspective.
Abi, your attempt at making some kind of justification for Hamas terrorism does you nor any other pro Palestinian supporter. You simply end up tarring pro Palestinian supporters and Palestinians with the same 'terrorist brush'!
I am only pointing out their position. I am not claiming it is right, but they see it as a life for a life.
If someone kept throwing rockets into my back garden, without injuring anyone or any thing I would be pissed off too!
Me too, as I would living through generation of brutal occupation.

How many Israeli troops are there in Gaza right now?

Why can't you answer that honestly?

The occupation you are obsessed with only exists in your mind.

Stop firing rockets into Israel and everyone will be happy!
How many Israeli troops are there in Gaza right now?

Why can't you answer that honestly?

The occupation you are obsessed with only exists in your mind.

Stop firing rockets into Israel and everyone will be happy!
The zionists pulled out in 2005 and then bombed Gaza heavily more than a few times. Your point?

The rockets end when the occupation does.
How many Israeli troops are there in Gaza right now?

Why can't you answer that honestly?

The occupation you are obsessed with only exists in your mind.

Stop firing rockets into Israel and everyone will be happy!
The zionists pulled out in 2005 and then bombed Gaza heavily more than a few times. Your point?

The rockets end when the occupation does.

There is no occupation dumb ass! Will you admit that?

Palestinian assholes lob rockets into Israel and expect the Israelis to sit on their hands and do nothing?

Stop the rockets and you won't get your people killed when the Israeli Air Force sends you to meet Allah!
How many Israeli troops are there in Gaza right now?

Why can't you answer that honestly?

The occupation you are obsessed with only exists in your mind.

Stop firing rockets into Israel and everyone will be happy!
The zionists pulled out in 2005 and then bombed Gaza heavily more than a few times. Your point?

The rockets end when the occupation does.

I'm afraid yours are the stereotypical excuses for Pali-Arab incompetence and ineptitude. The Palis had an opportunity after Israel's unilateral withdraw from Gaza to establish a functioning society and a viable attempt at industry and commerce. They chose the route of belligerent Islamic terrorism and the attacks at Israel followed soon after.

Islamic terrorism will end when acts of Islamic terrorism are addressed as acts of war.
Why do you keep sidestepping?

How many Israeli troops are in Gaza?
The zionists pulled out in 2005 and then bombed Gaza heavily more than a few times. Your point?

The rockets end when the occupation does.

There is no occupation dumb ass! Will you admit that?

Palestinian assholes lob rockets into Israel and expect the Israelis to sit on their hands and do nothing?

Stop the rockets and you won't get your people killed when the Israeli Air Force sends you to meet Allah!
End the occupation and it's over. This is really easy.
... they want revenge. They want to take lives of those who perpetrated the terror that the media labels incorrectly as something other than terror.

Do I agree with this idea? NO, I agree with none of it. But, as stated, nothing changes before the occupation becomes a term for something that was.

Yes, but killing innocent people as revenge is NOT a civilized idea, nor is it permitted by law.

And appeasing murderers is not the way to bring peace. If they want the occupation to end, they must cease the illegal and immoral hostilities. Your efforts should be directed towards insisting that Hamas do this immediately. When there has been a year with no hostile actions -- then the sea blockade can be removed and the border normalized.

It is ridiculous to expect sanctions to be removed while the hostilities continue.
... they want revenge. They want to take lives of those who perpetrated the terror that the media labels incorrectly as something other than terror.

Do I agree with this idea? NO, I agree with none of it. But, as stated, nothing changes before the occupation becomes a term for something that was.

Yes, but killing innocent people as revenge is NOT a civilized idea, nor is it permitted by law.

And appeasing murderers is not the way to bring peace. If they want the occupation to end, they must cease the illegal and immoral hostilities. Your efforts should be directed towards insisting that Hamas do this immediately. When there has been a year with no hostile actions -- then the sea blockade can be removed and the border normalized.

It is ridiculous to expect sanctions to be removed while the hostilities continue.
Israel can end the war anytime they like, they must cease the illegal and immoral hostilities. Your efforts should be directed towards insisting that israel does this immediately.
Yes, but killing innocent people as revenge is NOT a civilized idea, nor is it permitted by law.
Tell the zionists. Every single time they put up a story after the bomb civilians, it is always accompanied by a claim that this was a response.

And appeasing murderers is not the way to bring peace. If they want the occupation to end, they must cease the illegal and immoral hostilities. Your efforts should be directed towards insisting that Hamas do this immediately. When there has been a year with no hostile actions -- then the sea blockade can be removed and the border normalized.
The occupation must end, they must cease the illegal and immoral hostilities. Your efforts should be directed towards insisting that the zionists do this immediately.

It is ridiculous to expect sanctions to be removed while the hostilities continue.
It is ridiculous to expect violence to cease while the inhuman occupation continues.
Why do you keep sidestepping?

How many Israeli troops are in Gaza?
The zionists pulled out in 2005 and then bombed Gaza heavily more than a few times. Your point?

The rockets end when the occupation does.

There is no occupation dumb ass! Will you admit that?

Palestinian assholes lob rockets into Israel and expect the Israelis to sit on their hands and do nothing?

Stop the rockets and you won't get your people killed when the Israeli Air Force sends you to meet Allah!
End the occupation and it's over. This is really easy.

There is no occupation in Gaza! You just admitted that they pulled out 12 years ago!

Can you not read what you typed?
There is no occupation in Gaza! You just admitted that they pulled out 12 years ago!

Can you not read what you typed?
Gaza is a small part of what once was Palestine. I don't even think you know what Palestine is.
I chose Jewish sources on purpose for this thread.

Total fatalities in the history of rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza into Israel: 44
How many people have died from Gaza rockets into Israel?

If we do the math, based on 6 million Jews in Israel, we see that rockets and mortar attacks combined have killed 0.00000733333 of the Jewish population in Israel.

Compare that with what Ynet (another Jewish source) reported in 2015 and which covers nearly the exact same time frame.

Between 2000 and 2013, 4,806 people in Israel committed suicide. A worrying new report presented to the Knesset's Immigration and Absorption Committee reveals a third of those are immigrants who came to Israel under the Law of Return...

Ynetnews Culture - A third of all suicides in Israel committed by olim

When we do the math, we see that Israelis kill themselves over 100 times more often than terrorist's rockets and mortar attacks combined.

Even when we isolate the IDF from the general population, we can see that even they are more lethal to themselves than the rocket and mortar attacks combined.

At the beginning of this year, the Times of Israel (another Jewish source) claimed that: Suicide was the main cause of death among IDF soldiers in 2016, more than terror attacks, training accidents, car crashes or illness, the army reported Sunday.
Suicide was top cause of death for IDF soldiers in 2016

I am not quite sure what to make of this, but I'm guessing the zionists will continue to frame not only the Palestinians, but the entire Muslim and Christian world as Jews haters who want to kill all Israelis.

I think we need to put missile attacks into Gaza into perspective. No I mean reality. I think we should bomb the camel fuckers back to the stone ages! Fuck Islam

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