We need to put the rocket and mortar attacks against Israel in perspective.

I chose Jewish sources on purpose for this thread.

Total fatalities in the history of rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza into Israel: 44
How many people have died from Gaza rockets into Israel?

If we do the math, based on 6 million Jews in Israel, we see that rockets and mortar attacks combined have killed 0.00000733333 of the Jewish population in Israel.

Compare that with what Ynet (another Jewish source) reported in 2015 and which covers nearly the exact same time frame.

Between 2000 and 2013, 4,806 people in Israel committed suicide. A worrying new report presented to the Knesset's Immigration and Absorption Committee reveals a third of those are immigrants who came to Israel under the Law of Return...

Ynetnews Culture - A third of all suicides in Israel committed by olim

When we do the math, we see that Israelis kill themselves over 100 times more often than terrorist's rockets and mortar attacks combined.

Even when we isolate the IDF from the general population, we can see that even they are more lethal to themselves than the rocket and mortar attacks combined.

At the beginning of this year, the Times of Israel (another Jewish source) claimed that: Suicide was the main cause of death among IDF soldiers in 2016, more than terror attacks, training accidents, car crashes or illness, the army reported Sunday.
Suicide was top cause of death for IDF soldiers in 2016

I am not quite sure what to make of this, but I'm guessing the zionists will continue to frame not only the Palestinians, but the entire Muslim and Christian world as Jews haters who want to kill all Israelis.

What you” forget” to mention are the terror attacks that increased after Israel withdrew from Gaza. Decreased Muslim Mentality
So it's OK to 'try' to kill people as long as you suck at it.

So if someone strafed my house with gun fire and missed me, he didn't commit a real crime.

If someone seals all my windows and doors then sets my house on fire, but I still get out, it's not a real crime.

It has to take a LOT of effort to be as stewpud as you.
No, it is obviously a crime, but this thread is putting the zionist narrative into perspective. The facts are clear. Israelis kill themselves over 100 times more that Palestinians kill them.

But, I won't call you stupid, I will just assume you became triggered and did not understand the thread.

The Palestinians can solve that problem for themselves. Don't be a dumb ass and shoot rockets into Israel. They suck at it!
The Palestinians can solve that problem for themselves. Don't be a dumb ass and shoot rockets into Israel. They suck at it!
With all due respect, how can you call me a dumbass... and then claim the Palestinians can keep the Israelis from killing themselves over 100 times more than the rockets or mortars?

The Palestinians can solve that problem for themselves. Don't be a dumb ass and shoot rockets into Israel. They suck at it!
With all due respect, how can you call me a dumbass... and then claim the Palestinians can keep the Israelis from killing themselves over 100 times more than the rockets or mortars?


How does anyone give someone so stupid as you access to a computer and the Internet?

If the Palestinians do not shoot rocket or mortars into Israel, there won't be any Israeli deaths or Palestinian deaths. Suicides are about as related to this topic as gingivitis!

I'm sorry, but dumb ass doesn't begin to describe that lack of thinking. What are you, 12 years old?

I guess you are a fucking dumb ass of the highest order!

Thrown any gays off the roof today?
The admiral is correct. Comparing rocket attacks and suicide is insane.

But we get it. Considering the source.
The admiral is correct. Comparing rocket attacks and suicide is insane.

But we get it. Check the source.
You honestly don't see how this puts things into perspective? We had another thread where zionists were claiming between 60% and 100% of Palestinians are terrorists.

Israelis are clearly more dangerous to themselves.
There should be ZERO attacks. That is the perspective you need!
And there should be zero occupation, but the occupation is now multigenerational and there seems to be no end in site.

Where exactly do you think any part of Israel is occupied?

They won the land in the war. It is theirs. Why do we keep discussing this?

Do you see Jordan wanting it's land back?

Of course not! It's filled with squatters!
They won the land in the war. It is theirs. Why do we keep discussing this?
Thanks to Nuremberg we know that stealing land in war is a war crime with no statute of limitations.

Is that so? Where did you did up that gem? Did you find it on some neo-Nazi web page? That is so stupid as to defy a response.

Where exactly do you think any part of Israel is occupied?
Oh, another one, bye.

Is Gaza occupied? You tried that bullshit reasoning that since they are next door and they are so powerful that it might as well be an occupation.

How many Israeli troops are in Gaza at this very minute? It's a number. It should not be hard to figure out.
Looks like another question that chased off the cherry picking one.
I already said bye to him. He insinuated there was no the occupation.

Back on topic, now that we have this rocket/mortar thing put into perspective, will the narrative change?
Why the hell compare suicide rates with terrorism? You may as well compare incidences of heart attacks or death by old age to dealth by terror. Obviously those numbers should be dramatically different. There should be no deaths by terror. End of.

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