we need to repeal Obamacare and replace it with Medicare For All, my friends

It's been a slice , to much wasted bandwidth.
Actually, it's been a fascinating glimpse into your substandard education.
It's rather obvious why you've been so brainwashed by the left: not much to wash.
Public schools?

Agreed. A few errors here and there, fine. Typos happen. But when you just flat out say stuff that isn't even complete sentences on a routine basis.... yeah.... Time to go back to writing class.

Ok it is your time now it has been a slice.

Do you want to be respected as a person with an opinion? Or do you want everyone on the forum think of us as some sort of ape that escape from a cave somewhere?

How you type matters. Everyone is going to take you less seriously, when you can't even use a period or a comma.

Now if you don't care... that's fine... but just remember you are going to get a ton more posts by people laughing at you, than talking about the topic, because you are so incoherent.
Love it they went away whining like a pup. Thanks for the entertainment.
Sure. It's entertaining to us too, but I'm sure for different reasons.

Screenshot_2020-07-10 monkey, laptop, computer, technology, internet, primate, mammal, wireles...png
Obviously, you made that up. The US pays more per person for HC then anyother free nation in the world.
Yes I just said USA pays 4 times more than it should thanks to govt involvement. We need to shift to capitalism wherein there is competition to bring price down and quality up. Are you still confused???
This is the top of the stupid list for the day.
Yes yours was. Before Medicare and Medicaid, the elderly died horribly. So yes, if all you want to do is insure healthy people by private insurance, it’s cheaper to let 10s of thousands die. Obamacare and Medicare are both using private insurance which has to profitize. Plus, gov. Paid insurance is not allowed to negotiate. The gop has insured that their donors get their cuts. So it’s still expensive because even Medicare is not all public funded....only 80%. Other nations don’t have a Republican Party of the stupid.
won't work ace , heres the fact, you say something is unconstitutional, I say bullshit and here is why "Bullshit , if it contradicts the constitution you your self can literally take this to court yourself and argue your made up point. Which is totally bullshit , the court defines the constitution not some red neck out in bozo land. " Try to argue that hot rod. POST 94 total nonsense.
Did you go to the Village Idiot School of Grammar or are you literally that stupid?
Yes. Agree with all of that.
Obviously, you made that up. The US pays more per person for HC then anyother free nation in the world.
Yes I just said USA pays 4 times more than it should thanks to govt involvement. We need to shift to capitalism wherein there is competition to bring price down and quality up. Are you still confused???
This is the top of the stupid list for the day.
Yes yours was. Before Medicare and Medicaid, the elderly died horribly. So yes, if all you want to do is insure healthy people by private insurance, it’s cheaper to let 10s of thousands die. Obamacare and Medicare are both using private insurance which has to profitize. Plus, gov. Paid insurance is not allowed to negotiate. The gop has insured that their donors get their cuts. So it’s still expensive because even Medicare is not all public funded....only 80%. Other nations don’t have a Republican Party of the stupid.
Yes. Honduras and El Salvador have no Repubs. Neither does Cuba. Anything else?
Do you want to be respected as a person with an opinion? Or do you want everyone on the forum think of us as some sort of ape that escape from a cave somewhere?
How you type matters. Everyone is going to take you less seriously, when you can't even use a period or a comma.
Now if you don't care... that's fine... but just remember you are going to get a ton more posts by people laughing at you, than talking about the topic, because you are so incoherent.
We're in an arena where one can lie about anything and claim to be anyone.
The only truth to be gleaned about each other is the logic behind our posts and the skill of our delivery.
Sadly, J is 0-2.
We should and we do have constitutional limits on our government , that is defined by the courts not you or some redneck bubba from the hate party, by the way not me either.

The Constitution is already defined. That was the point behind writing it down. The Court merely applies that definition.

The reason I asked about Constitutional limits on government is because many liberals get defensive and angry at any suggestion that government should be limited. They tend to think that democracy should always carry the day, despite the Constitution. Glad to hear you're not like that.
Obviously, you made that up. The US pays more per person for HC then anyother free nation in the world.
Yes I just said USA pays 4 times more than it should thanks to govt involvement. We need to shift to capitalism wherein there is competition to bring price down and quality up. Are you still confused???
This is the top of the stupid list for the day.
Yes yours was. Before Medicare and Medicaid, the elderly died horribly. So yes, if all you want to do is insure healthy people by private insurance, it’s cheaper to let 10s of thousands die. Obamacare and Medicare are both using private insurance which has to profitize. Plus, gov. Paid insurance is not allowed to negotiate. The gop has insured that their donors get their cuts. So it’s still expensive because even Medicare is not all public funded....only 80%. Other nations don’t have a Republican Party of the stupid.
Everything about this hate group they call a party is totally against the best interest of this country , nobody defines what this right wing has become better then their leader scum bag. That is who they are, something that literally is the biggest threat this country has and to me my biggest enemy. They have to and will be dumped. Then the poison they injected into this country has to be turned around 100%.
We should and we do have constitutional limits on our government , that is defined by the courts not you or some redneck bubba from the hate party, by the way not me either.

The Constitution is already defined. That was the point behind writing it down. The Court merely applies that definition.

The reason I asked about Constitutional limits on government is because many liberals get defensive and angry at any suggestion that government should be limited. They tend to think that democracy should always carry the day, despite the Constitution. Glad to hear you're not like that.
That limitation is less important then a party that supports a dictator wannabee. That's the rights contribution to this constitution and country. They have sold out this country and I for one will never forget that fact. They have to go, dumped from our society and a new voice that is driven by more then dollars and hate has to be created for the conservative voice in this country and every attempt that is turned into the hate group it is now, has to be disposed of. They are this countries enemy. Hate should never win.
We should and we do have constitutional limits on our government , that is defined by the courts not you or some redneck bubba from the hate party, by the way not me either.

The Constitution is already defined. That was the point behind writing it down. The Court merely applies that definition.

The reason I asked about Constitutional limits on government is because many liberals get defensive and angry at any suggestion that government should be limited. They tend to think that democracy should always carry the day, despite the Constitution. Glad to hear you're not like that.
That limitation is less important then a party that supports a dictator wannabee. That's the rights contribution to this constitution and country. They have sold out this country and I for one will never forget that fact. They have to go, dumped from our society and a new voice that is driven by more then dollars and hate has to be created for the conservative voice in this country and every attempt that is turned into the hate group it is now, has to be disposed of. They are this countries enemy. Hate should never win.

I disagree. Constitutional limits on government are more important, far more important, than getting your way in the short term.
We should and we do have constitutional limits on our government , that is defined by the courts not you or some redneck bubba from the hate party, by the way not me either.

The Constitution is already defined. That was the point behind writing it down. The Court merely applies that definition.

The reason I asked about Constitutional limits on government is because many liberals get defensive and angry at any suggestion that government should be limited. They tend to think that democracy should always carry the day, despite the Constitution. Glad to hear you're not like that.
That limitation is less important then a party that supports a dictator wannabee. That's the rights contribution to this constitution and country. They have sold out this country and I for one will never forget that fact. They have to go, dumped from our society and a new voice that is driven by more then dollars and hate has to be created for the conservative voice in this country and every attempt that is turned into the hate group it is now, has to be disposed of. They are this countries enemy. Hate should never win.

I disagree. Constitutional limits on government are more important, far more important, than getting your way in the short term.
So you are rooting for this dictator wannabee and if he gets his way , you are choosing that I have to be led by your dictator. Sorry thats a hell of a lot more important than dealing with the issues that are generally involved when the right talks about big government , Thats oposition to regulations that protect the public for the sake of the bottomline of some monstous corporations, No I have no sympathy to what the right is trying to force onto this country.
this country has to be turned around 100%.
And Democrats would do it 100% with socialism, open borders, defunded police, hispanic nationalism, free health care and education for entire world, empty prisons, 16 years old voters, a packed Supreme Court and Senate, plus higher business taxes to drive more jobs offshore.
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They are this countries enemy. Hate should never win.

But it is Democrats who are openly unpatriotic, anti American, socialist, anti family, anti religion, and literally tearing down our country and history. Democrats are doomed in November because real Americans will be voting in November.
, No I have no sympathy to what the right is trying to force onto this country.

Same as Jefferson and Madison when they formed the Republican Party in 1793, they are trying to force freedom on us!! What do you have against freedom and America anyway??
some monstous corporations,

monstrous corporations?? Not if the are capitalist. Then they can only survive by offering you the best possible jobs and products in the world. Can you offer anyone a job and product that can survive international competition? If not you must be be very very thankful for those who do what you lack the ability to do.

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