We Need to Vote For Trump More Now Than Ever

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
And I say that very strongly because my great fear is there might be people out there that say that he's up so high in the polls that they might not need to.

That's when I say that every vote not given to Trump is a win for the democrats, and after seeing a video of him speaking in New York today it worries me of how dangerous this country is right now where the thought of an innocent man who was the greatest president this country ever had might be thrown behind bars.

I mean I'm not really all that worried about it and I know that Trump's not, I'm just saying that it still possibly could happen.

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And I say that very strongly because my great fear is there might be people out there that say that he's up so high in the polls that they might not need to.

That's when I say that every vote not given to Trump is a win for the democrats, and after seeing a video of him speaking in New York today it worries me of how dangerous this country right now where the thought of an innocent man who was the greatest president this country ever had might be thrown behind bars.

I mean I'm not really all that worried about it and I know that Trump's not, I'm just saying that it still possibly could happen.

During the primary season? :auiqs.jpg:

You're worried?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Wat does that say about any contest after the primaries?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
And I say that very strongly because my great fear is there might be people out there that say that he's up so high in the polls that they might not need to.

That's when I say that every vote not given to Trump is a win for the democrats, and after seeing a video of him speaking in New York today it worries me of how dangerous this country right now where the thought of an innocent man who was the greatest president this country ever had might be thrown behind bars.

I mean I'm not really all that worried about it and I know that Trump's not, I'm just saying that it still possibly could happen.

Your post makes me want to vomit! Trump was the most fucked up President we ever had! And you are completely FOS!
During the primary season? :auiqs.jpg:

You're worried?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Wat does that say about any contest after the primaries?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I just said that I'm not all that worried, but our minds have to be open to the possibilities as the democrats (your party) won't stop at anything to remove Trump from the competition.
fucked up President
And I say that very strongly because my great fear is there might be people out there that say that he's up so high in the polls that they might not need to.

That's when I say that every vote not given to Trump is a win for the democrats, and after seeing a video of him speaking in New York today it worries me of how dangerous this country is right now where the thought of an innocent man who was the greatest president this country ever had might be thrown behind bars.

I mean I'm not really all that worried about it and I know that Trump's not, I'm just saying that it still possibly could happen.
Tuck Frump.
5th post and your BDS appears.
You never disappoint

If Trump babbled like Biden did you would be making fun of him too, but since he doesn't you pull things out of your ass to make fun of him for.
Again, don’t give a shit about Biden.
Trump represents the worst of this country, not to mention he thinks windmills kill whales. That’s pretty stupid.

What? When did he say that?
I just said that I'm not all that worried, but our minds have to be open to the possibilities as the democrats (your party) won't stop at anything to remove Trump from the competition.

Its' about an ~$700B pot for the Deep State to go after (~10% of spending). Yes they will do anything for that amount. These lowIQ board maggots actually think they are going to share these confiscated funds with them and their cronies. lol! Deep State thinks only of themselves.

Raises, parties, travel, per diem, staff, concerts, pensions, days off, bonuses, cars, drivers, medical, gym, pharmacy, doctors, hair-makeup, perk-city. All for them, nothing for America.

Oh yeah I do remember seeing that, well I don't have any insight to comment on it and either way whether he's right or not (if he actually did say that at all) is neither here nor there as it won't affect how he governs.

Really? Why lie? Not worried? A great fear?

"I say that very strongly because my great fear is..."

I don't have to be worried to be fearful if I'm wrong at exactly the same time.

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