We Never Left Low Earth Orbit?

He makes a convincing case

Only for fools.

The bs he is parroting has long since been crushed, shredded, and debunked.

The flag waves because of inertia which happens in a vacuum or in an atmosphere. It waves because the astronaut is twisting the staff. The blast crater is not there because it would not be there because the rocket engines were not as massively powerful as the fool assumes and did not need to be. The stars were not seen in the photos because the camera had a shutter speed set to capture images of the moons surface as opposed to the stars which always needed extended shutter time to capture on film.

These are not explanations as the moron claims they are simple facts.

He also quote mines in order to prove his idiotically retarded case. The NASA expert he quoted was referring to sending people through the van allen belts in an ORION space craft. In other words we need to make sure the space craft protects the people in side. This in no way means we have never done so in other space craft and we have. Other space craft worked just fine protecting the occupants but Orion is a new one which we have not tried out yet.

Had the retard who made this video shown the whole presentation instead of a few seconds of it this would have been clear.

He is not confused he is a fucking liar and proven so.

The fact is that the evidence we went to the moon is undeniable, overwhelming and irrefutable.

The fool who made this video has no evidence whatsoever to the contrary
He makes a convincing case

Only for fools.

The bs he is parroting has long since been crushed, shredded, and debunked.

The flag waves because of inertia which happens in a vacuum or in an atmosphere. It waves because the astronaut is twisting the staff. The blast crater is not there because it would not be there because the rocket engines were not as massively powerful as the fool assumes and did not need to be. The stars were not seen in the photos because the camera had a shutter speed set to capture images of the moons surface as opposed to the stars which always needed extended shutter time to capture on film.

These are not explanations as the moron claims they are simple facts.

He also quote mines in order to prove his idiotically retarded case. The NASA expert he quoted was referring to sending people through the van allen belts in an ORION space craft. In other words we need to make sure the space craft protects the people in side. This in no way means we have never done so in other space craft and we have. Other space craft worked just fine protecting the occupants but Orion is a new one which we have not tried out yet.

Had the retard who made this video shown the whole presentation instead of a few seconds of it this would have been clear.

He is not confused he is a fucking liar and proven so.

The fact is that the evidence we went to the moon is undeniable, overwhelming and irrefutable.

The fool who made this video has no evidence whatsoever to the contrary

You seem very defensive and angry. Not a trait of the CONFIDENT
He makes a convincing case

Only for fools.

The bs he is parroting has long since been crushed, shredded, and debunked.

The flag waves because of inertia which happens in a vacuum or in an atmosphere. It waves because the astronaut is twisting the staff. The blast crater is not there because it would not be there because the rocket engines were not as massively powerful as the fool assumes and did not need to be. The stars were not seen in the photos because the camera had a shutter speed set to capture images of the moons surface as opposed to the stars which always needed extended shutter time to capture on film.

These are not explanations as the moron claims they are simple facts.

He also quote mines in order to prove his idiotically retarded case. The NASA expert he quoted was referring to sending people through the van allen belts in an ORION space craft. In other words we need to make sure the space craft protects the people in side. This in no way means we have never done so in other space craft and we have. Other space craft worked just fine protecting the occupants but Orion is a new one which we have not tried out yet.

Had the retard who made this video shown the whole presentation instead of a few seconds of it this would have been clear.

He is not confused he is a fucking liar and proven so.

The fact is that the evidence we went to the moon is undeniable, overwhelming and irrefutable.

The fool who made this video has no evidence whatsoever to the contrary

You seem very defensive and angry. Not a trait of the CONFIDENT

I never claimed to be a confident.

Intelligent people should be angry at such bastards.
It's a good question though. I mean, we were at a point where we though the Russians were going to get the jump on us, so we had to respond quickly, man on the moon seems pretty good for that.

But think about it, we had no idea what to expect in outer space. Sure, we had sent up some people in tests to orbit the earth, but we had no idea what to expect on the trip, and once we got there. We could only speculate. However, we put astronauts in a tiny capsule made of tin foil and sent them 250,000 miles through space, landed on a moon we really knew nothing about, walked on the surface of the moon in space suits made of cloth, and froliced and played, and even had one guy fall over....all knowing that a small rip in the suit..from a rock, or whatever, could spell disaster.

Then we launched off the moon, traveled back through space, through our atmosphere, and splashed down in the ocean.

We did all of this on the first try, without a hitch, using a computer with the power comparable to today's cell phone.

Now I'm not sure what I believe, but you have to admit, all of that seems a bit tough to swallow, in 1969, especially considering they could communicate, almost in real time from Houston to the capsule, and yet in 2017, we don't have the technology to have decent cell signal in the middle of a major city...
He makes a convincing case

Doesn't make sense. the hardest part of getting into space is getting off the Earth in the first place. Orbital mechanics are relatively simple compared to flinging a few tons from zero altitude to orbital velocities.
Also, why are they concerned, now, about the van allen belts. They had that figured out in '69 right? What happened between then and now?
Humans haven't left Low Earth Orbit for forty years ... because it's expensive and we now have other priorities as a society ...

He makes a convincing case

What a moron!

The lunar module never operated in temps he says exist. They don't! A perfect example was his using 0 degrees Celsius as the bottom of the range. Space is normally cold, much colder than 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The lunar module was enclosed in the upper portion of the third stage of the Saturn V rocket.

You also have to have something in it to warm up or get cold. Ever stick your hand into an empty freezer? At first, it doesn't feel cold because your hand is still at your body temperature and there is nothing in there to draw the heat from your hand. Put it in an almost full freezer and see how quickly your hand gets cold.

The side of the craft in the sun gets hot. The side away from the sun gets cold. There are systems on board to redistribute that heat and cold. Remember what happened to Skylab when part of it's insulation and shielding was ripped away? The interior became so hot, they had to rig a solar shade to even enter the spacecraft.

This guy has no training or expertise to be making these accusations. They are hilarious fails!
It's a good question though. I mean, we were at a point where we though the Russians were going to get the jump on us, so we had to respond quickly, man on the moon seems pretty good for that.

But think about it, we had no idea what to expect in outer space. Sure, we had sent up some people in tests to orbit the earth, but we had no idea what to expect on the trip, and once we got there. We could only speculate. However, we put astronauts in a tiny capsule made of tin foil and sent them 250,000 miles through space, landed on a moon we really knew nothing about, walked on the surface of the moon in space suits made of cloth, and froliced and played, and even had one guy fall over....all knowing that a small rip in the suit..from a rock, or whatever, could spell disaster.

Then we launched off the moon, traveled back through space, through our atmosphere, and splashed down in the ocean.

We did all of this on the first try, without a hitch, using a computer with the power comparable to today's cell phone.

Now I'm not sure what I believe, but you have to admit, all of that seems a bit tough to swallow, in 1969, especially considering they could communicate, almost in real time from Houston to the capsule, and yet in 2017, we don't have the technology to have decent cell signal in the middle of a major city...

They had a little bit bigger budget!
Van Allen radiation belt - Wikipedia

The Apollo missions marked the first event where humans traveled through the Van Allen belts, which was one of several radiation hazards known by mission planners.The astronauts had low exposure in the Van Allen belts due to the short period of time spent flying through them. Apollo flight trajectories bypassed the inner belts completely, and only passed through the thinner areas of the outer belts.
There are systems on board to redistribute that heat and cold. Remember what happened to Skylab when part of it's insulation and shielding was ripped away?

Even simpler than that .. all the way to the moon, the LEM and CM would slowly roll -- called a barbecue roll -- to keep the sun side from overheating.

Just like meat on a spit.
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He makes a convincing case

Nasa has an answer to all of these because.... well... because there are answers to all of these.

He has Nasa astronauts saying things like "right now we can only fly in Earth orbit", but... the Moon is in Earth's orbit.

He has some young female astronaut in space talking about leaving lower Earth orbit. Now, why would Nasa hide the supposed "fact" that humans haven't been to the Moon with this person if they're trying to hide the supposed "fact"?

That makes no sense.

He makes a ridiculous argument where he shows a Nasa guy saying we don't have the technology to go back to the moon any more. He's right, we don't. The Apollo missions aren't going to fly again. To go back to the moon you'd have to make new ships to go there. That costs money. We don't have the political will to go back, therefore no money.

But this guy claims this is "evidence" that we never went in the first place. Er...

He also claims he's proven his point beyond a shadow of a doubt. Absolute rubbish. He's literally got people speaking and taking what they say mostly out of context.

The he goes off to explain how the LUNAR MODULE. The he goes on to explain about the Earth atmosphere up to 6,000km.

Well, the Lunar Module sat below the CSM and wasn't taken out of it's hole until they were orbiting the Moon. Which makes his 6,000KM-10.000KM thing a little ridiculous.

The Lunar Module was then crashed into the Moon or sent into solar orbit.

So at no point was the Lunar Module hanging around between the Thermosphere or Exosphere.

Temperature in the Exosphere - Windows to the Universe

Also, the exosphere is "almost a vacuum. The "air" is very, very thin there. When air is thin, it doesn't transfer much heat to objects in the air, even if the air is very, very hot."

Oh, oh, er... oh. So, if the exosphere is very hot, and something is in that exosphere, it doesn't mean it needs to be resistant to the heat of the exosphere, because there isn't going to be that much conducting going on.

"The particles in the exosphere are moving very quickly, so the temperature there is quite hot. However, the exosphere would feel quite cold to us."

The guy is a phony, he's working on the basis that people are fucking idiots and can't understand anything. So he makes some points with his little kid science set he got for Christmas in 1985 and he thinks he's smart.

And yet, he's ignoring most facts.

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