We No Longer Have the Flu

My friends uncle was 98 years old had cancer and was in a care facility for a month before covid hit....he died and the certificate of death was listed as covid...the Dr gave him a week to live before he tested positive for covid just before his death...so the family sued the care facility for allowing him to catch the virus and so then the care facility had the hospital change the cause of death to natural....Its all about money in the end...no one gives a shit about you or me...only money.....

This entire show put on by the world and the democrats was just a way to uproot the USA kill our great economy and get rid of Trump....
They were all in on it...they didn't need a script to follow they knew what to do and say and report....all led by the media.....

They should all be charged with treason...every damn one of them....
My friends uncle was 98 years old had cancer and was in a care facility for a month before covid hit....he died and the certificate of death was listed as covid...the Dr gave him a week to live before he tested positive for covid just before his death...so the family sued the care facility for allowing him to catch the virus and so then the care facility had the hospital change the cause of death to natural....Its all about money in the end...no one gives a shit about you or me...only money.....

This entire show put on by the world and the democrats was just a way to uproot the USA kill our great economy and get rid of Trump....
They were all in on it...they didn't need a script to follow they knew what to do and say and report....all led by the media.....

They should all be charged with treason...every damn one of them....
The left mocks us completely twisting the meaning of the covid HOAX

Someday they'll understand what was done TO US. Itll be too late, but they'll figure it out.
.Hope the nation we are left with will be worth it to them
And apparently, cancer or heart disease.

This is what happens when you look for every excuse possible to reclassify every death as COVID.

How many REALLY died OF COVID?

It's all just a hoax, folks. The pro deep state globalist scumbags behind this Convid 19 lie need to be all arrested and charged with crimes against humanity. How this farce of a virus got this far is beyond me. It just shows the power and control that the deep state globalists have over the world. This bull shit will only end when we the people say that we have had enough. We must get back to the good old normal days that we enjoyed and had just 10 months ago. Today, FUN has been taken away from us all for good. Now if you want to have FUN then you must wear a mask, practice social distancing, no get togethers, and lock yourself down. Oh, the joy and FUN of it all.

Real men and women do not wear face diaper masks. Only maskholes, wimps, and cowards wear face diaper masks. LOL.
My friends uncle was 98 years old had cancer and was in a care facility for a month before covid hit....he died and the certificate of death was listed as covid...the Dr gave him a week to live before he tested positive for covid just before his death...so the family sued the care facility for allowing him to catch the virus and so then the care facility had the hospital change the cause of death to natural....Its all about money in the end...no one gives a shit about you or me...only money.....

This entire show put on by the world and the democrats was just a way to uproot the USA kill our great economy and get rid of Trump....
They were all in on it...they didn't need a script to follow they knew what to do and say and report....all led by the media.....

They should all be charged with treason...every damn one of them....
The left mocks us completely twisting the meaning of the covid HOAX

Someday they'll understand what was done TO US. Itll be too late, but they'll figure it out.
.Hope the nation we are left with will be worth it to them

The left will never understand anything. They are way and beyond to stupid to try and understand anything. They are the virus. Just saying!!
My friends uncle was 98 years old had cancer and was in a care facility for a month before covid hit....he died and the certificate of death was listed as covid...the Dr gave him a week to live before he tested positive for covid just before his death...so the family sued the care facility for allowing him to catch the virus and so then the care facility had the hospital change the cause of death to natural....Its all about money in the end...no one gives a shit about you or me...only money.....

This entire show put on by the world and the democrats was just a way to uproot the USA kill our great economy and get rid of Trump....
They were all in on it...they didn't need a script to follow they knew what to do and say and report....all led by the media.....

They should all be charged with treason...every damn one of them....

Some motorcycle guy had died in a motorcycle accident. I guess that when they did a Convid 19 test on him they found out he had the convid bug and they then decided to put him down as dying from Convid. No shit. This did happen. Everybody that dies today appears to be dying from Convid 19. Go figure.
We have no market for Sudafed, Mucinex, and Contac now. The companies that make flu medicine might as well just fold up.

Chalk up another defeat of capitalism by the moonbats.
We have no market for Sudafed, Mucinex, and Contac now. The companies that make flu medicine might as well just fold up.

Chalk up another defeat of capitalism by the moonbats.

It's all about the vaccine now. If one does not take the vaccine then they will be forced to live a life in isolation. Big pharma stands to make trillions from pushing their vaccines. It's all a hoax, folks. Why are there so many people not getting this yet? I guess that I must be truly living among a bunch of maskholes. LOL.
The left mocks us completely twisting the meaning of the covid HOAX

Someday they'll understand what was done TO US. Itll be too late, but they'll figure it out.
.Hope the nation we are left with will be worth it to them

I think they figured it out a long time ago. The questions is, when are they going to tell us about it?
It's all about the vaccine now. If one does not take the vaccine then they will be forced to live a life in isolation.

Yeah. Pretty much. The whole public demonstration of invoking strategic language like "essential society'' or whatever basically gave the joke away. Heh heh.

My friends uncle was 98 years old had cancer and was in a care facility for a month before covid hit....he died and the certificate of death was listed as covid...the Dr gave him a week to live before he tested positive for covid just before his death...so the family sued the care facility for allowing him to catch the virus and so then the care facility had the hospital change the cause of death to natural....Its all about money in the end...no one gives a shit about you or me...only money.....

This entire show put on by the world and the democrats was just a way to uproot the USA kill our great economy and get rid of Trump....
They were all in on it...they didn't need a script to follow they knew what to do and say and report....all led by the media.....

They should all be charged with treason...every damn one of them....

He's not alone. My Uncle had colon cancer and was living with his son. Towards the end, my cousin called the family to see him one last time as he believed this was it. The family came over (about a dozen people) I'm sure many hugs and kisses were passed around, and the ambulance took him away.

When he got to the VA, they tested him positive for Covid. Everybody in that room, including my 89 year old father, were either tested, quarantined, or both. He died about two weeks later, and when my cousins got his death certificate, it listed Covid as the cause of death.

My 94 year old Uncle couldn't walk, so he never went anywhere. How did he contract this highly contagious virus? None of the people who took care of them or were in the house at his sendoff had it. The VA called my two cousins for an opinion on the care they gave their father. My one cousin said the care was fine, but........... The Doctor he spoke with told him to take a number. He's in a long line of folks who knew their loved one either never had Covid, or couldn't have died from it.

The sad part of the story is my Uncle on his death bed told his sons, please tell everybody how sorry he was for what he did to them (he had no idea they were fine). This brave WWII vet didn't die in dignity, he died with guilt.
My friends uncle was 98 years old had cancer and was in a care facility for a month before covid hit....he died and the certificate of death was listed as covid...the Dr gave him a week to live before he tested positive for covid just before his death...so the family sued the care facility for allowing him to catch the virus and so then the care facility had the hospital change the cause of death to natural....Its all about money in the end...no one gives a shit about you or me...only money.....

This entire show put on by the world and the democrats was just a way to uproot the USA kill our great economy and get rid of Trump....
They were all in on it...they didn't need a script to follow they knew what to do and say and report....all led by the media.....

They should all be charged with treason...every damn one of them....

He's not alone. My Uncle had colon cancer and was living with his son. Towards the end, my cousin called the family to see him one last time as he believed this was it. The family came over (about a dozen people) I'm sure many hugs and kisses were passed around, and the ambulance took him away.

When he got to the VA, they tested him positive for Covid. Everybody in that room, including my 89 year old father, were either tested, quarantined, or both. He died about two weeks later, and when my cousins got his death certificate, it listed Covid as the cause of death.

My 94 year old Uncle couldn't walk, so he never went anywhere. How did he contract this highly contagious virus? None of the people who took care of them or were in the house at his sendoff had it. The VA called my two cousins for an opinion on the care they gave their father. My one cousin said the care was fine, but........... The Doctor he spoke with told him to take a number. He's in a long line of folks who knew their loved one either never had Covid, or couldn't have died from it.

The sad part of the story is my Uncle on his death bed told his sons, please tell everybody how sorry he was for what he did to them (he had no idea they were fine). This brave WWII vet didn't die in dignity, he died with guilt.
Countries have revolutions for less than this. Is it any wonder everyone's lost faith in our public "servants"? So many liars in political office, and our hospitals too
Countries have revolutions for less than this. Is it any wonder everyone's lost faith in our public "servants"? So many liars in political office, and our hospitals too

The caregivers are doing it for the money, at least I hope they are. Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but I also believe it's being done by the politicians with a political motivation in mind. Of course the Democrats hate Trump; they'd hate any Republican President. But Trump is hated by the Democrats and a good number of Republicans. He was never invited to the club yet alone take the highest seat in it. They will spend the next 20 years bashing the Trump presidency to make him look so bad that we never elect a non-politician again for President.
How many REALLY died OF COVID?

Most scientists, statisticians, virologists and immunologists believe the number to be minimally 20% higher than the 335,000+ now on record.
But your ridiculous and highly edited fake news attempt has been duly noted. :rolleyes:
What fake news? I believe so little of what I see on TV anymore. There is a market for a parallel cable system with as many channels that promote moderate values as we see with Comcast and Spectrum and others. With comedy shows that are moderate and not Prog Socialist Communist. Every level of programming from late night talk shows to daytime talk shows to TV dramas and comedies and so on. Propaganda has warped a good percentage of the American public.

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