We should all be greatful for socialism/liberalism

I don't see how you don't understand the basic defintion of socialism. How about you look it up? Cite me an objective, non biased definition of socialism.

Since you're too fucking lazy to look up a definition

socialism: definition of socialism in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)


"A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

As I told the mental midget, not being an anarchist doesn't make you a socialist. It's central economic planning. As opposed to capitalism, which is distributed economic planning. Socialism is tyranny, capitalism is freedom. Democratic socialism just makes the tyrants the majority
Lol you're so thick dude. Owned and regulated by the community. That is what our governmental programs are.

It says the "means of production" is. The police are "means of production?" This is why I said I was putting zero effort into debating this with you
Lol yes the means of production. As in paid for by the people. We vote also vote for laws in such programs. That is where democratic socialism comes in.

Once again you expose your ignorance. We do not have laws, we have "acts, statutes and codes" because we are under Admiralty law in lieu of Common law. We do not have a voice on how speed limits are set or what the fines will be for violating an act, statute or code. They are set arbitrarily and to the advantage of the city councils that are in charge of bringing in revenue for the subsidiary of USA.INC. You may vote for the ones that sit on the council, but you have no say over what they arbitrarily vote for that benefits their corporate masters....are you getting the picture now?

"A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

As I told the mental midget, not being an anarchist doesn't make you a socialist. It's central economic planning. As opposed to capitalism, which is distributed economic planning. Socialism is tyranny, capitalism is freedom. Democratic socialism just makes the tyrants the majority
Lol you're so thick dude. Owned and regulated by the community. That is what our governmental programs are.


Social programs are NOT means of production and distribution. Most are basically charities we are compelled to donate to by law

So in that famous rant by Ronald Reagan against any Medicare/Medicaid type programs,

he was wrong to call them socialist? Everyone who has agreed with him for decades afterward were and are wrong?

By definition yes

And In all honesty I keep wondering why people bring up Reagan to me so much. Are you under the delusion that I am somehow a fan?

What is this new movement to redefine socialism so narrowly? So you guys can get on board the welfare state without labeling yourselves socialist?

I'm not trying to define socialism any other way than the dictionary it's you people that are trying to change the definition

The welfare state is not socialism. As I said before the majority of social programs (BTW just because both terms have the "social" in them does not mean they are equivalent) are basically charities which we are compelled by law to support
That is where democratic socialism comes in.

Why does being in the majority justify tyranny? I thought liberals believed in the rights of the minority. Yet another lie?
Another thing he doesn't understand is that we are a republic not a democracy

We are a democracy. We just aren't a direct democracy except in some isolated cases.

By definition we are a constitutional republic

look it up
That is where democratic socialism comes in.

Why does being in the majority justify tyranny? I thought liberals believed in the rights of the minority. Yet another lie?
Another thing he doesn't understand is that we are a republic not a democracy

We are a democracy. We just aren't a direct democracy except in some isolated cases.

No, a democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on what to have for dinner. We were formed as a democratic REPUBLIC which means that I have certain rights that I was born with that cannot be taken away from me because 50.01 percent say that the other 49.99 percent have to bend to their will........learn, grow...evolve.
I don't see how you don't understand the basic defintion of socialism. How about you look it up? Cite me an objective, non biased definition of socialism.

Since you're too fucking lazy to look up a definition

socialism: definition of socialism in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)


"A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

As I told the mental midget, not being an anarchist doesn't make you a socialist. It's central economic planning. As opposed to capitalism, which is distributed economic planning. Socialism is tyranny, capitalism is freedom. Democratic socialism just makes the tyrants the majority
Lol you're so thick dude. Owned and regulated by the community. That is what our governmental programs are.


Social programs are NOT means of production and distribution. Most are basically charities we are compelled to donate to by law
Lol you're so thick dude. Owned and regulated by the community. That is what our governmental programs are.

It says the "means of production" is. The police are "means of production?" This is why I said I was putting zero effort into debating this with you
Lol yes the means of production. As in paid for by the people. We vote also vote for laws in such programs. That is where democratic socialism comes in.

You think "means of production" refers to anything "paid for by the people?" Seriously?
Yeah obviously it wouldn't exist without the money to pay for it.

so you think the military is "means of production?"
Lol what are you even saying? No I am not saying the military itself is a means of production. It is a program funded by a community.

Have you noticed that the definition says nothing about the definition you gave before I asked you to cite me an objective one?
That is where democratic socialism comes in.

Why does being in the majority justify tyranny? I thought liberals believed in the rights of the minority. Yet another lie?
Another thing he doesn't understand is that we are a republic not a democracy

Yes, a republican that was supposed to be designed to prevent the tyranny of the majority. The founders were well aware of that risk.

Thomas Jefferson: "Democracy is mob rule"

Ben Franklin: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch"


"A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

As I told the mental midget, not being an anarchist doesn't make you a socialist. It's central economic planning. As opposed to capitalism, which is distributed economic planning. Socialism is tyranny, capitalism is freedom. Democratic socialism just makes the tyrants the majority
Lol you're so thick dude. Owned and regulated by the community. That is what our governmental programs are.


Social programs are NOT means of production and distribution. Most are basically charities we are compelled to donate to by law
It says the "means of production" is. The police are "means of production?" This is why I said I was putting zero effort into debating this with you
Lol yes the means of production. As in paid for by the people. We vote also vote for laws in such programs. That is where democratic socialism comes in.

You think "means of production" refers to anything "paid for by the people?" Seriously?
Yeah obviously it wouldn't exist without the money to pay for it.

so you think the military is "means of production?"
Lol what are you even saying? No I am not saying the military itself is a means of production. It is a program funded by a community.

Have you noticed that the definition says nothing about the definition you gave before I asked you to cite me an objective one?

Again by definition: NOT SOCIALISM
That is where democratic socialism comes in.

Why does being in the majority justify tyranny? I thought liberals believed in the rights of the minority. Yet another lie?
Another thing he doesn't understand is that we are a republic not a democracy

Yes, a republican that was supposed to be designed to prevent the tyranny of the majority. The founders were well aware of that risk.

Thomas Jefferson: "Democracy is mob rule"

Ben Franklin: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch"

Exactly if we were truly a democracy we would have no need for a Constitution that limits the powers of government everything would be a majority rules decision period
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Lol you're so thick dude. Owned and regulated by the community. That is what our governmental programs are.


Social programs are NOT means of production and distribution. Most are basically charities we are compelled to donate to by law

So in that famous rant by Ronald Reagan against any Medicare/Medicaid type programs,

he was wrong to call them socialist? Everyone who has agreed with him for decades afterward were and are wrong?

By definition yes

And In all honesty I keep wondering why people bring up Reagan to me so much. Are you under the delusion that I am somehow a fan?

What is this new movement to redefine socialism so narrowly? So you guys can get on board the welfare state without labeling yourselves socialist?

I'm not trying to define socialism any other way than the dictionary it's you people that are trying to change the definition

The welfare state is not socialism. As I said before the majority of social programs (BTW just because both terms have the "social" in them does not mean they are equivalent) are basically charities which we are compelled by law to support

Yes, clearly by the definition socialism is central economic planning where government owns or controls the means of production. To make it work, government has to offer the people something. Typically it is the social welfare state they offer the people to control them. But as the Nazis showed, it doesn't have to be that. They offered the people world conquest. You need something to convince people to be servants of the State. Of course with Democrats, like most socialists, it's other people's money
Billy000 is taking an ass kicking of monumental proportions....he will be deserting this thread before long....he hasn't even dared to address the issues I have brought up.....good move on his part because I would rip him to tiny bite size pieces.........seems that lil Billy bit off more than he could chew.... (snicker)
Without some basic level of law and order, people could use violence instead of negotiation to get what they want.

There you go again. In defending ubiquitous government, you choose to defend that which even a small government libertarian suppports. Yes, I support basic law and order. You argued for socialism, not a police department and courts that I support too
Lol Christ man any program funded by tax payers is SOCIALISM.

No, you people are stupid as shit. Socialism is central economic planning, it involves removal of economic choice from us for our own property and involves endless redistribution of wealth from people who earned it to people who voted for it to be given to themselves.

The police, civil and criminal courts, military and other services that are shar
ed by all and don't profit one citizen at the expense of another are not socialism

you, of all people, shouldn't call anyone stupid. :rofl:
You came up with that all on your own? Wow, you're a smart girl. Here's a cookie

it was obvious. *Shrug*

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