We Should Raise Our Children to be Like Egyptian Youth: Obama


Sep 11, 2011
Barack Obama, after the Egyptian revolution “We should raise our Children to be like the Egyptian Youth”

David Cameron, The British prime minister said” We should teach the Egyptian revolution in our schools”

Silvio Berlusconi, The prime minister of Italy said” Nothing new about Egypt, The Egyptian just created the history as usual”

Jens Stoltenberg, Norway Prime Minister said “Today, We all are Egyptians”

Heinz Fischer, President of Austria said “The Egyptian people are the greatest in the world and deserves the Nobel prize for peace”

CNN, One of the major TV News Channels “For the first time in history we witness people revolute and clean the streets afterwards”

Egypt latest News by Memphis Tours”Egypt in the World’s eyes” « Sightseeing, Cruise Holiday Travel, tours, trips package in Egypt

When world leaders do not know what they are speaking and what will be the end results then "it is over".

Somebody has rightly said "The governments gone mad".
Barack Obama, after the Egyptian revolution “We should raise our Children to be like the Egyptian Youth”

David Cameron, The British prime minister said” We should teach the Egyptian revolution in our schools”

Silvio Berlusconi, The prime minister of Italy said” Nothing new about Egypt, The Egyptian just created the history as usual”

Jens Stoltenberg, Norway Prime Minister said “Today, We all are Egyptians”

Heinz Fischer, President of Austria said “The Egyptian people are the greatest in the world and deserves the Nobel prize for peace”

CNN, One of the major TV News Channels “For the first time in history we witness people revolute and clean the streets afterwards”

Egypt latest News by Memphis Tours”Egypt in the World’s eyes” « Sightseeing, Cruise Holiday Travel, tours, trips package in Egypt

When world leaders do not know what they are speaking and what will be the end results then "it is over".

Somebody has rightly said "The governments gone mad".

Fuck that, I don't want our kids being anything like the Egyptian youth.
I agree with Obama, we should raise our children to overthrow a tyrannical government that does not feel bound by the Constitution
Anyone poll our utes about giving up regular bathing or romancing a goat in the backseat of a car?
Obama Not President Anymore

Marc Faber said "Obama speech is irrelavant for USA and European markets".

TRUMP: Obama's Presidency May Be The Greatest Scam In The History Of The United States

TRUMP: Obama's Presidency May Be The Greatest Scam In The History Of The United States

Less than 50% Americans voted in year 2008 election but Obama is president.

200 Million Americans & 4 Billion People Want to remove Obama and his administration.

Majority of Americans and world people shut down TV and change TV channels when Obama appears on TV.

Obama has no knowledge how to manage a country and he has no knowledge of finance and world eocnomy.

"Little Bitch" is Obama code name at Secret Service. Nobody respects Obama.

Obama is not USA President anymore and he is just "false president".

I do not understand why Americans do not remove "false president" immediately.
I agree with Obama, we should raise our children to overthrow a tyrannical government that does not feel bound by the Constitution
The declaration of Independence. IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

The Declaration of Independence

I think the constitution of USA is based and derived from important historical documents. Nobody can write the constitution on their own.

Today the Constitution of USA is just an historical document. Nobody cares for the constitution. Not even Obama.
The more things change, the more they remain the same - new boss same as the old boss, emergency law re-instated...
24 dead in worst Cairo riots since Mubarak ouster
Oct 9,`11 - Flames lit up downtown Cairo, where massive clashes raged Sunday, drawing Christians angry over a recent church attack, Muslims and Egyptian security forces. At least 24 people were killed and more than 200 injured in the worst sectarian violence since the uprising that ousted Hosni Mubarak in February.
The rioting lasted late into the night, bringing out a deployment of more than 1,000 security forces and armored vehicles to defend the state television building along the Nile, where the trouble began. The military clamped a curfew on the area until 7 a.m. The clashes spread to nearby Tahrir Square, drawing thousands of people to the vast plaza that served as the epicenter of the protests that ousted Mubarak. On Sunday night, they battled each other with rocks and firebombs, some tearing up pavement for ammunition and others collecting stones in boxes.

At one point, an armored security van sped into the crowd, striking a half-dozen protesters and throwing some into the air. Protesters retaliated by setting fire to military vehicles, a bus and private cars, sending flames rising into the night sky. After midnight, mobs roamed downtown streets, attacking cars they suspected had Christian passengers. In many areas, there was no visible police or army presence to confront or stop them. Christians, who make up about 10 percent of Egypt's 80 million people, blame the country's ruling military council for being too lenient on those behind a spate of anti-Christian attacks since Mubarak's ouster. As Egypt undergoes a chaotic power transition and security vacuum in the wake of the uprising, the Coptic Christian minority is particularly worried about the show of force by ultraconservative Islamists.

Prime Minister Essam Sharaf, addressing the nation in a televised speech, said the violence threatened to throw Egypt's post-Mubarak transition off course. "These events have taken us back several steps," he said. "Instead of moving forward to build a modern state on democratic principles we are back to seeking stability and searching for hidden hands - domestic and foreign - that meddle with the country's security and safety." "I call on Egyptian people, Muslims and Christians, women and children, young men and elders to hold their unity," Sharaf said.

The Christian protesters said their demonstration began as a peaceful attempt to sit in at the television building. But then, they said, they came under attack by thugs in plainclothes who rained stones down on them and fired pellets. "The protest was peaceful. We wanted to hold a sit-in, as usual," said Essam Khalili, a protester wearing a white shirt with a cross on it. "Thugs attacked us and a military vehicle jumped over a sidewalk and ran over at least 10 people. I saw them." Wael Roufail, another protester, corroborated the account. "I saw the vehicle running over the protesters. Then they opened fired at us," he said. Khalili said protesters set fire to army vehicles when they saw them hitting the protesters.

Barack Obama, after the Egyptian revolution “We should raise our Children to be like the Egyptian Youth”

David Cameron, The British prime minister said” We should teach the Egyptian revolution in our schools”

Silvio Berlusconi, The prime minister of Italy said” Nothing new about Egypt, The Egyptian just created the history as usual”

Jens Stoltenberg, Norway Prime Minister said “Today, We all are Egyptians”

Heinz Fischer, President of Austria said “The Egyptian people are the greatest in the world and deserves the Nobel prize for peace”

CNN, One of the major TV News Channels “For the first time in history we witness people revolute and clean the streets afterwards”

Egypt latest News by Memphis Tours”Egypt in the World’s eyes” « Sightseeing, Cruise Holiday Travel, tours, trips package in Egypt

When world leaders do not know what they are speaking and what will be the end results then "it is over".

Somebody has rightly said "The governments gone mad".

Fuck that, I don't want our kids being anything like the Egyptian youth.

Ill second. Fuck that!
Sometimes I wonder if Obama actually likes this country. And I don't like that feeling.
Yeah lets teach the males of America how to honor kill, we can call it liberalism too..
Obama should be forced to go back to Kenya if he wishes to act like one. Fucker!!!
Egyptian protesters not happy with slow transfer to civilian gov't.
Egypt to Form New Government, Military to Transfer Power
November 22, 2011 - Egypt's military rulers have agreed to form a new government and promise to transfer power to a civilian body by July.
Politicians say the agreement was made during a crisis meeting on Tuesday as tens of thousands of Egyptians protested in the streets against continuing military rule. They say negotiators also agreed to start holding parliamentary elections on November 28, as scheduled, with a goal of holding a presidential election before the end of June 2012. Word of the agreement was met with scattered displeasure in the crowd that packed Cairo's Tahrir Square. There are continued calls among protesters to see military rule end immediately. The demonstrations are getting larger, and the calls for the military to step down now - not next year - louder. Tuesday's crowd is the biggest to mass in Tahrir Square since the unrest began four days ago. Men, women, young and old, are united in their demand that civilian rule begin now.

"As you can see, not just one type of Egyptian here. All the Egyptian here: Islamic, liberal or communist. Everyone is here. Egyptian and Muslims and Christians. Everyone is here," one protester said. Some believe the momentum of the unrest, sparked by a proposal that the military rulers prolong their political influence, will speak for itself. "A lot of the candidates for president or political parties, they are invited for a meeting today to interview the military council. But they didn't hear [from] the people We want the military to leave. It's over. No one can speak on behalf of the Egyptian people right now," said another protester. With suspicions high about self-declared representatives of the people, the crowd is turning increasingly angry, not just at the bloodshed, but at fears about what - and who - comes next.

Editor and political analyst Rania el Malki says the unity of purpose seen among protesters back in January has been destroyed. "People are very much aware of their differences and different attitudes and I think no, unfortunately this kind of solidarity is gone. And over the past nine months I think SCAF has managed to fragment the political street beyond cure," Elmalki said. Many are keen that elections, set to begin next Monday, will be one way forward. But not everyone on Tahrir Square is looking toward a democratic solution. One man sitting in the square pointed with pride to the wounds he had suffered. "After I take this, and this and this and other places in my body, I feel free. I hope to be killed here, to find Allah. That's all," said one protester. Another protester is quick to point out such fundamentalist beliefs are "not [his] Islam." He accuses extremists, in particular their politically savvy leaders, of trying to hijack the new protests. "They are now trying to show up, to show the world that they are leading the people and they are against something in the government. They are not."

But with the SCAF in command, it would appear that to meet protesters' demands they need someone to hand power to, something made more difficult now that the interim civilian leaders are resigning. But editor el Malki doesn't hold out much hope for the army leadership's attempts at engaging the opposition. "They are thinking with the mentality of the old Egypt. The military rulers, the generals are still Mubarak's people and they are behaving towards the Egyptian people as if they are the end all and be all of decisions. They are engaging in a political monologue, that they're refusing to listen to any other version of how the process of the transition to democracy an be managed," Elmaki said. But even if the standoff continues, most on Tahrir square say they want to go ahead with elections and get the representation - whatever it may be - they desperately want.

Sometimes I wonder if Obama actually likes this country. And I don't like that feeling.

I listened to him years ago and knew he didnt like America.

Why else does one want to fundamentally change America?

So does that mean that:

Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Paine
Benjamin Franklin
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
Frederick Douglas
Susan B. Anthony
Theodore Roosevelt
Upton Sinclair
Eugene V. Debs
Franklin Roosevelt
Martin Luther King, Jr.

all disliked America? All of these people (and many others) have wanted to fundamentally change America in some way or other.

Is the only way to "like America" to freeze it into an unchanging rigor mortis?
Obama shakin' his finger at `em...
US hardens its line against Egypt military
November 23, 2011 - After months of tepid statements, the US yesterday condemned the 'excessive force' used by Egyptian security forces. Meanwhile, three US students were arrested for protesting in Tahrir Square.
The US State Department yesterday condemned the excessive use of force by Egyptian security forces, strengthening its stance against the violence five days into the clashes that have killed at least 38 people, according to rights groups. The shift comes after a Monday statement calling for restraint on “all sides,” without specifically condemning security forces. That provoked anger from Egyptian protesters, who have faced security forces shooting tear gas, rubber bullets, birdshot, and – according to field doctors – live ammunition. The protesters, who are armed with rocks and Molotov cocktails, are demanding that Egypt’s military rulers hand over power to a civilian government. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland in Washington reiterated yesterday that the US is “very concerned” about the violence, but took a harder line against the military, which receives $1.3 billion in annual US aid.

“We condemn the excessive force used by the police, and we strongly urge the Egyptian Government to exercise maximum restraint, to discipline its forces, and to protect the universal rights of all Egyptians to peacefully express themselves,” she said. “While all parties in Egypt need to remain committed to nonviolence, we believe that the Egyptian government has a particular responsibility to restrain security forces and to allow the Egyptian people to peacefully express themselves.” President Obama said the US would support democracy and oppose repression in the region after Egypt’s uprising, following 30 years of strong support for the repressive regime of former President Hosni Mubarak. But US officials have largely avoided public criticism of the military regime that took control after Mubarak, even as it has become increasingly repressive. This has angered some Egyptians.

Ms. Nuland also praised the concessions offered to protesters by military ruler Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi yesterday. “He said a number of things that Egyptians have been wanting to hear and have been needing reassurance on,” she said. But his speech failed to satisfy protesters, who chanted “Down with the Field Marshal” as news of his remarks filtered through the square. Also on Tuesday, three Americans were arrested in Cairo and accused of joining in the protests by throwing Molotov cocktails at security forces. The three were study-abroad students at the American University in Cairo (AUC). According to the university, the students are Derrik Sweeney of Georgetown University in Washington, Gregory Porter of Drexel University in Philadelphia, and Luke Gates of Indiana University of Pennsylvania. AUC spokeswoman Rehab Saad said the public prosecutor interviewed them yesterday, and that they were due to be interviewed again by a state security prosecutor today. They are being held at a public prosecutor’s office, she said.

Officials at the US Embassy in Cairo referred to a US State Department briefing held in Washington on the students. Nuland said yesterday that the embassy has been in contact with Egyptian authorities about three US citizens detained “in connection with the protests.” Officials expected to gain consular access to the three today, she said. Suspicion of foreigners has become common since Egypt’s uprising, when state media fanned the flames of xenophobia in the regime’s attempt to blame outsiders for the unrest. Journalists have been repeatedly attacked, roughed up, or accused of being spies in recent months, and have sometimes been subject to “citizens arrest” by suspicious Egyptians. A Twitter account that appeared to be that of Mr. Gates, listing Cairo as his location, included several posts about tear gas and participating in protests. “We were throwing rocks and one guy accidentally threw his phone,” said one post, before the account was apparently removed.

Barack Obama, after the Egyptian revolution “We should raise our Children to be like the Egyptian Youth”

David Cameron, The British prime minister said” We should teach the Egyptian revolution in our schools”

Silvio Berlusconi, The prime minister of Italy said” Nothing new about Egypt, The Egyptian just created the history as usual”

Jens Stoltenberg, Norway Prime Minister said “Today, We all are Egyptians”

Heinz Fischer, President of Austria said “The Egyptian people are the greatest in the world and deserves the Nobel prize for peace”

CNN, One of the major TV News Channels “For the first time in history we witness people revolute and clean the streets afterwards”

Egypt latest News by Memphis Tours”Egypt in the World’s eyes” « Sightseeing, Cruise Holiday Travel, tours, trips package in Egypt

When world leaders do not know what they are speaking and what will be the end results then "it is over".

Somebody has rightly said "The governments gone mad".

From other news the military dictator in Egypt started killing his people.
Got a link showing anyone said this? Other then this stupid blog?

Are you guys really so gullible?

And..I am selling land in Florida..cheap. Never mind the gators.

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