Weakness Always Begets Aggression


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
The ChicComms are fond of playing games. Think back to the Easter Weekend of 2001 when an American EP3 spyplane was sitting on the runway of a ChiComm Island after the Chinese had forced it out of the air. The Chicomms were simply testing the mettle of the new President George W Bush, seeing whether the new kid on the block would waffle, waver, and weaken after the ChiComms tried their very own version of the 'Knockout game' on the new American President.
The Chicomms are now making waves claiming air space rights over some previously Japanese claimed islands.
Meanwhiile the NoKos have seized an 85 year old Korean War veteran and are preparing to charge him with war crimes dating from the Korean War, 60 years ago.
These are simply some of the first of what are likely to be many moves by nations long opposed to the United States who now perceive the United States as weak and enfeebled and are swiftly moving to give the United States its comeuppance. Historically, the natural progression is for it only getting worse with time as long as the perception of weakness persists.
Meanwhile Comrade Barack likely has no intention of coming to this hapless veterans defense. This veteran, along with millions of others, donned the uniform of the United States and marched out to help build the United States that Comrade Barack has stated openly and often he loathed, detested, and despised. We couldn't have done worse in selecting this president if the nation had elected JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.
The Brits had a similar problem with weakness in leadership in the lead up to and the early stages of WWII. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain went to Munich and begged Adolph Hitler "Please Mr Hitler, no more war! We'll do whatever you want, give you whatever you want, but, please, no more war!" After failing miserably to avoid war with that tactic, Chamberlain resorted to the tactic of retaliating for German bombing raids over British cities by sending English bombers loaded only with leaflets over German cities. The final straw came with a British Army raid on a Norwegian port in the middle of winter. The Brits were sent out on the raid with no maps, no snowshoes, minimal ammunition and supplies.
British Parliamentarian Lloyd George saw fit to accost Chamberlain openly and publicly.
"Mr Prime Minister, all the English people have suffered in this war, some only slightly, other very greatly. It is time for you to now share in their hardship and go! Leave now!"
Its time for someone to tell Comrade Barack its time for his endless whirl of golf outings, state dinners, fund raisers, and elaborate state financed vacations to end too.
The ChicComms are fond of playing games. Think back to the Easter Weekend of 2001 when an American EP3 spyplane was sitting on the runway of a ChiComm Island after the Chinese had forced it out of the air. The Chicomms were simply testing the mettle of the new President George W Bush, seeing whether the new kid on the block would waffle, waver, and weaken after the ChiComms tried their very own version of the 'Knockout game' on the new American President.
The Chicomms are now making waves claiming air space rights over some previously Japanese claimed islands.
Meanwhiile the NoKos have seized an 85 year old Korean War veteran and are preparing to charge him with war crimes dating from the Korean War, 60 years ago.
These are simply some of the first of what are likely to be many moves by nations long opposed to the United States who now perceive the United States as weak and enfeebled and are swiftly moving to give the United States its comeuppance. Historically, the natural progression is for it only getting worse with time as long as the perception of weakness persists.
Meanwhile Comrade Barack likely has no intention of coming to this hapless veterans defense. This veteran, along with millions of others, donned the uniform of the United States and marched out to help build the United States that Comrade Barack has stated openly and often he loathed, detested, and despised. We couldn't have done worse in selecting this president if the nation had elected JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.
The Brits had a similar problem with weakness in leadership in the lead up to and the early stages of WWII. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain went to Munich and begged Adolph Hitler "Please Mr Hitler, no more war! We'll do whatever you want, give you whatever you want, but, please, no more war!" After failing miserably to avoid war with that tactic, Chamberlain resorted to the tactic of retaliating for German bombing raids over British cities by sending English bombers loaded only with leaflets over German cities. The final straw came with a British Army raid on a Norwegian port in the middle of winter. The Brits were sent out on the raid with no maps, no snowshoes, minimal ammunition and supplies.
British Parliamentarian Lloyd George saw fit to accost Chamberlain openly and publicly.
"Mr Prime Minister, all the English people have suffered in this war, some only slightly, other very greatly. It is time for you to now share in their hardship and go! Leave now!"
Its time for someone to tell Comrade Barack its time for his endless whirl of golf outings, state dinners, fund raisers, and elaborate state financed vacations to end too.
What a load of HORSESHIT!
Here are some things you might want to consider.
The two Somalia pirates who were holding the American ship captian prisoner do not think of Obama as weak.
Neither does bin Laden.
Neither do the two or three dozen al Qaida leaders who have been killed by drones.
I don't think the Taliban thinks of Obama as weak.
If he could speak I don't think Muammar Gaddafi would agree Obama was weak.
The president of Syria does not think of Obama as weak. Obama threatened a strike on Syria and the president of Syria confessed to having poison gas and agreed to destroy it all without a shot being fired or an American life put at risk.
China has declared an area of international waters off limits and the US Air Force overflew that area today (See AOL). I am pretty sure the Chinese do not see Obama as weak.
Oh, and I tried to "Breathe deep!" but all I smelled was your HORSESHIT!

Yes these upstart/rogue nations have always been provocative and somehow we have not been in a shooting war in Asia since Vietnam. It would be nice to hear some suggestions as to how we should deal with them in a way that satisfies your need for empty sabre rattling we are used to from republican warhawks who do not give a damn how many Americans die in needless warfare.
It's also important to note that the world fears us more now than ever, the warhawks should be happy as a clam about that development. Personally I would rather we go back to the days when we at least tried to act like the good guys.
What a load of HORSESHIT!
Here are some things you might want to consider.
The two Somalia pirates who were holding the American ship captian prisoner do not think of Obama as weak.
Neither does bin Laden.
Neither do the two or three dozen al Qaida leaders who have been killed by drones.
I don't think the Taliban thinks of Obama as weak.
If he could speak I don't think Muammar Gaddafi would agree Obama was weak.
The president of Syria does not think of Obama as weak. Obama threatened a strike on Syria and the president of Syria confessed to having poison gas and agreed to destroy it all without a shot being fired or an American life put at risk.
China has declared an area of international waters off limits and the US Air Force overflew that area today (See AOL). I am pretty sure the Chinese do not see Obama as weak.
Oh, and I tried to "Breathe deep!" but all I smelled was your HORSESHIT!

So, Ron, basically the only people who think Obama is not weak are dead?
In reality, the Taliban knows Obama is weak. They have a deadline and could just sit back in the hills and come out when the Americans leave. Instead they are attacking away. Yes, the Taliban knows Obama is weak.
Bashar Assad knows Obama is weak. Obama made his leaving a US priority. Obama declated use of chem weapons was a red line. Now Assad is a partner for peace and Obama denies he ever set a red line.
The Iranaians know Obama is weak. Obama said an Iranian nuclear device was unacceptable. His latest proposals with Iran loosen sanctions and Iran does not have to dismantle a single centrifuge.
The Russians know Obama is weak. Obama traded missile defense of Poland for a "restart"in Russian relations. The Russians have supplied arms to Assad and have undermined Obama ever since.
The Chinese know Obama is weak. They have watched all of this and are acting appropriately.
"Weakness Always Begets Aggression "

Don't mean we need to be aggressors. We can stay home and work out. Come check me out. I stay home and I don't think you want to be messin' with me.
Obama was afraid to even ask that they realease the American pastor they are holding on trumped up charges. Then obama tripped over his own feet releasing the Iranian scientist held on espionage charges here.

The United States is weak, enfeebled and as long as obama is a presidunce, undefended.

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