Marjorie Taylor Greene's Big, Flapping Mouth


Marjorie Taylor Greene's Big, Flapping Mouth

Marjie’s constant yapping, of course, impresses the yokels back home in Georgia. But her actions for her entire time in Congress have accomplished nothing positive for anyone, especially the yokels back home in Georgia.

She has no understanding of the long-established legislative processes in Washington, or the traditions of the GOP begun early in the twentieth century. Yes, Marjie has mastered the G“NO”P’s obstructionist antics, but she obstructs everything!

As an example of her legislative incompetence, her opposition to aid to Ukraine’s defense against Russia’s assault. The money from such legislation provides billions-of-dollars in profits to the United States’ war products industry. These profits go into the pockets of major stockholders, upper management, and corporate officers. The protracted war in the Ukraine is a cash-cow for America’s billionaire class. And welcomed by the 0.1% since the U.S. military is no longer involved in any major conflicts.

MTG’s serious lack of devotion to the further enrichment of the 0.1%, coupled with the similar ignorance of the other members of the Freedom Caucus, has caused major political contributions to the Republican Party to all but dry up. Add this to the caution currently exhibited by billionaire donors due to trump’s siphoning off millions-of-donors'-dollars for legal and business expenses, the loyalty of the Freedom Caucus to trump is wrecking the GOP from within.

The Grand Old Party must slap their voters in their proverbial faces. Get them to understand returning to business-as-usual, that of cutting corporate taxes, cutting billionaires’ taxes, and budgeting trillions-of-dollars in programs that benefit Big Business and the 0.1% is imperative.

The moderate congressional Democrats (especially as the minority party) will do all they can to help reach the goal of Republican dominance in D.C. But, the Freedom Caucus has to go.

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BertramN is a very strident lib

MTG is only one of his many complaints against conservatives

Knowing that you would expect him to be happy that Marjorie was causing trouble in the republican party instead of pretending to be upset about her
It can ask to join Ukraine. It then needs to deal with the consequences. We need to uphold our word.
We need to keep Putin in his box and NOT expand his resources.
Russia is a paper tiger. A gas station with nukes. An economy the size of Mexico. A military that got its ass kicked by Ukraine.
Russia wants no part of a war with NATO.
Rep. Greene is one of 435 congress people. If you start worrying about what member of congress "accomplished anything" you are in for a long haul. I suspect the phony outrage against Rep. Greene is nothing but another desperate attempt by the left to split the republican party.

I think most Republicans hate Marjorie Trailer Queen worse than we do

Ask Mike Johnson
We need to keep Putin in his box and NOT expand his resources.
Russia is a paper tiger. A gas station with nukes. An economy the size of Mexico. A military that got its ass kicked by Ukraine.
Russia wants no part of a war with NATO.

Russia did what we would do if an entity decided to put missals on our border. We wouldn't allow Cuba to do it, why should we simply expect Russia to accept it?

We understood when we agreed to not support the expansion of NATO. Or at least we pretended to.
Rep. Greene is one of 435 congress people. If you start worrying about what member of congress "accomplished anything" you are in for a long haul. I suspect the phony outrage against Rep. Greene is nothing but another desperate attempt by the left to split the republican party.
MTG is what happens when the Know Nothings take over. She is white trash that has no business being in Congress. She is a disgusting piece of garbage, similar to her constituents who voted for her.
yup, and all you sword rattlers just got a lot more expensive ~S~
What war propaganda? Prove me wrong. We can see whose links are more credible.
Russia is easily winning the war and their economy appears to be doing just fine.

You are right about war profiteers profiting on every war. This should tell you something, but it doesn’t.
Russia is easily winning the war and their economy appears to be doing just fine.

You are right about war profiteers profiting on every war. This should tell you something, but it doesn’t.
Baghdad Bob just told me the same thing

Russia did what we would do if an entity decided to put missals on our border. We wouldn't allow Cuba to do it, why should we simply expect Russia to accept it? We understood when we agreed to not support the expansion of NATO. Or at least we pretended to.
1. Russia was putting nuclear ICBMs in Cuba. That was not going to stand, one way or another.

2. Russia can accept it because no one is putting nukes in Ukraine, or Poland, or Sweden, or Finland, or Germany.

3. As long as NATO only has defensive weapons in the eastern countries what is Russia afraid of? Russia is the only aggressive nation in Europe. If Putin want to reconstitute the old USSR by force he will be opposed militarily. Russia was beginning to integrate economically, but Putin's aggressiveness made them "non-grata".
Mike Johnson was MTG until he actually had to do something.
That's the problem, he actually didn't have to do anything.
The Budget and deficit exploded, the GOP runs the House and controls the Budget, and they could have cut spending, but didn't.

If cutting spending meant shutting the government down, he should have done it for the sake of the country.
1. Russia was putting nuclear ICBMs in Cuba. That was not going to stand, one way or another.

2. Russia can accept it because no one is putting nukes in Ukraine, or Poland, or Sweden, or Finland, or Germany.

3. As long as NATO only has defensive weapons in the eastern countries what is Russia afraid of? Russia is the only aggressive nation in Europe. If Putin want to reconstitute the old USSR by force he will be opposed militarily. Russia was beginning to integrate economically, but Putin's aggressiveness made them "non-grata".

Putting arms on another countries borders is an aggressive move. Again, we would not allow it.
Russia is easily winning the war and their economy appears to be doing just fine.
You are right about war profiteers profiting on every war. This should tell you something, but it doesn’t.
Putin's 3-day war is taking 3-years and you say Russia is "easily winning"?

Russia's economy is about the size of Mexico's. Biden's war on energy is keeping Putin's oil revenue up, stupid coxucker.
Ukraine needs support, this is clear and I believe America is key to this and it's better to support Ukraine financially rather than have Western soldiers fighting and dying.
Those are not our two choices. If Ukraine needs support, then it is up to Ukraine to find it. Ukraine's needs do not put an obligation on the United States to provide for those needs.

You are welcome to send Ukraine as much money as you have and are willing to give them.
She has no understanding of the long-established legislative processes in Washington
Oh I think she understands $35 TRILLION DOLLARS OF DEBT and TRILLION dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. There's your long-established legislative processes.
That's the problem, he actually didn't have to do anything.
The Budget and deficit exploded, the GOP runs the House and controls the Budget, and they could have cut spending, but didn't.

If cutting spending meant shutting the government down, he should have done it for the sake of the country.
Why didn’t Republicans balance their budget if it means so much?
Lefties used to worry about nuclear annihilation but today they seem fine with a doddering old fool with his trembling thumb on the nuclear button and an incoherent foreign and domestic strategy that's literally killing Americans. Instead they worry about one of 435 congress people. WTF?

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