Marjorie Taylor Greene's Big, Flapping Mouth

That was before Putin invaded Ukraine,

Because we wouldn't live up to our guarantee.

a nation Putin agreed via the Budapest Memorandum that he would not invade.
The US and NATO countries gave Ukraine security assurances if they gave up their nukes.
Russia broke the agreement first.

And we guaranteed we would not support the expansion of NATO but went back on that.
OK, so the prior attempts at ending the conflict failed.
Zelensky doesn't want to give up territory to the invader.
Putin wants to get a big chunk of Ukraine.

There needs to be some type of off-ramp or the expensive war keeps going.
Putin sees that the GOP wants to stop funding it, and the EU deadbeats don't want to fund it, so he's just waiting us out.

I like the admit Ukraine into NATO off-ramp.
Did America respond to Russian militarization in Cuba circa 1962 ?

What about our 1983 venture to Grenada?

Or is it only OK if we protect ourselves kyzr?

Russian men fled the country rather than be drafted, Putin is emptying the prisons to fill his ranks.
Ukrainians are down but not out.
War profiteers are always there. always have been, always will be.
Too funny. You’ve bought the war propaganda hook line and sinker.

Even after decades of lies, you still believe. INSANE!
They are a buffer and will slowly become more Western in nature.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

It isn't perfect, but it does keep Russia from having access to that territory and resources. Keeps them away from Western Europe.

I can see a future East/West Ukraine, similar to East/West Germany. The corruption in Ukraine is the biggest issue.
How much is your country sending to the Ukrainians? Do you want us to match your gift?
Did America respond to Russian militarization in Cuba circa 1962 ?
What about our 1983 venture to Grenada?
Or is it only OK if we protect ourselves kyzr?
1. The US enforced the Monroe Doctrine in our hemisphere in 1962.
2. What about Grenada? That was a non-event.
3. The US is not the world's cop.
Because we wouldn't live up to our guarantee.
And we guaranteed we would not support the expansion of NATO but went back on that.
1. True, no NATO nations sent troops into Ukraine to help repel the Russian invasion.
2. Prove to me that we had any type of treaty regarding the expansion of NATO. IMHO Jim Baker said that but his statement is not a treaty, its an opinion.
1. The US enforced the Monroe Doctrine in our hemisphere in 1962.
2. What about Grenada? That was a non-event.
3. The US is not the world's cop.
Cuba & Grenada were similar in that communists were taking up residence in our backyard kyzr

we saw that as a threat

just as Russia sees nato a threat in theirs

1. True, no NATO nations sent troops into Ukraine to help repel the Russian invasion.
2. Prove to me that we had any type of treaty regarding the expansion of NATO. IMHO Jim Baker said that but his statement is not a treaty, its an opinion.

I said what we had agreed to and when.
Ukraine is fighting the war against Russia that we have been preparing for 80 years

They are depleting the Russian military, showing their weaknesses and expending Russian resources.

All without US boots on the ground
This war is exactly what China wants. It's weakening their two biggest rivals to be the world's superpower.
This war is exactly what China wants. It's weakening their two biggest rivals to be the world's superpower.

Weakens Russia, not us

We have an $850 billion Defense Budget
$50 billion is a drop in the bucket

We also provide military aid to Taiwan. I doubt China is celebrating
Moscow Marge represents most of the base right now, and as a "representative" is a national embarrassment.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect, in all its glory, 24/7/365.

So Fuck you and any who approved it without fixing.

Yeah yeah Bipartisan bill blah blah BS from you retards next.

Cuba & Grenada were similar in that communists were taking up residence in our backyard kyzr
we saw that as a threat
just as Russia sees nato a threat in theirs

1. I think the "grand deal" between Kennedy & Khrushchev was that Russia leaves Cuba and the US leaves the Cuban commies alone. Better than WW3.

2. Granada was protecting US student lives? I forget the details. But some Cuban paramilitary elements invaded Grenada and tried a takeover. The US sent troops to eliminate them and rescue Americans there.

3. Russia's stupid invasion of Ukraine made NATO bigger. Adding Sweden & Finland in 2022. Adding Ukraine, a sovereign nation, is none of Russia's fucking business.
I said what we had agreed to and when.
You said:
"To reunify Germany we gave guarantee's we would not support the Eastern expansion of NATO. If we had continued to do that, there is no war today."

I agree that assurances were given by Jim Baker to Gorbachev "not one inch east of the east German border.

Reunification of Germany is NOT the agreement I'm discussing. Your claim that Putin's fear of NATO expansion caused the Ukraine war has some truth, the Budapest Memorandum is more recent than Baker's assurance to the old Soviet Union. Putin agreed NOT to invade Ukraine. What happened was the "Maidan Revolt" and Ukraine's independence from Russia. Is Ukraine an independent country or a satellite of Russia? If it is independent it can ask to join NATO, there is no treaty stopping NATO expansion, as Sweden and Finland proved.
You said:
"To reunify Germany we gave guarantee's we would not support the Eastern expansion of NATO. If we had continued to do that, there is no war today."

I agree that assurances were given by Jim Baker to Gorbachev "not one inch east of the east German border.

Reunification of Germany is NOT the agreement I'm discussing. Your claim that Putin's fear of NATO expansion caused the Ukraine war has some truth, the Budapest Memorandum is more recent than Baker's assurance to the old Soviet Union. Putin agreed NOT to invade Ukraine. What happened was the "Maidan Revolt" and Ukraine's independence from Russia. Is Ukraine an independent country or a satellite of Russia? If it is independent it can ask to join NATO, there is no treaty stopping NATO expansion, as Sweden and Finland proved.

It can ask to join Ukraine. It then needs to deal with the consequences. We need to uphold our word.
Rep. Greene is one of 435 congress people. If you start worrying about what member of congress "accomplished anything" you are in for a long haul. I suspect the phony outrage against Rep. Greene is nothing but another desperate attempt by the left to split the republican party.

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