Wealth in Gaza City.

Yeah by one DNA expert, probably a hasbara specialist Arab Muslim DNA expert ;--)

the reality is that DNA works best to discover differences, hell we're 99.5% chimp as well but that doesn't make a Chimp Jewish.

Do you ever watch those Jesus movies on TV, see how they dress. See how orthodox jews dress, in Russian clothers, and how they speak , Yiddish.

By the way you DNA expert wont let anyone see his work, wonder why. Try as you may, but the Palestinians most likely are the ones who stayed and are really from the Levant, and became Muslim and Christian. How could 8 mil Jew all of a sudden end up in Russian Ukraine area.

Never, I'm not a christian or a Jew. I don't buy into any of the mythologies. IMHO they are only lessons from which we may, and thats a big "may" find peace and understanding. Although some religions lessons are far far better than others at teaching peace and understanding.

Oh and we know for certain that the Arab Muslims of Israel are colonists from the early to mid 20th century.


Since more than 90% of the migrants to Palestine were Jews between 1920 and 1945 we all know that you are posting a Hasbara produced chart that is nonsensical, given the documented facts from source materials available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive at NYU and Wagner U. Link provided.

367,845 Jews versus 33,304 Arabs and others

View attachment 69123

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University

Once again you fail to recognize that your data only accounts for those who REGISTERED as immigrants.

The Arabs who migrated from elsewhere felt no reason to register ... they believed anywhere Arabic was spoken and Islam practiced was home so they didn't register until the UN announced "3 Hots & a Cot" in 1949.

Then suddenly there were hundreds of thousands of them.
And reconfirmed in UN Resolution A 364




15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths.

This is the same cut and paste you cut and paste multiple times across multiple threads.

There was immigration to the geographic region of "Palestine". Your obvious issue is that Jews (among others) were immigrating there.

You're emotionally invested in your Jew hatreds. It's actually comical to watch your repeated, frantic cutting and pasting of the same material with no point other to promote your sweaty, chest-heaving self hate.

Invalid source that has been proven to be based on manipulated information. He uses fiction as a basis for his experiments and refuses to divulge his methods. He denies the work carried out by eminent geneticists that have access to far superior equipment than he has access to that shows that all Jews from all over the world have the genetic makeup that is singular to Jews. He claims that the leaders in modern scientific advances are all descended from just 4 mothers, if this was the truth the Jews would have died out 1000 year ago through inbreeding

they did, when a tongue dies the people fade into others, which is why most spoke Yiddish, and they entered into Russia and Germany and Poland. Only a handful spoke Hebrew a subset of the Canaanite language and there was mass teachings and push to revive the lost language.

Wrong as they lived on in the M.E. and other parts of the world. They recited the Torah in Hebrew which is what it was written in and all their business was conducted in Hebrew. Only one small group used Yiddish and that is what the world expects the Jews to speak.

Watch the Jazz Singer for a true rendition of what the Jews were like

Nope. Yiddish is what the maj spoke. Yes Hebrew was their religious language , like latin is the RC church. Man jews themselves have no idea where their from or who they are, or what they are.

Not only that but jews were mainly responsible for Herods temple demise, as they started a civil war among them when Titus took Jerusalem. They were always fighting one another. They all went their different ways, and the ones who stayed are most likely the Palestinians and Christian Arabs. Don't forget Hebrews never controlled all the land and were always fighting amongst themselves. The only place one can even find Hebrew from any history is in reference to the OT.

Are you going to stick to the topic, or not?

You recite the same script whatever the thread.

What topic? That Israel is stealing land and homes and building settlements. That Gaza is wealthy, no its not, they live in poverty. That jews have a divine right to Israel , or Palestine , nonsense. I believe that the West Bank and Gaza need knew leaders, and more involved leaders and demand the return of the land. Israel will self destruct, hopefully.

Yeah by one DNA expert, probably a hasbara specialist Arab Muslim DNA expert ;--)

the reality is that DNA works best to discover differences, hell we're 99.5% chimp as well but that doesn't make a Chimp Jewish.

Do you ever watch those Jesus movies on TV, see how they dress. See how orthodox jews dress, in Russian clothers, and how they speak , Yiddish.

By the way you DNA expert wont let anyone see his work, wonder why. Try as you may, but the Palestinians most likely are the ones who stayed and are really from the Levant, and became Muslim and Christian. How could 8 mil Jew all of a sudden end up in Russian Ukraine area.

Never, I'm not a christian or a Jew. I don't buy into any of the mythologies. IMHO they are only lessons from which we may, and thats a big "may" find peace and understanding. Although some religions lessons are far far better than others at teaching peace and understanding.

Oh and we know for certain that the Arab Muslims of Israel are colonists from the early to mid 20th century.


Since more than 90% of the migrants to Palestine were Jews between 1920 and 1945 we all know that you are posting a Hasbara produced chart that is nonsensical, given the documented facts from source materials available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive at NYU and Wagner U. Link provided.

367,845 Jews versus 33,304 Arabs and others

View attachment 69123

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University

What's that got to do with Gaza?
Invalid source that has been proven to be based on manipulated information. He uses fiction as a basis for his experiments and refuses to divulge his methods. He denies the work carried out by eminent geneticists that have access to far superior equipment than he has access to that shows that all Jews from all over the world have the genetic makeup that is singular to Jews. He claims that the leaders in modern scientific advances are all descended from just 4 mothers, if this was the truth the Jews would have died out 1000 year ago through inbreeding

they did, when a tongue dies the people fade into others, which is why most spoke Yiddish, and they entered into Russia and Germany and Poland. Only a handful spoke Hebrew a subset of the Canaanite language and there was mass teachings and push to revive the lost language.

Wrong as they lived on in the M.E. and other parts of the world. They recited the Torah in Hebrew which is what it was written in and all their business was conducted in Hebrew. Only one small group used Yiddish and that is what the world expects the Jews to speak.

Watch the Jazz Singer for a true rendition of what the Jews were like

Nope. Yiddish is what the maj spoke. Yes Hebrew was their religious language , like latin is the RC church. Man jews themselves have no idea where their from or who they are, or what they are.

Not only that but jews were mainly responsible for Herods temple demise, as they started a civil war among them when Titus took Jerusalem. They were always fighting one another. They all went their different ways, and the ones who stayed are most likely the Palestinians and Christian Arabs. Don't forget Hebrews never controlled all the land and were always fighting amongst themselves. The only place one can even find Hebrew from any history is in reference to the OT.

Are you going to stick to the topic, or not?

You recite the same script whatever the thread.

What topic? That Israel is stealing land and homes and building settlements. That Gaza is wealthy, no its not, they live in poverty. That jews have a divine right to Israel , or Palestine , nonsense. I believe that the West Bank and Gaza need knew leaders, and more involved leaders and demand the return of the land. Israel will self destruct, hopefully.

Go and derail another thread. It's your speciality.
they did, when a tongue dies the people fade into others, which is why most spoke Yiddish, and they entered into Russia and Germany and Poland. Only a handful spoke Hebrew a subset of the Canaanite language and there was mass teachings and push to revive the lost language.

Wrong as they lived on in the M.E. and other parts of the world. They recited the Torah in Hebrew which is what it was written in and all their business was conducted in Hebrew. Only one small group used Yiddish and that is what the world expects the Jews to speak.

Watch the Jazz Singer for a true rendition of what the Jews were like

Nope. Yiddish is what the maj spoke. Yes Hebrew was their religious language , like latin is the RC church. Man jews themselves have no idea where their from or who they are, or what they are.

Not only that but jews were mainly responsible for Herods temple demise, as they started a civil war among them when Titus took Jerusalem. They were always fighting one another. They all went their different ways, and the ones who stayed are most likely the Palestinians and Christian Arabs. Don't forget Hebrews never controlled all the land and were always fighting amongst themselves. The only place one can even find Hebrew from any history is in reference to the OT.

Are you going to stick to the topic, or not?

You recite the same script whatever the thread.

What topic? That Israel is stealing land and homes and building settlements. That Gaza is wealthy, no its not, they live in poverty. That jews have a divine right to Israel , or Palestine , nonsense. I believe that the West Bank and Gaza need knew leaders, and more involved leaders and demand the return of the land. Israel will self destruct, hopefully.

Go and derail another thread. It's your speciality.

I was going to leave anyway as it gets old, you have pretty much demolished and ruined the W. Bank and Gaza as well. There is no denying that.

Yeah by one DNA expert, probably a hasbara specialist Arab Muslim DNA expert ;--)

the reality is that DNA works best to discover differences, hell we're 99.5% chimp as well but that doesn't make a Chimp Jewish.

Do you ever watch those Jesus movies on TV, see how they dress. See how orthodox jews dress, in Russian clothers, and how they speak , Yiddish.

By the way you DNA expert wont let anyone see his work, wonder why. Try as you may, but the Palestinians most likely are the ones who stayed and are really from the Levant, and became Muslim and Christian. How could 8 mil Jew all of a sudden end up in Russian Ukraine area.

Never, I'm not a christian or a Jew. I don't buy into any of the mythologies. IMHO they are only lessons from which we may, and thats a big "may" find peace and understanding. Although some religions lessons are far far better than others at teaching peace and understanding.

Oh and we know for certain that the Arab Muslims of Israel are colonists from the early to mid 20th century.


Since more than 90% of the migrants to Palestine were Jews between 1920 and 1945 we all know that you are posting a Hasbara produced chart that is nonsensical, given the documented facts from source materials available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive at NYU and Wagner U. Link provided.

367,845 Jews versus 33,304 Arabs and others

View attachment 69123

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University

Once again you fail to recognize that your data only accounts for those who REGISTERED as immigrants.

The Arabs who migrated from elsewhere felt no reason to register ... they believed anywhere Arabic was spoken and Islam practiced was home so they didn't register until the UN announced "3 Hots & a Cot" in 1949.

Then suddenly there were hundreds of thousands of them.

You are claiming that there was illegal Arab immigration? Wrong again, from the same reference on page 212, para. 59.

"59. The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purposes of permanent settlement is insignificant."

You just can't accept that you have been fed and have believed Zionist propaganda all your life, accepting the propaganda as fact, never trying to get to the very available historical record that demonstrates that it is all Zionist bullshit.

Conversely, there was a great deal of illegal Jewish immigration as stated on page 210 para. 54 of the same reference:

"54. It is clear that there is necessarily much that is conjectural in an estimate of the volume of illegal immigration. The estimated number of Jewish illegal immigrants at April, 1939, is generally held to be of the order of 30,000 to 40,000. The Jewish Agency indeed add 37,000 to the official estimates of the Jewish population of Palestine. Since then most of the illegal immigration has been recorded, though of recent months the method of secret entry has been employed. By and large the estimated number of Jewish illegal immigrants since April, 1939. is of the order of 20,000 to 25,000. It follows that the Jewish population may now include between 50,000 and 60,000 illegal immigrants who have settled in Palestine at any time since 1920 when the first Immigration Ordinance was enacted."
And reconfirmed in UN Resolution A 364




15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths.

A/364 of 3 September 1947
This is the same cut and paste you cut and paste multiple times across multiple threads.

There was immigration to the geographic region of "Palestine". Your obvious issue is that Jews (among others) were immigrating there.

You're emotionally invested in your Jew hatreds. It's actually comical to watch your repeated, frantic cutting and pasting of the same material with no point other to promote your sweaty, chest-heaving self hate.

I have nothing against Jews. The factual data is posted in response your friend Boston's constant posting of a Hasbara produced chart that propagates a lie, and which you do not complain about. I merely post the facts with the appropriate link to the archive that contains the factual information. To repeat, the posting of the facts is in response to the posting of Hasbara propagated lies.

Invalid source that has been proven to be based on manipulated information. He uses fiction as a basis for his experiments and refuses to divulge his methods. He denies the work carried out by eminent geneticists that have access to far superior equipment than he has access to that shows that all Jews from all over the world have the genetic makeup that is singular to Jews. He claims that the leaders in modern scientific advances are all descended from just 4 mothers, if this was the truth the Jews would have died out 1000 year ago through inbreeding

they did, when a tongue dies the people fade into others, which is why most spoke Yiddish, and they entered into Russia and Germany and Poland. Only a handful spoke Hebrew a subset of the Canaanite language and there was mass teachings and push to revive the lost language.

Wrong as they lived on in the M.E. and other parts of the world. They recited the Torah in Hebrew which is what it was written in and all their business was conducted in Hebrew. Only one small group used Yiddish and that is what the world expects the Jews to speak.

Watch the Jazz Singer for a true rendition of what the Jews were like

Nope. Yiddish is what the maj spoke. Yes Hebrew was their religious language , like latin is the RC church. Man jews themselves have no idea where their from or who they are, or what they are.

Not only that but jews were mainly responsible for Herods temple demise, as they started a civil war among them when Titus took Jerusalem. They were always fighting one another. They all went their different ways, and the ones who stayed are most likely the Palestinians and Christian Arabs. Don't forget Hebrews never controlled all the land and were always fighting amongst themselves. The only place one can even find Hebrew from any history is in reference to the OT.

WRONG AGAIN it is what a small part of the population spoke, from a small part of the world. The Jews in England spoke English and Hebrew, the Jews in France spoke French and Hebrew, the Jews in Russia spoke Russian and Hebrew it was only the Jews in a certain part of Germany that spoke Yiddish.
Latin is a dead language used more in science than in religion as it is more expressive and understandable across language divides.

AND ? ? ? ? ? what does this have to do with your claims, other than to deflect away from the truth and reality when you are being thrashed in debate. And all you do is racially abuse the Jews because your religion commands that you do so

Yeah by one DNA expert, probably a hasbara specialist Arab Muslim DNA expert ;--)

the reality is that DNA works best to discover differences, hell we're 99.5% chimp as well but that doesn't make a Chimp Jewish.

Do you ever watch those Jesus movies on TV, see how they dress. See how orthodox jews dress, in Russian clothers, and how they speak , Yiddish.

By the way you DNA expert wont let anyone see his work, wonder why. Try as you may, but the Palestinians most likely are the ones who stayed and are really from the Levant, and became Muslim and Christian. How could 8 mil Jew all of a sudden end up in Russian Ukraine area.

Never, I'm not a christian or a Jew. I don't buy into any of the mythologies. IMHO they are only lessons from which we may, and thats a big "may" find peace and understanding. Although some religions lessons are far far better than others at teaching peace and understanding.

Oh and we know for certain that the Arab Muslims of Israel are colonists from the early to mid 20th century.


Since more than 90% of the migrants to Palestine were Jews between 1920 and 1945 we all know that you are posting a Hasbara produced chart that is nonsensical, given the documented facts from source materials available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive at NYU and Wagner U. Link provided.

367,845 Jews versus 33,304 Arabs and others

View attachment 69123

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University

So when will you admit that this is false information gathered by arab muslims for the Anglo American committee to write up in booklet form.

Remember what Churchill said about the influx of illegal arab muslim immigrants flooding into Palestine ? ? ?
Invalid source that has been proven to be based on manipulated information. He uses fiction as a basis for his experiments and refuses to divulge his methods. He denies the work carried out by eminent geneticists that have access to far superior equipment than he has access to that shows that all Jews from all over the world have the genetic makeup that is singular to Jews. He claims that the leaders in modern scientific advances are all descended from just 4 mothers, if this was the truth the Jews would have died out 1000 year ago through inbreeding

they did, when a tongue dies the people fade into others, which is why most spoke Yiddish, and they entered into Russia and Germany and Poland. Only a handful spoke Hebrew a subset of the Canaanite language and there was mass teachings and push to revive the lost language.

Wrong as they lived on in the M.E. and other parts of the world. They recited the Torah in Hebrew which is what it was written in and all their business was conducted in Hebrew. Only one small group used Yiddish and that is what the world expects the Jews to speak.

Watch the Jazz Singer for a true rendition of what the Jews were like

Nope. Yiddish is what the maj spoke. Yes Hebrew was their religious language , like latin is the RC church. Man jews themselves have no idea where their from or who they are, or what they are.

Not only that but jews were mainly responsible for Herods temple demise, as they started a civil war among them when Titus took Jerusalem. They were always fighting one another. They all went their different ways, and the ones who stayed are most likely the Palestinians and Christian Arabs. Don't forget Hebrews never controlled all the land and were always fighting amongst themselves. The only place one can even find Hebrew from any history is in reference to the OT.

Are you going to stick to the topic, or not?

You recite the same script whatever the thread.

What topic? That Israel is stealing land and homes and building settlements. That Gaza is wealthy, no its not, they live in poverty. That jews have a divine right to Israel , or Palestine , nonsense. I believe that the West Bank and Gaza need knew leaders, and more involved leaders and demand the return of the land. Israel will self destruct, hopefully.

What land and homes are Israel stealing then, who granted the land to the illegal arab muslim invaders. The LoN granted the land to the Jews under international treaty and this was later reinforced by the UN charter. Later the PLO agreed the Oslo accords with Israel that gave them full control over area C.

So it is time for the ICC/ICJ to step in and settle the matter once and for all using the evidence of international laws and international treaties to show who are the lands legal sovereign owners.
Yeah by one DNA expert, probably a hasbara specialist Arab Muslim DNA expert ;--)

the reality is that DNA works best to discover differences, hell we're 99.5% chimp as well but that doesn't make a Chimp Jewish.

Do you ever watch those Jesus movies on TV, see how they dress. See how orthodox jews dress, in Russian clothers, and how they speak , Yiddish.

By the way you DNA expert wont let anyone see his work, wonder why. Try as you may, but the Palestinians most likely are the ones who stayed and are really from the Levant, and became Muslim and Christian. How could 8 mil Jew all of a sudden end up in Russian Ukraine area.

Never, I'm not a christian or a Jew. I don't buy into any of the mythologies. IMHO they are only lessons from which we may, and thats a big "may" find peace and understanding. Although some religions lessons are far far better than others at teaching peace and understanding.

Oh and we know for certain that the Arab Muslims of Israel are colonists from the early to mid 20th century.


Since more than 90% of the migrants to Palestine were Jews between 1920 and 1945 we all know that you are posting a Hasbara produced chart that is nonsensical, given the documented facts from source materials available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive at NYU and Wagner U. Link provided.

367,845 Jews versus 33,304 Arabs and others

View attachment 69123

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University

Once again you fail to recognize that your data only accounts for those who REGISTERED as immigrants.

The Arabs who migrated from elsewhere felt no reason to register ... they believed anywhere Arabic was spoken and Islam practiced was home so they didn't register until the UN announced "3 Hots & a Cot" in 1949.

Then suddenly there were hundreds of thousands of them.

You are claiming that there was illegal Arab immigration? Wrong again, from the same reference on page 212, para. 59.

"59. The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purposes of permanent settlement is insignificant."

You just can't accept that you have been fed and have believed Zionist propaganda all your life, accepting the propaganda as fact, never trying to get to the very available historical record that demonstrates that it is all Zionist bullshit.

Conversely, there was a great deal of illegal Jewish immigration as stated on page 210 para. 54 of the same reference:

"54. It is clear that there is necessarily much that is conjectural in an estimate of the volume of illegal immigration. The estimated number of Jewish illegal immigrants at April, 1939, is generally held to be of the order of 30,000 to 40,000. The Jewish Agency indeed add 37,000 to the official estimates of the Jewish population of Palestine. Since then most of the illegal immigration has been recorded, though of recent months the method of secret entry has been employed. By and large the estimated number of Jewish illegal immigrants since April, 1939. is of the order of 20,000 to 25,000. It follows that the Jewish population may now include between 50,000 and 60,000 illegal immigrants who have settled in Palestine at any time since 1920 when the first Immigration Ordinance was enacted."

Yeah by one DNA expert, probably a hasbara specialist Arab Muslim DNA expert ;--)

the reality is that DNA works best to discover differences, hell we're 99.5% chimp as well but that doesn't make a Chimp Jewish.

Do you ever watch those Jesus movies on TV, see how they dress. See how orthodox jews dress, in Russian clothers, and how they speak , Yiddish.

By the way you DNA expert wont let anyone see his work, wonder why. Try as you may, but the Palestinians most likely are the ones who stayed and are really from the Levant, and became Muslim and Christian. How could 8 mil Jew all of a sudden end up in Russian Ukraine area.

Never, I'm not a christian or a Jew. I don't buy into any of the mythologies. IMHO they are only lessons from which we may, and thats a big "may" find peace and understanding. Although some religions lessons are far far better than others at teaching peace and understanding.

Oh and we know for certain that the Arab Muslims of Israel are colonists from the early to mid 20th century.


Since more than 90% of the migrants to Palestine were Jews between 1920 and 1945 we all know that you are posting a Hasbara produced chart that is nonsensical, given the documented facts from source materials available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive at NYU and Wagner U. Link provided.

367,845 Jews versus 33,304 Arabs and others

View attachment 69123

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University

Once again you fail to recognize that your data only accounts for those who REGISTERED as immigrants.

The Arabs who migrated from elsewhere felt no reason to register ... they believed anywhere Arabic was spoken and Islam practiced was home so they didn't register until the UN announced "3 Hots & a Cot" in 1949.

Then suddenly there were hundreds of thousands of them.

You are claiming that there was illegal Arab immigration? Wrong again, from the same reference on page 212, para. 59.

"59. The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purposes of permanent settlement is insignificant."

And while they may not have migrated "for the purposes of permanent settlement" they clearly ended up staying. The fact that the Arab population growth rate in and around Jewish population centers from 1900-1925 was 50% greater than that of other similarly distressed areas in the Mideast and N. Africa. (Roberto Bachi, Population of Israel, pg 34-35).

It's interesting that your source concludes illegal Arab immigration to have been "insignificant" when there is so little hard information on which to make that determination.

Indeed, The Palestine Blue Book (1928) offered an estimate of the Arab population (816,064) but added that it was probably understated by 20,000-25,000 due to unrecorded immigration. (p. 143.)

The 1931 edition showed the population had increased to 946,463 - 16% in just 3 years - but again the 20,000-25,000 disclaimer was added due to unrecorded immigration. (p. 146.)

By 1937 the disclaimer noted that there was unrecorded illegal immigration of both Jews and Arabs in the period since the census of 1931, but since it could not be recorded, no estimate of its volume is possible.

The 1935 British report to the League of Nations noted that 1/3 of those charged with illegal immigration were Jewish, meaning 2/3 of illegal immigrants were not. Do you believe they were Martians?
Report by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Council of the League of Nations on the Administration of Palestine and Trans-Jordan for the Year 1935 (London: His Majesty's Stationary Office, n.d.), p. 14.
Did he visit the refugees camp in Gaza?


How can they be refugees in their own country ?. Have you missed the definition of what a refugee is ?

They were expelled or "Israel" destroyed their homes.
Palestinian Refugees in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip — Forced Migration Online

How interesting, but expulsion of the Arabs-Moslems posing as Pal'istanians Happens across the Islamist Middle East.

Kuwait Expels Thousands of Palestinians

Kuwait Expels Thousands of Palestinians

Much has been made of the Palestinian exodus of 1948. Yet during their decades of dispersal, the Palestinians have experienced no less traumatic ordeals at the hands of their Arab brothers. As early as the mid-1950s, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Libya expelled striking Palestinian workers. In 1970, Jordan expelled some 20,000 Palestinians and demolished their camps; in 1994-95, Libya expelled tens of thousands of long-term Palestinian residents in response to the Oslo process; and after the 2003 Iraq war, some 21,000 Palestinians fled the country in response to a systematic terror and persecution campaign. As recently as 2007, Beirut effectively displaced 31,400 Palestinian refugees when the Lebanese army destroyed the Nahr el Bared refugee camp during fighting between the militant Fatal al-Islam group and the Lebanese army.[1]
Do you ever watch those Jesus movies on TV, see how they dress. See how orthodox jews dress, in Russian clothers, and how they speak , Yiddish.

By the way you DNA expert wont let anyone see his work, wonder why. Try as you may, but the Palestinians most likely are the ones who stayed and are really from the Levant, and became Muslim and Christian. How could 8 mil Jew all of a sudden end up in Russian Ukraine area.

Never, I'm not a christian or a Jew. I don't buy into any of the mythologies. IMHO they are only lessons from which we may, and thats a big "may" find peace and understanding. Although some religions lessons are far far better than others at teaching peace and understanding.

Oh and we know for certain that the Arab Muslims of Israel are colonists from the early to mid 20th century.


Since more than 90% of the migrants to Palestine were Jews between 1920 and 1945 we all know that you are posting a Hasbara produced chart that is nonsensical, given the documented facts from source materials available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive at NYU and Wagner U. Link provided.

367,845 Jews versus 33,304 Arabs and others

View attachment 69123

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University

Once again you fail to recognize that your data only accounts for those who REGISTERED as immigrants.

The Arabs who migrated from elsewhere felt no reason to register ... they believed anywhere Arabic was spoken and Islam practiced was home so they didn't register until the UN announced "3 Hots & a Cot" in 1949.

Then suddenly there were hundreds of thousands of them.

You are claiming that there was illegal Arab immigration? Wrong again, from the same reference on page 212, para. 59.

"59. The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purposes of permanent settlement is insignificant."

And while they may not have migrated "for the purposes of permanent settlement" they clearly ended up staying. The fact that the Arab population growth rate in and around Jewish population centers from 1900-1925 was 50% greater than that of other similarly distressed areas in the Mideast and N. Africa. (Roberto Bachi, Population of Israel, pg 34-35).

It's interesting that your source concludes illegal Arab immigration to have been "insignificant" when there is so little hard information on which to make that determination.

Indeed, The Palestine Blue Book (1928) offered an estimate of the Arab population (816,064) but added that it was probably understated by 20,000-25,000 due to unrecorded immigration. (p. 143.)

The 1931 edition showed the population had increased to 946,463 - 16% in just 3 years - but again the 20,000-25,000 disclaimer was added due to unrecorded immigration. (p. 146.)

By 1937 the disclaimer noted that there was unrecorded illegal immigration of both Jews and Arabs in the period since the census of 1931, but since it could not be recorded, no estimate of its volume is possible.

The 1935 British report to the League of Nations noted that 1/3 of those charged with illegal immigration were Jewish, meaning 2/3 of illegal immigrants were not. Do you believe they were Martians?
Report by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Council of the League of Nations on the Administration of Palestine and Trans-Jordan for the Year 1935 (London: His Majesty's Stationary Office, n.d.), p. 14.

The mere fact that it was not permanent settlement means they did not stay. LOL You are a hoot.

As stated, based on the official census and immigration data, the facts were reported in in A 364. All of your attempts at promulgating propaganda are useless when one reads what was basically the final report on Palestine before it was essentially replaced by the Jewish State, UN Resolution A 364. There was no need to make up numbers, given that the decision to disenfranchise the Christians and Muslims, had been taken. In fact, it would have behooved the UN to claim that the Christians and Muslims that they were screwing over had migrated recently.


15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths.

A/364 of 3 September 1947

Your dog won't hunt.
Never, I'm not a christian or a Jew. I don't buy into any of the mythologies. IMHO they are only lessons from which we may, and thats a big "may" find peace and understanding. Although some religions lessons are far far better than others at teaching peace and understanding.

Oh and we know for certain that the Arab Muslims of Israel are colonists from the early to mid 20th century.


Since more than 90% of the migrants to Palestine were Jews between 1920 and 1945 we all know that you are posting a Hasbara produced chart that is nonsensical, given the documented facts from source materials available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive at NYU and Wagner U. Link provided.

367,845 Jews versus 33,304 Arabs and others

View attachment 69123

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University

Once again you fail to recognize that your data only accounts for those who REGISTERED as immigrants.

The Arabs who migrated from elsewhere felt no reason to register ... they believed anywhere Arabic was spoken and Islam practiced was home so they didn't register until the UN announced "3 Hots & a Cot" in 1949.

Then suddenly there were hundreds of thousands of them.

You are claiming that there was illegal Arab immigration? Wrong again, from the same reference on page 212, para. 59.

"59. The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purposes of permanent settlement is insignificant."

And while they may not have migrated "for the purposes of permanent settlement" they clearly ended up staying. The fact that the Arab population growth rate in and around Jewish population centers from 1900-1925 was 50% greater than that of other similarly distressed areas in the Mideast and N. Africa. (Roberto Bachi, Population of Israel, pg 34-35).

It's interesting that your source concludes illegal Arab immigration to have been "insignificant" when there is so little hard information on which to make that determination.

Indeed, The Palestine Blue Book (1928) offered an estimate of the Arab population (816,064) but added that it was probably understated by 20,000-25,000 due to unrecorded immigration. (p. 143.)

The 1931 edition showed the population had increased to 946,463 - 16% in just 3 years - but again the 20,000-25,000 disclaimer was added due to unrecorded immigration. (p. 146.)

By 1937 the disclaimer noted that there was unrecorded illegal immigration of both Jews and Arabs in the period since the census of 1931, but since it could not be recorded, no estimate of its volume is possible.

The 1935 British report to the League of Nations noted that 1/3 of those charged with illegal immigration were Jewish, meaning 2/3 of illegal immigrants were not. Do you believe they were Martians?
Report by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Council of the League of Nations on the Administration of Palestine and Trans-Jordan for the Year 1935 (London: His Majesty's Stationary Office, n.d.), p. 14.

The mere fact that it was not permanent settlement means they did not stay. LOL You are a hoot.

As stated, based on the official census and immigration data, the facts were reported in in A 364. All of your attempts at promulgating propaganda are useless when one reads what was basically the final report on Palestine before it was essentially replaced by the Jewish State, UN Resolution A 364. There was no need to make up numbers, given that the decision to disenfranchise the Christians and Muslims, had been taken. In fact, it would have behooved the UN to claim that the Christians and Muslims that they were screwing over had migrated recently.


15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths.

A/364 of 3 September 1947

Your dog won't hunt.
Why not post a link instead of spamming the same cut and paste multiple ties across multiple threads?

Why would there not be a increase in Jewish population numbers when a legal process established a home for the Jewish people.

What legal process established the Ottoman Turk invasion and colonial project?
Must of been divine intervention.

Guess Allah was stronger than Yahweh.

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