CDZ Wearing A Mask, Bad Advice?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Bad advice for healthy folks......Could wearing a mask be considered not the best advice? I know it is recommended however, when one considers part of vanquishing a virus is actually exposing people and letting their immune systems build an immunity, suddenly wearing a mask seems pretty stupid. What happens when the national mask cover up guideline is dropped and we have a large segment of the population that was insulated from that particular virus? Won't they actually be more susceptible?
Why do doctors and nurses wear them?....
Good question, maybe because they are always exposed to sick people in confined spaces. They don't wear masks in their everyday lives while out in public.
The point is not to never be exposed, but to delay exposure and also reduce the amount of exposure... which buys us time to find treatments, vaccines, expand healthcare capacity etc. Yes a low dose can help build immunity, but high exposure is more likely to have more severe consequences
Bad advice for healthy folks......Could wearing a mask be considered not the best advice? I know it is recommended however, when one considers part of vanquishing a virus is actually exposing people and letting their immune systems build an immunity, suddenly wearing a mask seems pretty stupid. What happens when the national mask cover up guideline is dropped and we have a large segment of the population that was insulated from that particular virus? Won't they actually be more susceptible?
A regular mask isn't about to stop any sort of virus so the immunity thing is out. However for the very same reason they don't do a lick of good either. Not unless you have the virus and are running around in public spraying it all over with sneezes and coughs.
The point is not to never be exposed, but to delay exposure and also reduce the amount of exposure... which buys us time to find treatments, vaccines, expand healthcare capacity etc. Yes a low dose can help build immunity, but high exposure is more likely to have more severe consequences
Do you think that social distancing and washing hand etc. is sufficient? Why wear a mask unless exposure is eminent?
Bad advice for healthy folks......Could wearing a mask be considered not the best advice? I know it is recommended however, when one considers part of vanquishing a virus is actually exposing people and letting their immune systems build an immunity, suddenly wearing a mask seems pretty stupid. What happens when the national mask cover up guideline is dropped and we have a large segment of the population that was insulated from that particular virus? Won't they actually be more susceptible?

Unfortunately, there have been cases reported in S. Korea where people who had caught the virus and recovered were reinfected, so the whole immunity thing is up in the air.

South Korea reported Friday that almost 100 patients thought to have recovered from the new coronavirus had tested positive again, sparking fears that populations could become re-infected with COVID-19.

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that 91 people who had previously been cleared of the virus had tested positive. The KCDC had said the number had risen from 51 cases reported earlier in the week.
part of vanquishing a virus is actually exposing people and letting their immune systems build an immunity,

no mask would probably mean 1-2 million additional deaths before survivors had immunity. 1000 times smarter to wear mask and wait for vaccine or other drugs.
Bad advice for healthy folks......Could wearing a mask be considered not the best advice? I know it is recommended however, when one considers part of vanquishing a virus is actually exposing people and letting their immune systems build an immunity, suddenly wearing a mask seems pretty stupid. What happens when the national mask cover up guideline is dropped and we have a large segment of the population that was insulated from that particular virus? Won't they actually be more susceptible?

Unfortunately, there have been cases reported in S. Korea where people who had caught the virus and recovered were reinfected, so the whole immunity thing is up in the air.

South Korea reported Friday that almost 100 patients thought to have recovered from the new coronavirus had tested positive again, sparking fears that populations could become re-infected with COVID-19.

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that 91 people who had previously been cleared of the virus had tested positive. The KCDC had said the number had risen from 51 cases reported earlier in the week.
I have read that patients who recover still harbor the virus but they themselves should be immune. Thanks for the link, it seems that there is a question as to whether they are actually re infected or the virus is reactivated. Fauci apparently said re infection was the least likely.
Why do doctors and nurses wear them?....
Good question, maybe because they are always exposed to sick people in confined spaces. They don't wear masks in their everyday lives while out in public.
They are now...
Yeah, my statement may have been too broad but I assume some do and some don't depending on the environment.
My local market now won't let you in to shop without a mask or something covering your face...I assume its to keep the sick from infecting the whole store...I do feel better shopping there...whether it works or not....
Why do doctors and nurses wear them?....
Good question, maybe because they are always exposed to sick people in confined spaces. They don't wear masks in their everyday lives while out in public.
They are now...
Yeah, my statement may have been too broad but I assume some do and some don't depending on the environment.
My local market now won't let you in to shop without a mask or something covering your face...I assume its to keep the sick from infecting the whole store...I do feel better shopping there...whether it works or not....
Not so where I am which is a rural area. Some wear masks most don't. Cashiers are now wearing gloves and have clear plastic guards up and marks on the floor spaced 6ft apart in wait line.
Bad advice for healthy folks......Could wearing a mask be considered not the best advice? I know it is recommended however, when one considers part of vanquishing a virus is actually exposing people and letting their immune systems build an immunity, suddenly wearing a mask seems pretty stupid. What happens when the national mask cover up guideline is dropped and we have a large segment of the population that was insulated from that particular virus? Won't they actually be more susceptible?

Masks prevent you from touching you nose and mouth. Think about it.......
Bad advice for healthy folks......Could wearing a mask be considered not the best advice? I know it is recommended however, when one considers part of vanquishing a virus is actually exposing people and letting their immune systems build an immunity, suddenly wearing a mask seems pretty stupid. What happens when the national mask cover up guideline is dropped and we have a large segment of the population that was insulated from that particular virus? Won't they actually be more susceptible?

Masks prevent you from touching you nose and mouth. Think about it.......
Yes,that is true and any face touching it prevents is a good thing. Remember, you can get the virus in your eyes as well if you rub them. Think about that as well. Maybe the best thing is a face shield. I saw some ads that show hats with face shields. Still, I wonder how many will be dawning face masks and shields in the future. My guess is probably not many and be assured, there are plenty of other viruses around at any one time. It's just our immune systems protect us most of the time because we are constantly exposed to them.
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If this is a longer term issue, at what point does designer masks come to the forefront? And will there be total facial coverings of some type designed?
If this is a longer term issue, at what point does designer masks come to the forefront? And will there be total facial coverings of some type designed?
I have had similar thoughts. Perhaps, hoods with eye slits will become in vogue. LOL
Bad advice for healthy folks......Could wearing a mask be considered not the best advice? I know it is recommended however, when one considers part of vanquishing a virus is actually exposing people and letting their immune systems build an immunity, suddenly wearing a mask seems pretty stupid. What happens when the national mask cover up guideline is dropped and we have a large segment of the population that was insulated from that particular virus? Won't they actually be more susceptible?

Unfortunately, there have been cases reported in S. Korea where people who had caught the virus and recovered were reinfected, so the whole immunity thing is up in the air.

South Korea reported Friday that almost 100 patients thought to have recovered from the new coronavirus had tested positive again, sparking fears that populations could become re-infected with COVID-19.

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that 91 people who had previously been cleared of the virus had tested positive. The KCDC had said the number had risen from 51 cases reported earlier in the week.
Your commie buddy Fauci isn't going for the South Korea claims, he says those claims are highly unlikely. Besides, you are a lefty who needs to see years of clinical trials before accepting that a drug is successful, so I'm sure you will need to see the South Korea claims proven and be blessed by the USA government before believing anything, right?
My bitch? I'm nearly deaf. Nearly I say, I can read lips very well but not under a mask or bandanna.
A little food for thought:

From the link:

In Seoul, South Korea, more than 2,100 bars and nightclubs were reopened after the country succeeded in achieving zero new cases domestically. This was accomplished through extensive testing of 15,000 people a day which is the third highest rate in the world for per person testing. The health authorities then tracked the contacts of those who tested positive by recorded cashless transactions, GPS mobile phone history, and CCTV cameras. These measures worked because they were aided by a very high degree of public cooperation to wear masks and to socially distance. This was also aided by smartphone apps that disclose the precise locations of infections to avoid new hotspots as they occur.

Despite this initial success, all these bars and nightclubs in South Korea are now indefinitely closed because of one untested asymptomatic male individual. This young man visited as many as five nightclubs in Itaewon over the May 1, 2020 weekend and transmitted the COVID-19 virus he did not know he was carrying to others who were not wearing masks at those nightclubs. It is believed that he infected 43 nightclub patrons who in turn infected another 11 people who were in contact with them. Contact tracing has now identified a further 7,200 people who may have been exposed to the virus.

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