Weird Females Aren’t Hired As Often Now


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

Christopher Forest, a new administrator at California State University Monterey Bay, had to appear before a judge last month for giving a coworker a friendly hug.

Forest, tapped as the founding director of the university’s budding Master of Science Physician Assistant program, had reportedly given the hug to a female coworker on his first day of work because she had helped him with some travel arrangements when he’d interviewed for the job.

But the hug’s receiver, Siphannay Burnes, an administrative and research analyst for the College of Health Sciences and Human Services, responded with a request for a restraining order against Forest. The judge declined to grant the restraining order but did admonish campus officials on Burnes’ behalf, saying she had a right to be fearful.”

Restraining order sought against campus administrator after friendly workplace hug - The College Fix

When a friendly hug or a glance at a low cut dress will land you in front of a judge, Best to play it safe.
yeah , understandable for sure . I HEAR that some males will not help females that have some emergency , say a heart attack while walking down the street that would require any Body Contact like Chest Compression .
looks like V.P. Mike Pence has things figured out correctly with his way of handling strange woman outside of his Wife and other Family members. ------------- what a world that these 'femi nazis' are building [chuckle] .
It's not hard. Don't make physical contact with any coworkers, of any sex, at any time, before, during, or after work.

Similarly, no prolonged eye contact, or conversation not related directly to work.

That should keep you out of trouble most of the time.
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looks like V.P. Mike Pence has things figured out correctly with his way of handling strange woman outside of his Wife and other Family members. ------------- what a world that these 'femi nazis' are building [chuckle] .

And, of course, he got ridiculed for it. Looks like he's onto something, though.
MOST of the time eh ?? Course there are LIARS that will still accuse Fncceo .

Christopher Forest, a new administrator at California State University Monterey Bay, had to appear before a judge last month for giving a coworker a friendly hug.

Forest, tapped as the founding director of the university’s budding Master of Science Physician Assistant program, had reportedly given the hug to a female coworker on his first day of work because she had helped him with some travel arrangements when he’d interviewed for the job.

But the hug’s receiver, Siphannay Burnes, an administrative and research analyst for the College of Health Sciences and Human Services, responded with a request for a restraining order against Forest. The judge declined to grant the restraining order but did admonish campus officials on Burnes’ behalf, saying she had a right to be fearful.”

Restraining order sought against campus administrator after friendly workplace hug - The College Fix

When a friendly hug or a glance at a low cut dress will land you in front of a judge, Best to play it safe.
According to the write up, the hug was returned. In my opinion, if that wasn't brought to the judge's attention, it should've been.

God bless you and Christopher always!!!


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