

Jan 29, 2011
Can I ask what the heck is going on? As a member, I think I should be able to inquire.
Look at the New Posts. And how many have replies. I've never seen it this "slow".
Where are the mods? What's going on?
The board goes through stages Gracie... just go with it.
I've never seen this happen. But I've only been here since January.
It's very....disconcerting.
I've been here over 7 years... trust me... it's not always a fire brand, hell raising, millions of people posting. Relish it. Sometimes the slow times are the best.
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Well...after the hack job, and now this, it does make me wonder what's up.

I'll just wave bye bye now cuz this thread will probably be womd too.
I said bye bye to THIS THREAD.
Your board would be Reading Comprehension Skills 101. :lol:
OK... I give up... looks like you need someone to pick on, and I'm not it... :eusa_eh:
Hey!! Get yer butt back here, bubba! I like ya. Wanna arm wrestle?
Who wants to arm wrestle an old arthritic broad like me anyway. Sniff.
Someone hand me a tissue. My nose is drippy.

It is called the forumic law of entropy, the same amount posters chewing each other up through out cyberspace but varying from forum to forum.
Well, put 'em up. We have to use left hands though cuz my right one is shot. And ya can't squeeze either. I will cry.

Rain check on the arm wrestling. I took a pain pill and now this old crone is off to bed.

Night, y'all. Hope this place gets back to its former glory.

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