Welfare Break Down.


VIP Member
May 27, 2014
corporate welfare vs social welfare. Im not sayin much because I dont want to hear your traitorous bull shit...fucking creeps. You make my skin crawl.
corporate welfare vs social welfare. Im not sayin much because I dont want to hear your traitorous bull shit...fucking creeps. You make my skin crawl.

It is all about the vote. Farmland welfare, to get farmers vote. Corporate welfare, to get money for campaigns. Welfare for poverty, is to get poor liberal scum to vote democrats. Both liberal Republicans and Democrats are guilty as shit for welfare. Conservatives who want to reign in all welfare are considered the enemy of the establishment, that lives in the swamp. Trump was voted in to drain that swamp.

As the old saying goes, follow the money. Money controls everything including our government and it's criminal politicians.

The extreme wealthy get whatever they want. The rest of us are merely cannon fodder.
corporate welfare vs social welfare. Im not sayin much because I dont want to hear your traitorous bull shit...fucking creeps. You make my skin crawl.

Corporate welfare is a dent in the bucket compared to social welfare, which still makes it a problem.

Start by defunding NPR completely.
corporate welfare vs social welfare. Im not sayin much because I dont want to hear your traitorous bull shit...fucking creeps. You make my skin crawl.

Corporate welfare is a dent in the bucket compared to social welfare, which still makes it a problem.

Start by defunding NPR completely.

What are you counting as "social welfare" ? and you do realize that all "corporate welfare" isn't created equal, right?

Certain "corporate welfare" can be justified from an economic standpoint where it addresses a positive externality, so one would have to look at each line item expenditure and determine if the expenditure is justified by benefits accrued to those not directly involved in the transactions of the specific corporate entitie(s) receiving the subsidies.

Personally I'm more concerned about all the federal, state, local government subsidies that end up in the pockets of people who are NOT poor instead of the ones going to people below the poverty line and those which seek to subsidize production and/or consumption that accrues benefits to society as a whole.
Private charities should supplant draconian taxes.

Rich liberals should send more money to the treasury if they feel taxes are too low.
Private charities should supplant draconian taxes.

Rich liberals should send more money to the treasury if they feel taxes are too low.

Taxes aren't the problem, spending is; Lower spending = lower taxes not the other way around, you can't lower taxes without lowering spending, the money has to come from somewhere and when you increase spending faster than the economy is growing that "somewhere" is the future .

Of course our idiotic system hides a great deal of the costs from the sheeple by shifting them into the future. Spend, borrow and print now and hope you're out of office before the piper shows up to paid. ;)
corporate welfare vs social welfare. Im not sayin much because I dont want to hear your traitorous bull shit...fucking creeps. You make my skin crawl.

Corporate welfare is a dent in the bucket compared to social welfare, which still makes it a problem.

Start by defunding NPR completely.

Our military is the biggest corporate welfare scheme going. The youth of America is used to keep hostile places like the middle east safe for oil companies to operate in profitably. I was from an earlier generation in the Navy, but I joined with a draft threatening me. I did pretty good, helping keep the shipping lanes open and safe for commerce, but at crap wages of course. Those at the top invent medals and ribbons and awards, and honor military guys on certain holidays because this is getting by on the cheap. How about giving them a bonus, or a portion of the profits that the 'defense' industries make off of the taxpayers instead of pinning cheapo made in china trinkets on their chests? Something they can actually take to the bank for risking their lives?

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