Republicans love their Socialist benefits.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand the context. I'll rely on an economic contributor with a wide range of contributions across many outlets as opposed to an anonymous USMB member. Cheers!
First of all, your economic contributor is a right wing shill. While the link stated she worked for the Manhattan Institute she is now with the AEI, just as bad. And you don't have to rely on me, you can rely on the facts as they have been presented. Let's review.

You claimed tuition was up because easy college loan money drove up demand for college.

I showed you where college enrollment is in a ten plus year decline. I also showed you that loan proceeds are covering a declining amount of tuition over that same time period.

You claimed that tuition was up because universities were hiring more professors to teach programs that I assume you mean gender studies, racism, and other woke activities.

I showed you where professors have declined over that same ten-year time period. Universities are hiring less professors, not more.

So now we come to "context". Look, I know you desperately want to believe that old right wing talking point about student loans and college tuition. Ignorance can be overlooked, willful ignorance is stupid. Refusing to acknowledge the facts presented is willful ignorance.

Here is what we know. Student enrollment is down, and both financial aid and student loans now cover less of the total cost of tuition than any time in the last decade. State support of state schools is down. So what is driving this increasing cost of tuition. Ironically, your "source" wrote a book about it.

Amazon product ASIN 069116715X
Bringing needed clarity to an issue that concerns all of us, Beth Akers and Matthew Chingos cut through the sensationalism and misleading rhetoric to make the compelling case that college remains a good investment for most students. They show how, in fact, typical borrowers face affordable debt burdens, and argue that the truly serious cases of financial hardship portrayed in the media are less common than the popular narrative would have us believe.
Seems she is changing her tune, wonder if that has to do with who she works for? But go back to my last post, the last paragraph after reading this from the book link.

a dysfunctional market where competition among colleges drives tuition costs up instead of down.

This ain't rocket science. It ain't that damn hard to understand. If the only variable at play here were student loans there would be no incentive to increase tuition costs in response to competition. In fact, the exact opposite would happen. Competition among colleges isn't in the area of cost, often times hidden as has been demonstrated from my links. It is in those amenities, providing more and more of them is the basis of this "dysfunctional market", and that competition drives up costs, precisely as I stated.
The only "Republicans" who support socialism are the SUBS, who still love W and the free opium pills he put at full price on the taxpayer...

Socializing senior drugs - how a SUB defines "conservative..."
Friend, government is part of society and has always been. Any society that doesn't have government as in police, fire department, and some regulations is pure idiocy. These people don't know what the fuck they're talking about and would be utterly idiotic to ever seriously consider enforcing such bullshit.

The obligatory leftist butbutbutbut police and fire department post.
You forgot “you didn’t build that!” Roads and bridges.
If this ^^^^ big lie of yours was even close to being true, we as a Nation would be in a much better place.

Fuck the Ultra Rich.
Pay YOUR share.

Why do you hate Bernie Sanders and Barrack Hussein Obama?
The obligatory leftist butbutbutbut police and fire department post.
You forgot “you didn’t build that!” Roads and bridges.
And water and sewer. 42% of Americans get their power from a co-op. You eat bread? The wheat was probably milled by either a co-op or a state owned milling company and grain elevator. The US Military is about as socialist as you can get.
And water and sewer. 42% of Americans get their power from a co-op. You eat bread? The wheat was probably milled by either a co-op or a state owned milling company and grain elevator. The US Military is about as socialist as you can get.

Cool story bro.

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