Well, dismissing charges against gaige Grosskreutz didn't pay off


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
gaige was a felon in possession of a firearm and attempted to murder rittenhouse
Had other charges pending, all were dismissed before his testimony.
Well, the DA;s didn't get much in return as he became the worst witness in the history of mankind.

Heard the city is gonna transfer the Prosecutor to a new job after the trial.
gaige was a felon in possession of a firearm and attempted to murder rittenhouse
Had other charges pending, all were dismissed before his testimony.
Well, the DA;s didn't get much in return as he became the worst witness in the history of mankind.

He will get a standing ovation at the next hollywierd self awards ceremony
gaige was a felon in possession of a firearm and attempted to murder rittenhouse
Had other charges pending, all were dismissed before his testimony.
Well, the DA;s didn't get much in return as he became the worst witness in the history of mankind.

Actually GG is on video committing a felony, however he was not a convicted felon. The criminal was convicted of misdemeanors.

But the commie had lost his concealed carry license after he was arrested for prowling in the parking lot of a police station and convicted of using a gun while intoxicated.
gaige was a felon in possession of a firearm and attempted to murder rittenhouse
Had other charges pending, all were dismissed before his testimony.
Well, the DA;s didn't get much in return as he became the worst witness in the history of mankind.

You really should find better sources. Gaige was not a felon. He had a MISDEAMENOR. He was not legally barred from having a firearm. About the only charge he might have faced was letting his concealed carry permit expire.

Plea deals are not "witness tampering" either.
Actually GG is on video committing a felony, however he was not a convicted felon. The criminal was convicted of misdemeanors.

But the commie had lost his concealed carry license after he was arrested for prowling in the parking lot of a police station and convicted of using a gun while intoxicated.
What felony was he "committing"?
gaige was a felon in possession of a firearm and attempted to murder rittenhouse
Had other charges pending, all were dismissed before his testimony.
Well, the DA;s didn't get much in return as he became the worst witness in the history of mankind.

The DA is a Democrat piece of shit.

GG should have been charged with illegally carrying a fire arm and attacking Kyle with the pistol. That doesn't fit into the Democrat narrative so he walked.

Despicable, isn't it?
gaige was a felon in possession of a firearm and attempted to murder rittenhouse
Had other charges pending, all were dismissed before his testimony.
Well, the DA;s didn't get much in return as he became the worst witness in the history of mankind.

He was not a felon, yet.
well...that definition makes Kyle a felon as well.
No it doesn't. Kyle did not chase down anyone and attack them.

I know that the fake news media and ADA Binker made that claim, but they were lying. That's why Binker tried to prevent the jury from seeing the video evidence. The video proves that the exact opposite is what really happened.

Kyle didn't chase down anyone. Kyle was administering first aid to injured people and extinguishing fires.
gaige was a felon in possession of a firearm and attempted to murder rittenhouse
Had other charges pending, all were dismissed before his testimony.
Well, the DA;s didn't get much in return as he became the worst witness in the history of mankind.

Giage snookered the prosecution and has skated on a ten year conviction and prison sentence.
Giage snookered the prosecution and has skated on a ten year conviction and prison sentence.
What is interesting and going to be is that where the prosecutor has failed to charge Grosskreutz...
The statutes of limitations will not run out for federal charges that he freely admitted to while on the witness stand.
That's why they are called "Felonies"...
Think of the "F" standing for Federal...

Now if there's a sea change...a Republican Administration and Department of Justice can find him and remove that piece of feces from the public arena to ensure the safety of the citizens...
I know I'd feel safer if Grosskreutz was behind bars instead of walking around freely.
No Kyle Rittenhouse was not a convicted felon at the time he possessed the AR-15. He has yet to be convicted of any charges.
Gauge is also not a convicted felon.
Gaige lied under oath. And pointed a loaded gun that he testified he threw down. Kinda like a DUMB CROOK NEWS listing from John Boy on morning radio.

  • Grosskreutz told officers shortly after the shooting that "I dropped my firearm." The defense said that was a lie because Grosskreutz chased after Rittenhouse and he had just testified he pulled out his gun while running.
  • The defense got Grosskreutz to admit in court in the lawsuit he has filed against the city of Kenosha, he is demanding $10 million for damages, he failed to mention he was armed when he was shot by Rittenhouse.
  • Grosskreutz said it is not true to say he chased after Rittenhouse. Chirafisi then showed Grosskreutz a picture of him grabbing his handgun while running toward Rittenhouse. Even after being shown the photo, Grosskreutz still said he was not chasing Rittenhouse.
  • Grosskreutz initially told police he shouted to Anthony Huber to stop hitting Rittenhouse with a skateboard. When pressed by Chirafisi, Grosskreutz said "with the benefit of hindsight" that is not true.

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