Well it's almost time to hear Christmas songs until you scream

There's one Christmas carol commercial they play on CNN so much I have to pick up the remote and change the channel whenever it comes on. It's that bad.
I love them. I watch those lame Christmas movies from the Hallmark channel. I do not celebrate Christmas but I do love to see it done.
I like to keep up with what other side is thinking.
If you don't know what they're thinking by now you're not paying attention.

All you're gonna hear from CNN is propaganda.
I used to watch MSNBC for the same reasons back a few years ago.....but there's so much that they say that I knew was total hogwash I stopped watching them. I barely watch Fox News these days.
We've been assaulted by Christmas ads since Halloween but please don't insult the concept.
XM has a Christmas Sleep channel. I have loved having it playing via my phone through the car speakers
Speaking of which....about four years ago there was a mash up. I think it was either Perry Como or Bing Crosby singing "The Little Drummer Boy". At the same time, they had another song playing "on top" of it. Does anyone remember the song?
I'm glad there will be a wave of Christmas songs. At least that means anti Americans haven't been able to destroy Christmas yet.

I'll listen to Grandma got run over by a reindeer 100 times in a row if need be just to not let liberal progressive douche bag young people from trying to ruin Christmas by saying it's racist and sexist and whatever nonsense they come up with. Or groups demanding we not have Christmas because Muslim sand monekys don't like it.
There's one Christmas carol commercial they play on CNN so much I have to pick up the remote and change the channel whenever it comes on. It's that bad.

If you are watching CNN (or any big "NEWS" channel) you have more to worry about than Christmas carols.

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