Well now! Surprise surprise...

intrest rates, tax rates, ---flation: these were a mess before reagan took office, by '82, '83 they were smoothed out. we were feeling a good buzz economically, tax was lower by 30% or so. spending was reasonable... then ronny took another swig or two and fiscal policy went all voodoo.

ever since those golden years of his first term, hacks have been drunk with the idea that tax cuts and 'small' government are the end-all be-all of government in an economy, and promote them despite the resulting deficits and the corresponding public/private competition for investment dollars.

you can hear the recipe tumbling around in the progressaphobic's skull: well, if less could be better, none would be best! ... add hacked-up econ and half-bake as loudly as possible.

Reagan ALSO tripled our national debt...That always seems to be swept under the rug when touting how GREAT Reagan was.

That is because he was spending it all on the cold war. The USA is still here the USSR is gone. We won. It cost way too much but we won.

reagan definitely was running wild with deficit spending, mainly on tax relief, during his second term. his second round of cuts ignored the par of his earlier budgets. reagan was not afraid to deficit spend as a flaw, cold war or not.
Our economy did not become the best in the world because of government spending, but despite government spending.

thats bout the same as 'unlost saved stimulus jobs' logic. cause/paradox. try again.

i could show you anywhere with a respectable per-capita GDP and base my arguement that the government does play a supporting role. cause/effect.

you and saveliberty are on my list of laisez-fairists who need to back that 'despite' claim up with a case study of any laisez-faire economy in action. i could point out many 'freer' economies and say their state is a result of governments inability or lack of willingness to play the appropriate role. i could line 'em up. cause/effect

capitalism functions in the economy naturally as a horse runs. economics is nearly all directed at how government should nurture it and ride it.

your 'let horsey run free' shit defeats the point of having a great society. the economy is the fuel for that. your work is the fuel for your life, maybe your family's life, not the point of your life initself. i may be too presumtive there, but at any rate ya didnt even shoe the horse!

neither government nor the economy are the single virtues of american life. youve got the freedom to do as folks with guts have done, and overthrow some hack-job government. then you can make the economy, check that, freedom in the economy, the top priority for everybody there, but thats more authoritatian than taxes, kevin.

youre forcing freedom over peoples desire for a little bit of leadership, unity and structure, order and security. thats not american, that libertarian. i read your von mises quote, and ill guess where youre coming from... youre reading into the radical end of libertine economics. like marx, he's one of many perhaps fine thinkers and economists who id say lack a clue about humanity. those other desires beyond mere freedom are wanting in his model.

moreover, if you havent read his books yourself, but just his liberterian students, id suggest you get a copy or two. people quote economists far out of context and stretch their words to wild proportions after they die. ive got 3/4 volumes of on the wealth of nations... 19th century antiques. (looking for a vol 2) <---- better get some classics to understand where these later thinkers are coming from.

freedom is like hot sauce. not everyone likes it. me, i glaze my food with it, but its not for everybody. you may fancy drinking it, but americans want the beef!

I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to address in this post.
Our economy did not become the best in the world because of government spending, but despite government spending.

thats bout the same as 'unlost saved stimulus jobs' logic. cause/paradox. try again.

i could show you anywhere with a respectable per-capita GDP and base my arguement that the government does play a supporting role. cause/effect.

you and saveliberty are on my list of laisez-fairists who need to back that 'despite' claim up with a case study of any laisez-faire economy in action. i could point out many 'freer' economies and say their state is a result of governments inability or lack of willingness to play the appropriate role. i could line 'em up. cause/effect

capitalism functions in the economy naturally as a horse runs. economics is nearly all directed at how government should nurture it and ride it.

your 'let horsey run free' shit defeats the point of having a great society. the economy is the fuel for that. your work is the fuel for your life, maybe your family's life, not the point of your life initself. i may be too presumtive there, but at any rate ya didnt even shoe the horse!

neither government nor the economy are the single virtues of american life. youve got the freedom to do as folks with guts have done, and overthrow some hack-job government. then you can make the economy, check that, freedom in the economy, the top priority for everybody there, but thats more authoritatian than taxes, kevin.

youre forcing freedom over peoples desire for a little bit of leadership, unity and structure, order and security. thats not american, that libertarian. i read your von mises quote, and ill guess where youre coming from... youre reading into the radical end of libertine economics. like marx, he's one of many perhaps fine thinkers and economists who id say lack a clue about humanity. those other desires beyond mere freedom are wanting in his model.

moreover, if you havent read his books yourself, but just his liberterian students, id suggest you get a copy or two. people quote economists far out of context and stretch their words to wild proportions after they die. ive got 3/4 volumes of on the wealth of nations... 19th century antiques. (looking for a vol 2) <---- better get some classics to understand where these later thinkers are coming from.

freedom is like hot sauce. not everyone likes it. me, i glaze my food with it, but its not for everybody. you may fancy drinking it, but americans want the beef!

I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to address in this post.

Fortunately, I translate silly babble into a rough English language equivalent.

He said, "burp."

Gotta hand it to ol' Scott Rasmussen. He runs a conservative website and asks questions specifically designed FOR conservatives. Do conservative posters ever look at any other polls? Probably, but they don't confirm their agenda the way Rasmussen does so unless other polls represent perceived bad news for Obama, they pretend they don't exist.

it doesnt require all of that to get americans to stay the course with our capitalist economy. thats not whats at issue here. the poll referes to americas free market economy. it is well regulated and effecient. what is proposed by kkevin and saveliberty is a very radical alteration of that model to a libertarian laisez-faire economy.

a glimpse at the accompanying article indicates as much...

While voters almost always see a need for some restriction on market behavior, 48% say there are currently too many restrictions in the United States. However, 33% take the opposite view and believe there are not enough restrictions. Seven percent (7%) think the current level of restrictions are about right, while 12% are not sure.

But 54% of Democratic voters feel there are not enough restrictions on the free market. Seventy-four percent (74%) of Republican take the opposite view and say there are too many restrictions. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, a plurality (45%) think there are too many market restrictions.

from the link referenced in the originating thread. the emphasis on the first line is my doing.

you can draw a bit about the persons polled by comparing the data from the two paragraphs... a lil republican, it seems.
Our economy did not become the best in the world because of government spending, but despite government spending.

thats bout the same as 'unlost saved stimulus jobs' logic. cause/paradox. try again.

i could show you anywhere with a respectable per-capita GDP and base my arguement that the government does play a supporting role. cause/effect.

you and saveliberty are on my list of laisez-fairists who need to back that 'despite' claim up with a case study of any laisez-faire economy in action. i could point out many 'freer' economies and say their state is a result of governments inability or lack of willingness to play the appropriate role. i could line 'em up. cause/effect

capitalism functions in the economy naturally as a horse runs. economics is nearly all directed at how government should nurture it and ride it.

your 'let horsey run free' shit defeats the point of having a great society. the economy is the fuel for that. your work is the fuel for your life, maybe your family's life, not the point of your life initself. i may be too presumtive there, but at any rate ya didnt even shoe the horse!

neither government nor the economy are the single virtues of american life. youve got the freedom to do as folks with guts have done, and overthrow some hack-job government. then you can make the economy, check that, freedom in the economy, the top priority for everybody there, but thats more authoritatian than taxes, kevin.

youre forcing freedom over peoples desire for a little bit of leadership, unity and structure, order and security. thats not american, that libertarian. i read your von mises quote, and ill guess where youre coming from... youre reading into the radical end of libertine economics. like marx, he's one of many perhaps fine thinkers and economists who id say lack a clue about humanity. those other desires beyond mere freedom are wanting in his model.

moreover, if you havent read his books yourself, but just his liberterian students, id suggest you get a copy or two. people quote economists far out of context and stretch their words to wild proportions after they die. ive got 3/4 volumes of on the wealth of nations... 19th century antiques. (looking for a vol 2) <---- better get some classics to understand where these later thinkers are coming from.

freedom is like hot sauce. not everyone likes it. me, i glaze my food with it, but its not for everybody. you may fancy drinking it, but americans want the beef!

I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to address in this post.

your thinking, overall, but the homeworks in there...

back that 'despite' claim up with a case study of any laisez-faire economy in action.
thats bout the same as 'unlost saved stimulus jobs' logic. cause/paradox. try again.

i could show you anywhere with a respectable per-capita GDP and base my arguement that the government does play a supporting role. cause/effect.

you and saveliberty are on my list of laisez-fairists who need to back that 'despite' claim up with a case study of any laisez-faire economy in action. i could point out many 'freer' economies and say their state is a result of governments inability or lack of willingness to play the appropriate role. i could line 'em up. cause/effect

capitalism functions in the economy naturally as a horse runs. economics is nearly all directed at how government should nurture it and ride it.

your 'let horsey run free' shit defeats the point of having a great society. the economy is the fuel for that. your work is the fuel for your life, maybe your family's life, not the point of your life initself. i may be too presumtive there, but at any rate ya didnt even shoe the horse!

neither government nor the economy are the single virtues of american life. youve got the freedom to do as folks with guts have done, and overthrow some hack-job government. then you can make the economy, check that, freedom in the economy, the top priority for everybody there, but thats more authoritatian than taxes, kevin.

youre forcing freedom over peoples desire for a little bit of leadership, unity and structure, order and security. thats not american, that libertarian. i read your von mises quote, and ill guess where youre coming from... youre reading into the radical end of libertine economics. like marx, he's one of many perhaps fine thinkers and economists who id say lack a clue about humanity. those other desires beyond mere freedom are wanting in his model.

moreover, if you havent read his books yourself, but just his liberterian students, id suggest you get a copy or two. people quote economists far out of context and stretch their words to wild proportions after they die. ive got 3/4 volumes of on the wealth of nations... 19th century antiques. (looking for a vol 2) <---- better get some classics to understand where these later thinkers are coming from.

freedom is like hot sauce. not everyone likes it. me, i glaze my food with it, but its not for everybody. you may fancy drinking it, but americans want the beef!

I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to address in this post.

your thinking, overall, but the homeworks in there...

back that 'despite' claim up with a case study of any laisez-faire economy in action.

A shorter less volume-enhanced belch is still a belch.

Gotta hand it to ol' Scott Rasmussen. He runs a conservative website and asks questions specifically designed FOR conservatives. Do conservative posters ever look at any other polls? Probably, but they don't confirm their agenda the way Rasmussen does so unless other polls represent perceived bad news for Obama, they pretend they don't exist.

And liberals are different? Oh of course they are. They are different in that the unless would be "unless other polls represent perceived good news for Obama, they pretend they don't exist."

Come on Maggie, that is just human nature.

Reports from journalists and the Government Accountability Office last month about problems with the data on Recovery.gov cast doubt on the site’s claim that more than 640,000 jobs had been created or saved by the Obama administration’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Meanwhile Obama upped the ante, putting the figure at more than 1 million. On Nov. 12, for example, in announcing this month’s jobs summit, he said that the stimulus had “created and saved more than a million jobs.”

Now some good news for the White House: According to the Congressional Budget Office, the actual number may be more than twice what Recovery.gov says, and as much as 50 percent more than what Obama has been saying. The nonpartisan agency found that:

CBO, Nov. 30: n the third quarter of calendar year 2009, an additional 600,000 to 1.6 million people were employed in the United States, and real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product was 1.2 percent to 3.2 percent higher, than would have been the case in the absence of ARRA.

Read ----> Stimulus Jobs, Re-revisited | FactCheck.org

I wonder how much they were paid out of the stimulus money to write that report??? It's laughable though and good entertainment for the time being.
I get a ton of catalogs, browse through them, and if I find something I like go online and wait for FREE SHIPPING on the item. It's the only way to go.

I usually give my mail carrier at least a $10 tip at Christmas. She's a woman who goes out of her way to make sure packages get placed INSIDE our secure building and not left outside by the mailboxes. That's very important because packages left out in the open are an invitation for theft. This year I'm going to up it to $20 because she's a single mom with 3 kids and needs it more than I do this time of year. I have the utmost respect for mail carriers. I've always found them to be dedicated and friendly.
and i will tell ya this Maggs.....when tipped the carrier will go out of their way for those people....i saved one guy one year a 2500.00 fine from the IRS,he owned a lucrative mail order business,it had to do with the date on his return,there was a mistake of some kind with the date....i told him who to go see,he did, got it stamped properly,and he said i saved him 25 hundred bucks.....and i told him who to see to ship cheaper....he did said i saved him more money....never got a tip from this fucker....but yet a Mobile Home Park i delivered with old retired folks living day to day on their monthly cks...,they would give me at least 500 bucks every Christmas,20 here,10 there...just because i would stop and talk to them....i would try and give the money back saying you need this and they would not hear of it.....they would bake cookies and all kinds of things just for me.....i was moved by these people...picked up stamps for them,mailed packages....went out of my way for these people......

It's blowing, drifting snow mixed with sleet today and earlier I saw my mailgirl across the parking lot, still unsanded, and up the steps, still unsalted. She'll probaby finish two hours later than usual, but when she gets here she'll just laugh and say it comes with the job. I've only heard her complain once, and that was when someone drove into the concrete steps leading up to the main door and the management company never fixed them, deciding instead to block off that entrance and force everyone to use the wheelchair ramp all the way to the side of the building, a lot of extra steps for some, including her who is always loaded down with mail/packages for 10 residents.

yea to those who deliver in a snowstorm.......i :salute: them...
Reagan ALSO tripled our national debt...That always seems to be swept under the rug when touting how GREAT Reagan was.

Have you convinced yourself to max out all your credit cards, give the money to the government and improve the economy yet?

I don't use credit.......Unless you count my mortgage. No car payments no credit card payments.

Well, that means you have accumulated wealth. Time to redistribute. Fork it over pal.
Reports from journalists and the Government Accountability Office last month about problems with the data on Recovery.gov cast doubt on the site’s claim that more than 640,000 jobs had been created or saved by the Obama administration’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Meanwhile Obama upped the ante, putting the figure at more than 1 million. On Nov. 12, for example, in announcing this month’s jobs summit, he said that the stimulus had “created and saved more than a million jobs.”

Now some good news for the White House: According to the Congressional Budget Office, the actual number may be more than twice what Recovery.gov says, and as much as 50 percent more than what Obama has been saying. The nonpartisan agency found that:

CBO, Nov. 30: n the third quarter of calendar year 2009, an additional 600,000 to 1.6 million people were employed in the United States, and real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product was 1.2 percent to 3.2 percent higher, than would have been the case in the absence of ARRA.

Read ----> Stimulus Jobs, Re-revisited | FactCheck.org

I wonder how much they were paid out of the stimulus money to write that report??? It's laughable though and good entertainment for the time being.

I wonder how many qualified analysts who don't have ties to the President or key members of his cabinet/organization would come to the same conclusion as FactCheck? I am not saying that their information is biased or 'cooked', but they are an arm of the Annenberg group who does have strong ties to Obama and who have received huge amounts of funding through his efforts. Again, though they may in fact be reporting with good information, the prudent would want their numbers supported by a group without such ties.
Have you convinced yourself to max out all your credit cards, give the money to the government and improve the economy yet?

I don't use credit.......Unless you count my mortgage. No car payments no credit card payments.

Well, that means you have accumulated wealth. Time to redistribute. Fork it over pal.

No it means I pay my bills and bought a house I could afford. I don't have investments or lots of expensive electronics. I live a rather humble existence. I am going back to school to try to earn more money and improve my lot in life but that DOES involve student loans, to me the best investment next to my house.
No it means I pay my bills and bought a house I could afford. I don't have investments or lots of expensive electronics. I live a rather humble existence. I am going back to school to try to earn more money and improve my lot in life but that DOES involve student loans, to me the best investment next to my house.

Would it be safe to assume that you will expect to pay back your student loans as agreed and won't be whining about how they are such an oppressive burden while you and/or your spouse are earning well in excess of $200,000/year?
thats bout the same as 'unlost saved stimulus jobs' logic. cause/paradox. try again.

i could show you anywhere with a respectable per-capita GDP and base my arguement that the government does play a supporting role. cause/effect.

you and saveliberty are on my list of laisez-fairists who need to back that 'despite' claim up with a case study of any laisez-faire economy in action. i could point out many 'freer' economies and say their state is a result of governments inability or lack of willingness to play the appropriate role. i could line 'em up. cause/effect

capitalism functions in the economy naturally as a horse runs. economics is nearly all directed at how government should nurture it and ride it.

your 'let horsey run free' shit defeats the point of having a great society. the economy is the fuel for that. your work is the fuel for your life, maybe your family's life, not the point of your life initself. i may be too presumtive there, but at any rate ya didnt even shoe the horse!

neither government nor the economy are the single virtues of american life. youve got the freedom to do as folks with guts have done, and overthrow some hack-job government. then you can make the economy, check that, freedom in the economy, the top priority for everybody there, but thats more authoritatian than taxes, kevin.

youre forcing freedom over peoples desire for a little bit of leadership, unity and structure, order and security. thats not american, that libertarian. i read your von mises quote, and ill guess where youre coming from... youre reading into the radical end of libertine economics. like marx, he's one of many perhaps fine thinkers and economists who id say lack a clue about humanity. those other desires beyond mere freedom are wanting in his model.

moreover, if you havent read his books yourself, but just his liberterian students, id suggest you get a copy or two. people quote economists far out of context and stretch their words to wild proportions after they die. ive got 3/4 volumes of on the wealth of nations... 19th century antiques. (looking for a vol 2) <---- better get some classics to understand where these later thinkers are coming from.

freedom is like hot sauce. not everyone likes it. me, i glaze my food with it, but its not for everybody. you may fancy drinking it, but americans want the beef!

I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to address in this post.

your thinking, overall, but the homeworks in there...

back that 'despite' claim up with a case study of any laisez-faire economy in action.

There is no adequate case study because governments are never willing to give up their power. I'd say look at the free banking era here in the U.S., but even despite the fact that there was little federal regulation there was still some very prevalent state level regulation.
I don't use credit.......Unless you count my mortgage. No car payments no credit card payments.

Well, that means you have accumulated wealth. Time to redistribute. Fork it over pal.

No it means I pay my bills and bought a house I could afford. I don't have investments or lots of expensive electronics. I live a rather humble existence. I am going back to school to try to earn more money and improve my lot in life but that DOES involve student loans, to me the best investment next to my house.

That's all anyone asks of their fellow Americans. Stand on your own 2 feet and have at the American dream.
Well, that means you have accumulated wealth. Time to redistribute. Fork it over pal.

No it means I pay my bills and bought a house I could afford. I don't have investments or lots of expensive electronics. I live a rather humble existence. I am going back to school to try to earn more money and improve my lot in life but that DOES involve student loans, to me the best investment next to my house.

That's all anyone asks of their fellow Americans. Stand on your own 2 feet and have at the American dream.

Except when the liberal Democratics realize you have an ounce of accumulated wealth left over after they have confiscated every other dime. At THAT point, they demand the left-overs, too.
No it means I pay my bills and bought a house I could afford. I don't have investments or lots of expensive electronics. I live a rather humble existence. I am going back to school to try to earn more money and improve my lot in life but that DOES involve student loans, to me the best investment next to my house.

Would it be safe to assume that you will expect to pay back your student loans as agreed and won't be whining about how they are such an oppressive burden while you and/or your spouse are earning well in excess of $200,000/year?

It would be safe to say that. A degree has value, I was allowed to "purchase" my degree on credit with the promise that I repay it. So I was given something of value, UP FRONT, and I am expected to pay that back with interest, where's the problem.
Reports from journalists and the Government Accountability Office last month about problems with the data on Recovery.gov cast doubt on the site’s claim that more than 640,000 jobs had been created or saved by the Obama administration’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Meanwhile Obama upped the ante, putting the figure at more than 1 million. On Nov. 12, for example, in announcing this month’s jobs summit, he said that the stimulus had “created and saved more than a million jobs.”

Now some good news for the White House: According to the Congressional Budget Office, the actual number may be more than twice what Recovery.gov says, and as much as 50 percent more than what Obama has been saying. The nonpartisan agency found that:

CBO, Nov. 30: n the third quarter of calendar year 2009, an additional 600,000 to 1.6 million people were employed in the United States, and real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product was 1.2 percent to 3.2 percent higher, than would have been the case in the absence of ARRA.

Read ----> Stimulus Jobs, Re-revisited | FactCheck.org

I wonder how much they were paid out of the stimulus money to write that report??? It's laughable though and good entertainment for the time being.

Why am I not surprised that you would think that? I know how to resolve that suspicion. Let's send in those brilliant people running the Republican party. They could invite Glenn Beck and have him do a powerpoint presentation.

Gotta hand it to ol' Scott Rasmussen. He runs a conservative website and asks questions specifically designed FOR conservatives. Do conservative posters ever look at any other polls? Probably, but they don't confirm their agenda the way Rasmussen does so unless other polls represent perceived bad news for Obama, they pretend they don't exist.

Maggie it has been shown on this forum that Rasmussen is one of the most if not the most accurate. Or at least he was for the last Presidential election.

Their tracking polls and basic polling questions are fine. But they go all out asking just "the right" questions which keep their conservative base reading everything on the site. If that weren't the case, why do you think it's the ONLY polling place conservatives ever link to when there are so many others?

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