Well, well, well, now we know why..........

No wonder Elijah Cummings was throwing tantrums and spit spewing fits in the House oversight Committee hearings. He is deeply involved in illegal activities with the IRS.

Elijah Cummings, With IRS, Targeted Tea Party Group True The Vote - Investors.com

an afterthought; Obama, Holder, Cummings, Lewis, Lee, Waters.......on and on........all using the race card to accuse Republicans of racism.

Water is wet, dimocraps are scum, their voters don't care because they're scum as well.... blah, blah, blah

Thanks for trying, though :dunno:
Liberals don't give a flying phuck if their Dear Leader and his cronies break the law.

As long as the Agenda is being pushed, all is good....
Is this a "no no"? Did no one from congress email the IRS inquiring about Acorn? or other groups over the years?
You didn't read the whole link and it shows.

After the hearing, Engelbrecht filed a formal ethics complaint accusing the Maryland Democrat of trying to intimidate her by causing the targeting.
Cummings on three separate occasions had sent letters with his title on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee stating that he had concerns and that True the Vote should be investigated.
Emails released by House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, a California Republican, show that Cummings' Democratic staff had requested information from the IRS' tax-exempt division, the one headed by Lois Lerner, on True the Vote, a conservative group that monitors polling places for voter fraud and supports the use of voter IDs, something Cummings opposes. "The IRS and the Oversight Minority made numerous requests for virtually identical information from True the Vote, raising concerns that the IRS improperly shared protected taxpayer information with Rep. Cummings' staff," the Oversight panel said in a statement.
According to Issa, Cummings and his staff sought "copies of all training materials used for volunteers, affiliates or other entities" from True the Vote.
Five days later, the group received an almost identical request from the IRS for (1) "a copy of (True the Vote's) volunteer registration form," (2) "the process you use to assign volunteers," (3) "how you keep your volunteers in teams" and (4) "how your volunteers are deployed ... following the training they receive by you."

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Elijah Cummings, With IRS, Targeted Tea Party Group True The Vote - Investors.com
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Oh man, oh man, you guys sure have the goods on Obama now. How soon are you going to start impeachment hearings again?
Is this a "no no"? Did no one from congress email the IRS inquiring about Acorn? or other groups over the years?

Send up a FOIA request and ask, of course the IRS said it could take years to comply with congressional subpoenas, so I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for an answer. But if there was trash on republicans the commies would have dug it up by now.

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