Were I Canadian, I Would Vote Against Trudeau -

Oh and incidentally, eh ----- Canadians don't have a vice President.
That's why you're not a Canadian.
Obama is scum.....endorsing another scum in Canada...

LOL too funny for words.

I don't think Canadians are that stupid...are they?

to fall for that?? who knows....

hopefully they are not.

(Lord give us strength...lol....)

that'ts all I will say...poor Canada
Canada belongs to China now...right?

poor Canada....
How is it that Trudauh gets a campaign contribution endorsement from a foreign President, (something of value) and gets a free pass when Trump asks a foreign country to investigate obvious corruption it's a fucking world wide clutch your pearls moment?
Obama likes to collude in the business of other countries that is for sure.

And as usual, gives very bad advice. No one should vote for the man who wants to populate Canada with 3rd world immigrants.
Does Obama know Justin Trudeau really isn't black (psst… it's blackface, Mr. Hope'n'Change)?

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