We're swimming in oil


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2012
The lie persist's that Obama is bad for the oil business, that's he's making us even more dependent upon foreign oil etc, etc, etc. The lies never stop.

But, the truth is that we're swimming in oil and producing more every day. In the first 11 months of 2012, we met 84% of our own energy needs and crude oil production showed it's biggest annual jump in 154 years.

"....The jump in fuel sales to overseas buyers, combined with purchases of the fewest barrels of imported crude in almost 16 years, led to the smallest petroleum deficit since August 2009, the trade data showed..."

A surge in U.S. oil production has made the nation the world’s largest fuel exporter. Petroleum-product exports to Brazil grew by 59 percent in the first 11 months of 2012, to 255,000 barrels a day, according to data from the Energy Information Administration. Venezuelan imports from the U.S. rose 56 percent.

The U.S. met 84 percent of its own energy needs in the first 10 months of 2012, on track to be the highest annual rate since 1991, according to data from the EIA, the statistical arm of the Energy Department. The country’s crude output grew by a record 766,000 barrels a day last year to the highest level in 15 years, the biggest annual jump since the first commercial well was drilled in Pennsylvania in 1859..."

Oil Exports Trim U.S. Deficit as Fuel Gap Shrinks: Economy - Bloomberg
The truth is in the $40+ billion in new taxes residing in Obama's yet to be approved budget.
The truth is in that Obama lies about industry receiving "subsidies".

No eastern GOM drilling, despite Cuba drilling closer to the coast of Florida than any U.S. company be allowed.
No OCS access in the Atlantic or Pacific.
An EPA run amok, anxious to shut down hydraulic fracturing.
The Endangered Species Act placing newts before jobs.
No Keystone XL
I say drill drill drill. I think the administration wants to stop subsidies and raise taxes because of environmental consideration. But the U.S. reducing oil production will do nothing for the climate. It's going to take invention and science to deal with that.

So make more oil and lower my gas prices dammit!!!
Strange how all the markets in town raise their prices at the same time even they do not get new loads of gas at the same time.
I say drill drill drill. I think the administration wants to stop subsidies and raise taxes because of environmental consideration. But the U.S. reducing oil production will do nothing for the climate. It's going to take invention and science to deal with that.

So make more oil and lower my gas prices dammit!!!

Either way we still need the oil. Green Energy is not going to replace Oil For many years, it's going to supplement it, we need all we can get.
Either way we still need the oil. Green Energy is not going to replace Oil For many years, it's going to supplement it, we need all we can get.

I'm not a big fan of green energy. I'm kind of moreso hoping for a giant vacuum that sucks pollution out of the sky :razz:

But seriously there have been some suggestions such as using plants that absorb a disproportionate amount of CO2 and such.
When I hear oil.

I think of how much I would like to check Sarah Palin's oil.

Drill baby drill.
Either way we still need the oil. Green Energy is not going to replace Oil For many years, it's going to supplement it, we need all we can get.

I'm not a big fan of green energy. I'm kind of moreso hoping for a giant vacuum that sucks pollution out of the sky :razz:

But seriously there have been some suggestions such as using plants that absorb a disproportionate amount of CO2 and such.

In that case we should plant pot everywhere. It's what is known as a super plant, and absorbs about 4 times as much CO2 as your average plant does.
Great news ,can't wait for $1.00 a gallon gas . Oh wait gas is now climbing out of control again.You brainwashed Koolaid drinking Clown....:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
I have got nothing against green energy if it both works and is economically viable. It's the idea we need to trash our economy and move into Energy types that a simply not ready yet right now, that I don't like.
Great news ,can't wait for $1.00 a gallon gas . Oh wait gas is now climbing out of control again.You brainwashed Koolaid drinking Clown....:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You do know that Gas and Oil are not the same thing right. Oil must be refined into Gas, as long as we refuse to build any new Refineries Gas will continue to climb.
Great news ,can't wait for $1.00 a gallon gas . Oh wait gas is now climbing out of control again.You brainwashed Koolaid drinking Clown....:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You do know that Gas and Oil are not the same thing right. Oil must be refined into Gas, as long as we refuse to build any new Refineries Gas will continue to climb.

Who refuses to build them?

Oil mergers and such have closed several of them.
why would oil companies want to build more if it would make their products cheaper?
Great news ,can't wait for $1.00 a gallon gas . Oh wait gas is now climbing out of control again.You brainwashed Koolaid drinking Clown....:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You do know that Gas and Oil are not the same thing right. Oil must be refined into Gas, as long as we refuse to build any new Refineries Gas will continue to climb.

Who refuses to build them?

Oil mergers and such have closed several of them.
why would oil companies want to build more if it would make their products cheaper?

Try and get the Permits to build a new one bud. Just see what the EPA has to say about it.
Yeah Great, The US as the largest exporter of oil while at the same time being the largest importer. What the fuck are we doing exporting any at all? We are trapped in a global market system with speculators running rampant and international cartels altering supply. The market operates now on pure speculation with little regard on current real supply. Why the fuck else can gas raise 25-30 cents in a day? When the station the day before got the fuel delivery at a lower price. Pure Bullshit!

Oil, Wind, Solar, Nuclear, Whatever green energy you believe should replace carbon based fuels, the powers that be will find a way to monopolize it and screw YOU the consumer in the process. There is no such thing as free energy in any form, those making the initial investment will see to that.

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