Were the $Million$ in Biden Bribes the Best Money Ukraine Ever Spent?


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Whether it was only the pay-4-play access money Hunter received for a no-show job on the Burisma gas board or the $10+million in bribes to Joe & the rest, those payoffs to the Biden Crime Family have been a fabulous investment for the Ukrainian elites with massive returns that just keep flowing.
To the US taxpayers who are funding this racket, the results have been a disaster.
Losing a war while sending unknown billions in ca$h & materials to the most corrupt country in Europe.
Arming the terrorists where much of it ends up.
Making Zelensky & his buddies filthy rich.
Driving non-Western international trust/sentiment against our country, driving the House of Saud & many others into deals with enemies along with plans to unseat our global reserve currency status.
Bankrupting the country further as our own country crumbles from within.

Cloward, Piven & Alinsky would be proud of the way their plans have morphed & adapted towards the same goal to bring down the US.

It's working pretty well for Joe too.
No MSM outlets acknowledge this biggest corruption scandal in the nations history, he baited DT into asking for an investigation into this, triggering another impeachment attempt & it gives him a Wag the Dog distraction to keep the sheeple distracted from the wrecking ball he has unleashed on the country.

America's war against Russia is turning out to be costing the Ukrainians their country and their lives.
Reverse the situation and say it was Don jr getting the no-show job.

See it clearly now?
We don't have to reverse the situation....

We already know Kusher and Ivanka received 2 billion dollars from the Saudis alone and you folks still pretend like it didn't happen.....Not to mention how Kushner and Trump helped the Saudi prince get away with murdering a US journalist...Trump even bragged about it...

Meanwhile, all we see from you folks about Biden is rumor and innuendo.....it's like yall don't even care that the very rumor you are talking about was ALREADY DEBUNKED by Trump's own DOJ..

Maybe this is why memory is Kryptonite to a Trumper...if they had it, they would have known the following:

"Ukrainian officials on Saturday said they were offered $5 million (4 million pounds) in bribes to end a probe into energy company Burisma’s founder, but said there was no connection to former board member Hunter Biden whose father is running for the U.S. presidency. “Let’s put an end to this once and for all. Biden Jr. and Biden Sr. do not appear in this particular proceeding,” Nazar Kholodnytsky, head of anti-corruption investigations at the prosecution service, told Saturday’s briefing."

Now if you wish to say "But but Ukraine is lying because they are in the tank for Biden, blah blah" -- how about we hear what they said about the guy who is most likely the "source" who claims to have the "bribe tapes" from way back then....

"The bribe related to a case of embezzling state money given to a bank, officials said. Some $5 million was offered to anti-corruption officials and a further $1 million was intended for an official acting as a middleman, Sytnyk said. The suspects were in a hurry to pay the bribe because they wanted to end the case against Zlochevsky in time for his birthday on Sunday, “to close the criminal proceedings and ensure the return of Mr. Zlochevsky to Ukraine,” he said."

By the way, Bill Barr's DOJ appointed a special counsel to look into this years ago...I am amazed that he isn't a household name among you Trumpers....I guess that is because after over 3 years, nothing has happened...Maybe you guys should hand over all of that evidence to Scott Brady? ..at least Biden's DOJ got a grand jury to indict someone.....why was Trump so weak and incompetent??

And why are House Republicans doing nothing but performative threats; but even moving to impeach Biden on "ALL OF THE EVIDENCE"? If you say its because the Senate won't convict..so what? At least you will have weeks of prime time coverage while you lay out all of the evidence..why are Republicans so afraid?

You assholes didn't demand evidence for over two years, while bellering RUSSIA! at the top of your lungs.

Now you demand evidence, which when presented you will deny exists at all.

That's how you fucking hacks roll, day in and day out.
I don't know, many of us thought this email was evidence of some backdoor shady shit with Russia..


Especially since Donnie and daddy lied about it multiple times.....just imagine if there was an email like this on Hunter's laptop....but all yall have shown us so far is that you like looking at his dick
You assholes didn't demand evidence for over two years, while bellering RUSSIA! at the top of your lungs.

Now you demand evidence, which when presented you will deny exists at all.

That's how you fucking hacks roll, day in and day out.
Mueller gave us the evidence dumbass and plenty of it. So we are supposed to just take the word of some right wing idiot that it happened.
Whether it was only the pay-4-play access money Hunter received for a no-show job on the Burisma gas board or the $10+million in bribes to Joe & the rest, those payoffs to the Biden Crime Family have been a fabulous investment for the Ukrainian elites with massive returns that just keep flowing.
To the US taxpayers who are funding this racket, the results have been a disaster.
Losing a war while sending unknown billions in ca$h & materials to the most corrupt country in Europe.
Arming the terrorists where much of it ends up.
Making Zelensky & his buddies filthy rich.
Driving non-Western international trust/sentiment against our country, driving the House of Saud & many others into deals with enemies along with plans to unseat our global reserve currency status.
Bankrupting the country further as our own country crumbles from within.

Cloward, Piven & Alinsky would be proud of the way their plans have morphed & adapted towards the same goal to bring down the US.

It's working pretty well for Joe too.
No MSM outlets acknowledge this biggest corruption scandal in the nations history, he baited DT into asking for an investigation into this, triggering another impeachment attempt & it gives him a Wag the Dog distraction to keep the sheeple distracted from the wrecking ball he has unleashed on the country.

What bribes?
Hunters laptop is full of evidence.
The Bribem family numerous LLC's receiving shady deposits is evidence.
The 170 red flag notices the banks say point to money laundering for the Bribems are evidence.
The numerous whistleblowers saying this is all real & they have firsthand knowledge/proof is evidence.

When a progbot says "where's the evidence", they actually mean is we are ignoring all the evidence you have already provided & no amount of extra proof will break through our cognitive dissonance
Hunters laptop is full of evidence.
The Bribem family numerous LLC's receiving shady deposits is evidence.
The 170 red flag notices the banks say point to money laundering have given for the Bribems are evidence.
The numerous whistleblowers saying this is all real &^ they have firsthand knowledge/proof is evidence.

When a progbot says "where's the evidence", they actually mean we are ignoring all the evidence you have already provided & no amount of extra proof will break through our cognitive dissonance

There are literally millions of SARs a year. 95%+ amount to absolutely nothing. With less than 4% deemed worth of investigation. And a fraction of a fraction of that resulting in charges. The SARs in question were part of the 95%.

Comer wasn't able to show us even ONE illegal act in his 'judgment day'.

What you have are insinuation and accusation. Not actual evidence.
Hunters laptop is full of evidence.
The Bribem family numerous LLC's receiving shady deposits is evidence.
The 170 red flag notices the banks say point to money laundering for the Bribems are evidence.
The numerous whistleblowers saying this is all real & they have firsthand knowledge/proof is evidence.

When a progbot says "where's the evidence", they actually mean is we are ignoring all the evidence you have already provided & no amount of extra proof will break through our cognitive dissonance
Have you seen what is on Hunter's laptop?

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