Westboro Meets Its Match


Gothic Vampires
Nov 10, 2012
After Westboro Baptist Church spokesperson Shirey Phelps-Roper tweeted plans to protest the vigil, “to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgement,” the hacktivist group known as “Anonymous” threatened the church via video. In it, an automated voice says, “We will not allow you to corrupt the minds of America with your seeds of hatred. We will not allow you to inspire aggression to the social faction which you deem inferior. We will render you obsolete. We will destroy you. We are coming.”

Things like this make me sad that I'm not part of the Anonymous collective anymore :(

Another petition aims at stripping Westboro of its “religious” affiliation and classifying it as a hate group. As stated in part on the White House website, Westboro’s “actions have been directed at many groups, including homosexuals, military, Jewish people and even other Christians. They pose a threat to the welfare and treatment of others and will not improve without some form of imposed regulation.”
Over 108,000 people have signed this petition, which surpasses the 25,000 needed for the White House to review it.

SOURCE: Westboro Meets Its Match: Thousands Sign Retaliatory Petitions | fox4kc.com
Yes. Back then, just like now, there wasn't really any sort of "You're in or your out" routine. People sorta came and went as they pleased.

Granted, there were secret chat rooms, websites, and such, but I have no idea how to access them anymore.
Bunch of scofflaw punks IMO.

Fair enough. At least they're not terrorists. There were plans to actually Pipe-bomb the Scilons at one point. It took a youtube video and about 50 sensible people to talk everyone down.

But that's neither here or there.
Yes. Back then, just like now, there wasn't really any sort of "You're in or your out" routine. People sorta came and went as they pleased.

Granted, there were secret chat rooms, websites, and such, but I have no idea how to access them anymore.

It's still like that, from what I understand.

But I don't part take in their activities. Maybe the occasional troll.
Yes. Back then, just like now, there wasn't really any sort of "You're in or your out" routine. People sorta came and went as they pleased.

Granted, there were secret chat rooms, websites, and such, but I have no idea how to access them anymore.

It's still like that, from what I understand.

But I don't part take in their activities. Maybe the occasional troll.

Anon changes about once every couple of years.
Gen.1 Anonymous was about raiding forums and annoying kids on Habbo Hotel
Gen.2 Anon was about targeting child molesters and Neo-Nazis
Gen.3 was Scientology
I would guess we're in Gen. 5 or 6 now. Few if anyone I knew from back then is still a part of it.

Anonymous is mostly composed of teenagers and college-age adults who have a lot of time on their hands. Once we grow up, we'd get out, because it takes a lot of devotion to do what we did.
Just out of curiosity, who are you or anonymous to decide what speech should be allowed and what speech should not?

And please don't try and make it out like I am on this groups side. I detest them with every ounce of My being.

But then, I am not Mao Tse-Tung either

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