Western Powers Voice Skepticism, Concern Over DRC Election Results


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
France was quick to react to the surprise win of opposition candidate Felix Tshisekedi in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s presidential election.

Foreign Minister Jean Yves Le Drian told French TV the announcement "did not conform" with other results, notably those produced by Congo’s Catholic church which he described as totally different. Le Drian called for calm and clarity in the true election tally.

Former colonial power Belgium was more nuanced.

Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders told local RTBF broadcaster his country would bring up the matter at the United Nations Security Council. He said given the chaotic election process, he could understand the fears expressed in some quarters.

The DRC’s powerful Catholic church says results tallied by its own election observers do not match the official ones.
Western Powers Voice Skepticism, Concern Over DRC Election Results

I may have become jaded. My initial reaction is that the DR Congo can hand over it's natural resources politely or the powers that be will run in and take it.

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