Westerners Going To Join ISIS.No More Burgers,Pizza,Mac-Cheese,Hot Pockets&Pepsi.Oh Nooo !

:wtf:Can you just imagine these 19-23 yr olds landing or arriving in Syria/Turkey/Iraq and when they get there, they are hungry. They approach their leaders and say. "So Like Dude, We haven't had anything to eat since we left Los Angeles 12 hours ago, so like are they any Burger Kings,Papa Johns, or maybe even a local Sub-Way here in Iranastan Dude? Man, it's like we are totally starving!"
:eek-52:. Wait till they find out what they will be having for breakfast/lunch/dinner. Well Done Road Kill?, Camel Burgers?, Gefelte Fish?, Asparagus?,Raw Potatoes?,Maybe even Dogs?. And what about restrooms? Do they expect to have the privilege of using a clean toilet/shower like they did at home?
Let's just wait and see how long some of them last when they realize how good they had it when they lived in back in the West.:omg:
Wait until the girls get there, and find 72 virgin goatfuckers waiting for each one of them.
more like wait till they get there and the 72 virgins are all clones of richard simmons.
This thread proves the sheer ignorance that permeates western society. When a young person gives up everything to join a group like ISIS its done for good reason.

Good for them....
Hope they have a great time over there.
This is my vision of the troops arriving and assigned their tents that hold about 10 people. They are all given a bottle of water, five gallon bucket, and a few handkerchiefs.
They have already rejected western values and materialism.

What makes you think they will miss any of these things? ..... :cool:

Because, anyone who has gone camping in a tent really does appreciates western values.
actually, they may have thier own version of McDonalds out there, but more of a "McCannabals". probably a "Head Chef Hannibal".
Can you still eat after your head is cut off? Playing with yourself is against the word of mighty Allah so good luck boys and girls.

Anyone who has ever survived in the wild alone for an extended period of time should easily be able to give up any of the things mentioned in the OP.

Or 1st- and 2nd-gen Muslim immigrants, who don't like it here, and decided to go back to the Vaterland, like good little Bundists? ...errrrr... Jihadis?

Mostly the latter, quite probably - and, for those - good riddance - didn't want you here in the first place - don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out.

As to the former - well - there are Vidkun Quislings and Benedict Arnolds and Pierre Lavals and Philip Petains and Judas-es in every generation.

Good riddance to them, too, and - same door/ass comment.
This thread proves the sheer ignorance that permeates western society. When a young person gives up everything to join a group like ISIS its done for good reason.

Umm no its not, its usually done out of extreme stupidity and niaevity.
now seriously, how long can anyone go without pizza,italian food,their favorite burger or steak meal, and staring at Penthouse pics?
This thread proves the sheer ignorance that permeates western society. When a young person gives up everything to join a group like ISIS its done for good reason.

Umm no its not, its usually done out of extreme stupidity and niaevity.
Not hardly. They are hardened religious fanatics willing to die for their religion. They are sick of the immoral degeneracy of the west and I don't blame them

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