WH: As U.S. Is In Recession, Biden “Does Not Think There Will Be A Recession”

Because they think "Muh body, muh choice" is going to keep them in office. Apparently murdering unborn babies takes a higher precedence over the safety and prosperity of American citizens.

Yes, they are that stupid.
But if it’s the mystery jab, it ain’t yo body yo choice!

Those photos are from the fall of 2017 when Trump was president.

Thanks for reminding the forum how much he sucked as president.

Shitforbrains thinks Trump runs KKKalifornia!
What a hoot!
False. The current definition has been around for at least a quarter of a century...

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) does not define a recession in terms of two consecutive quarters of decline in real GNP. Rather, a recession is a recurring period of decline in total output, income, employment, and trade, usually lasting from six months to a year, and marked by widespread contractions in many sectors of the economy.
That’s fine, my wife and I are curtailing our spending, we are now waiting to buy our new car, not dining out, not spending money on vacations, we are saving our money just to help ease our fears. Just not convinced we are going to avoid the inevitable and more economists are agreeing with me.

Hell, they should run on all their fine "accomplishments"

• Gasoline that rose 3 times the price it was during 2018, depending on location

• Ending US Keystone XL pipeline while waiving sanctions on Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline

• The price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel

• Draining our own Strategic Oil Reserve to the lowest level since 1984

• Having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil

• Inflation rate that rose as high as 9.1%, which was almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019

• A recession

• The average middle-class family coming up about $6,000 short of disposable income

• The DOW dropping 6,700 points in only a year

• The stock market losing $9 trillion dollars worth of value in only two years

• Retirement accounts losing $3 trillion dollars

• 30 year fixed mortgages rising 4.43% in only two years

• Median asking rent prices rising 79.7% in only two years

• Hefty tax increases on the lower and middle class

• 84,000 new IRS agents arming and training to be home invaders

• Use of DOJ and FBI to harass political opponents

• Conducting covert raids on American citizens and confiscating personal property

• Supply line disruptions, backorders, items out of stock or unavailable

• Sporadic shortages on grocery store shelves

• Food-processing plants mysteriously burning down

• Continuing monumental trade deficit with China

• More COVID deaths than in 2020

• Massive job losses from vaccine mandates

• An exponentially-spiraling epidemic of violent crime and drugs

• Fentanyl seizures up 745 percent

• 120% increase in opioid deaths in just two years

• 4.9 million illegals crossing US border within only two years

• 900,000 "gotaways" who eluded apprehension and disappeared into American communities

• Record numbers of illegals dying while crossing the border

• A dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American soldiers their lives

• $7.12 billion worth of US military equipment and weaponry left to the Taliban

• Hundreds of US citizens and Afghans left behind in Afghanistan after the withdrawal

• People falling out of the wheel wells of aircraft leaving Afghanistan

• A weakened US military that's more concerned with "political correctness" than creating soldiers

• Record low enlistment numbers

• A revitalized Russian oil industry, despite US sanctions

• A war in Ukraine that has cost the US billions of dollars and killed thousands

• Increased possibility of nuclear war with Russia

• Iran expanding their nuclear enrichment program

• China becoming energy and militarily dominant

• A senile, angry, and incompetent president who falls off of a bicycle, falls up stairs, insults
half the people in America, labels people as "terrorists", divides the country, and tries to incite
a civil war.
Fact. If you live in a Democrat run city you’re dealing with high crime, homeless, shitty schools, high gas prices, high taxes, graffiti all over, etc etc.

Fact is fact.
I do live in a Democratic City and it produces more GDP than you shitty red state that also has high levels of crime.
Did you hear?
Veggie *Joe created 10 million jobs since he took office! It’s true ! It really is!
Trump took credit for job creation, so why not Biden?

It is a fact we are at full employment. The jobs lost during Trump's recession have all been recovered. And we have millions and millions of unfilled open jobs.

I'm sorry this makes your butt hurt.
Trump took credit for job creation, so why not Biden?

It is a fact we are at full employment. The jobs lost during Trump's recession have all been recovered. And we have millions and millions of unfilled open jobs.

I'm sorry this makes your butt hurt.
It's easy to have 'full employment' when there are hundreds of jobs available and not many workers because they prefer to live off the government dole Biden has handed out to them. Oh yeah, and don't forget forgiving student loan debt which was totally insane.
Trump took credit for job creation, so why not Biden?

It is a fact we are at full employment. The jobs lost during Trump's recession have all been recovered. And we have millions and millions of unfilled open jobs.

I'm sorry this makes your butt hurt.
Because companies were moving back into America under Trump and now they’re closing?
Anyone else noticing Democrats running in the midterms aren't running on the economy being healthy?

Mostly killing babies, globull warming, racism...and other loon talking points

Slobbers the imbecile who tried to idiotically blane those conditions to Biden. But hey, it's nice to see you now blame the governor of your state for your financial woes and not Biden.
Blame Trump for Taxifornia, Walmart parking and color of ice cream!

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