WH Tells Trans Kids To 'Fight Back' After Tn Trans Domestic Terrorist Attack / Trans-Violence

Democrats' ramped up violent rhetoric so much that they incited an assassination attempt on GOP politicians at a public park, resulting in R-Steve Scalise being shot ...

Hillary Clinton and her 2016 election team paid thugs to beat snd bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies ...

Because they did not get their way with the USSC's decision on abortion they once again incited an assassination attempt, this time against USSC Justices, while the partisanly weaponized US AG ordered US Marshalls NOT to enforce laws designed to protect USSC Justices and their families...

And now Biden and his administration is encouraging Transgender violence against those who oppose sick Democrat policies and agendas....

Democrat / MSM / snowflake reaction:
Lie, deny, justify, blame / falsely accuse other, and defend the Drmocrats doing it

They need to avail themselves of their Second Amendment Rights and arm up.

Pistols, rifles, 24 pipe bombs - and that is just ONE of the shooters, would-be terrorists, and attackers...

I would say they have already begun to 'arm up'...
This trans movement is a communist tactic to destroy the nuclear family...and it is coming straight from the White House.

This is a big issue. It is amazing how much ground the communists have made since BIDEN STOLE THE ELECTION.
No one is hunting down trannies. You left wing lunatics are fucking liars.

Just like you lie about cops hunting down black people. They are not. You are just trying to remove our 2A rights,
Yeah, the just appear dead. Nothing to see here folks move along.
I'd call it pro woman and pro parents legislation. as well as child protection legislation.

There is no sane reason to pump a 12 year old full of puberty blockers and hormones unless they have early onset puberty or a hormone deficiency.
I want them to wait yet that is a personal decision they are free to pursue if the state believes in liberty

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