What A Drunkard! Hillary Clinton Talks About Her Love For Vodka

Ladies and gentlemen, America dodged a bullet. She would have had our nuclear codes and if in a crisis, would have been too drunk for coherent thinking to make a rapid decision. Thank God we elected a president who doesn't drink and stays sober keeping our national security secure.

Hillary Clinton's supporters HISS at Bernie's name | Daily Mail Online

Yea, we just got rid of an 8 year drunkard in Obama who liked his 4-Roses and weed. I suppose that is part of the reason why Obama couldn't govern

Trump never touches the stuff. Does he deserve credit for this?

"The misogyny that shapes every aspect of our civilization is the institutionalized form of male fear and hatred of what they have denied and therefore cannot know, cannot share: that wild country, the being of women." Ursula K. Le Guin

LOL it must be a class thing but there are lots of wealthy people who love their expensive drinks. And face it, the poor love their opioids or cheap beers so the only real difference is price and maybe quality. Why are you idiots obsessed with Hillary still? Is life so empty for you that you must criticize and demean another, because, well because, maybe you are all idiots. Get a life, look now at the fool you elected and try hard to forget one women. Bet you love my avatar don't you?

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer
America is all about drinking. We tried prohibition once...we saw what good that did. My doctor has said a drink is therapeutic and is good for me.....one though...not ten. Americans love their booze. It provides relaxation after a long day in the rat race.
it must be a class thing but there are lots of wealthy people who love their expensive drinks. And face it, the poor love their opioids or cheap beers so the only real difference is price and maybe quality.

Stereotype much ?
Ladies and gentlemen, America dodged a bullet. She would have had our nuclear codes and if in a crisis, would have been too drunk for coherent thinking to make a rapid decision. Thank God we elected a president who doesn't drink and stays sober keeping our national security secure.

Hillary Clinton's supporters HISS at Bernie's name | Daily Mail Online

Yea, we just got rid of an 8 year drunkard in Obama who liked his 4-Roses and weed. I suppose that is part of the reason why Obama couldn't govern


Couldn't govern so much that he passed historic healthcare reform.

Couldn't govern so much that he was elected twice and left office with approval in the 60's.

Couldn't govern so much that recent survey of historians put him at 12th best American president.

Maybe you should start smoking that pot, so you could get yourself into and through Ivy League law degree with distinctions and 8 year Presidency :rolleyes:

The nonsense you morons say is straight amazeballs.
Which one of you retards doesn't enjoy a drink once in a while?
Trump never touches the stuff. Does he deserve credit for this?

Trump is a hyperactive A.D.D. riddled weirdo. And the well documented thing about ADD is that it doesn't mix with alchohol well, especially if you are on a bunch of medications for this condition.

Nothing wrong with a healthy person having a drink or two once in a while.
I wonder if the stupid bitch was drunk the night that Benghazi was attacked? She probably heard about it and said "fuck it, I'm getting drunk".
Hillary towers above trump intellectually, but she's a truly disgusting woman.

On the other hand, trump is a disgusting woman, too...

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