What a Guy! A Pro America President!! Finally!


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Trump continues to talk reality to allies as well as anti American countries like Russia.

Liberals have been saying for months that Trump was Putin's puppet and now they are going nuts over Germany's position in buying Russia's oil while they refuse to pay their Nato fees. They are acting like he has pissed off the Pope!

The liberals don't mind that the US is paying $70 Billion covering the fees other Nato Members have refused to pay each year.

Yes. Remember when Trump passed the tax cuts and Pelosi et al called it "crumbs"? Maybe it was "crumbs to these Democrats in office that have enriched themselves through their office....(how does that work?... We should ask Reid, Pelosi and that Creepy Maxine Waters.)

How about that. A president who does not apologize for our country but actually loves this country and looks out for it's citizens. While Obama was welcoming illegals running across the border, now Democrats want to abolish ICE, Trump welcomes immigrants who come across the border legally....just as our federal laws allow.

Democrats are actually incredible. They hate Trump for following the law, nominates a judge who follows our constitution our constitution instead of actively changing the meaning of our constitution while Democrats actively chip away of the backbone of our country that made us great.

What a guy! Thank you God for blessing us with Trump!
Trump continues to talk reality to allies as well as anti American countries like Russia.

Liberals have been saying for months that Trump was Putin's puppet and now they are going nuts over Germany's position in buying Russia's oil while they refuse to pay their Nato fees. They are acting like he has pissed off the Pope!

The liberals don't mind that the US is paying $70 Billion covering the fees other Nato Members have refused to pay each year.

Yes. Remember when Trump passed the tax cuts and Pelosi et al called it "crumbs"? Maybe it was "crumbs to these Democrats in office that have enriched themselves through their office....(how does that work?... We should ask Reid, Pelosi and that Creepy Maxine Waters.)

How about that. A president who does not apologize for our country but actually loves this country and looks out for it's citizens. While Obama was welcoming illegals running across the border, now Democrats want to abolish ICE, Trump welcomes immigrants who come across the border legally....just as our federal laws allow.

Democrats are actually incredible. They hate Trump for following the law, nominates a judge who follows our constitution our constitution instead of actively changing the meaning of our constitution while Democrats actively chip away of the backbone of our country that made us great.

What a guy! Thank you God for blessing us with Trump!


Our era of American history should be one of celebration and unity. Been years since we had a strong, patriotic President, who despite being possessed of an enormous personality, never allows the messenger to overshadow either message or deed. Speaking to his personality, our near current generations just can't seem to understand or tolerate a real testosterone driven male leader. Seems the militant feminist movement had assumed they'd diluted traditional American masculinity in the 90's.

Unfortunately they fear our POTUS, and their fear has blinded them to any one of many of his victories for America to date. I also admire his online presence. His tweeting has proven his concern for the individual American in keeping them in the day to day loop of the Presidency. A great time in American history for certain.
It is really this simple, the democrats hate the Donald because he is an extremely intelligent and quick witted White gentile who tells the truth. The democrats have nobody to face him, and even the teams of douchebags on fake news like Bernstein from the Watergate era get major league butthurt daily thinking they can brainwash folks in the day and age of the internet, Rush, Hannity, Tucker, and freedom of thought. The establishment fake news MSM and their Hollywood, their academia and their democrat party look so grotesque in light of the facts.
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Any bets on the 2018 "wave" mid-terms? That big "blue wave" looks a bit faded. I'm hoping that after the Mueller witch-hunt results are in and Trump is finally cleared that the MSM goes from 95% negative on Trump to "fair and balanced" <g>. Nah, here is how we remember the MSM a_holes...
Yep, POTUS hammered Germany for being Russia's bitch. Thank God for giving us such an awesome POTUS. If having a loser like Obama was the price we had to pay to get Trump, it was worth the cost of 8 years of darkness



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