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what a reasonable group of people

Wouldn't it be more appropriate to call it authoritarian or totalitarian? I agree with your examples, for what it's worth. In the religious examples it was a convenient little meshing of the interests of the religion with the interests of the state, especially when the Divine Right of Kings was in vogue. The Soviets didn't even bother with religion of course, they simply invoked the divine right of those who controlled the military.

the soviets abolished religion.....installed communissim as the religion and you were to "pray to the leader".....same as Nk and china actually....
You couldn't beat a 5 year old in a debate. All you have is word games.

and I suppose YOU win debates with what, HAND SIGNALS?

Really...I have seen you go to this argument all the time. Debates ARE word games...they are idea games.... the ammunition in this game of verbal paintball is words. The fact is: you don't know too many or know how to use the ones you know very well. You get your ass handed to you in debates all the time and then claim that the winners are just playing "word games". Well, DUH...... no shit. This back and forth communication that makes up online debate is not done telepathically! You can CLAIM that your ideas are better than my ideas, but if you are completely unable to express yourself using WORDS, and, therefore lose the debate to MY words..... you lose. It IS a word game. I suggest you accept that fact, learn to play it, and quit whining (and ignoring folks) when you get your ass handed to you on a platter by folks who can play the word games better than you.
You couldn't beat a 5 year old in a debate. All you have is word games.

So are you saying you are stupider than a 5 year old? Because I kick your ass all the time. By the way...if you are going to start slurring, do a better job than this. I feel like I am kicking a monkey. In a zoo. That is mentally ill.

By the way...stop your bitching about "word games". You use that term all the time and never specify what the fuck you are talking about. As near as I can tell its a euphemism for "I suck at arguing, so I will say you are playing word games"...what would you rather us do, settle our arguments with Fists? Then you would no doubt win...but luckily the world has gotten past that sort of Hobbesian idiocy. And so, in our "new" world where intellect, not strength, matters, you and those like you, RGS, are the losers. Its ok...it doesn't mean you are a worse person or should feel bad about yourself...just either stick to what you are good at, or if you insist on joining the field of intellectualism, acknowledge that most people involved in that field will be better than you.

by Manu
far right is...the revolutionary right, militant racial supremacists and religious extremists, fascists, neo-fascists, Nazis, and neo-Nazis....

you may claim he is that but he is not.....if he was you would be dead already....

You and I disagree about a lot of things, but you should know well enough that I think he is none of those things. I would qualify those things as extreme right...wayyy past Bush.
i was giving examples of far right....but you knew that....

religious extremest would be the leaders of a nation that uses a religious text to guide the laws of the country....and there is an official religion of the country and only that religion can be practiced.....two examples merry old england, france sapin etc... iran now....soviet union in the there is no religion except communism days....

like that .....

Yes. I did know that. ;)

What about people who want to codify their religious morality into civil law? I'd say that is far religious right.
But…but….every American child knows that the Wholly Babble says that those religiously different from “true believers” (Merkins only) must die!

Indeed, it says their excruciatingly agonizing death must drag out forever. Presumably while God strops himself off in perpetuity to this pornographic scene of mass slaughter, which is his Teutonic Final Solution to the sinner problem he himself created.

Meanwhile the now neutered decent God felching folk look on gloatingly, like gore adoring spectators at the Roman Coliseum.

And if you don’t believe all this, then you too are destined for the Final Solution!


LOL! Thats very true. I wish that when people read Amendment 1, they would respect that for all religions, rather than just christianity.

PS- Im SO glad someone else on here is on the same wavelength as I am. Its pretty damn ridiculous, the way the fundies do business... =) Good to meet you, Chip.

LOL! Thats very true. I wish that when people read Amendment 1, they would respect that for all religions, rather than just christianity.

PS- Im SO glad someone else on here is on the same wavelength as I am. Its pretty damn ridiculous, the way the fundies do business... =) Good to meet you, Chip.

Et Tu, Girl!

Christinsanity, with the holier-than-thou superiority complex it engenders in otherwise spineless and emotionally and psychiatrically insecure nonentities, is the real reason America has habitually attacked hundreds of frail failed nations, - not one of them who were 1/1000th as threatening as they themselves - since its fanny (the front bum in Aussie slang) phobic, freckle-obsessed Fundie foundation.

America’s Christians have been mass-murdering easy-beat “evildoers” ever since their religiously insane, control-freak Souper fore-fathers first fatally fouled the unspoiled American continent with their sickeningly self-righteous presence.

Most disturbingly though, America has now nearly beaten enough sparsely inhabited nutmeg producing atolls, and former cannibal kingdoms, to believe its own self-boosting, Hollywood produced bullshit about what world beaters its pick-their-mark males are. It is now gradually working its way up into what it regards as the major league of warrior nations – like Afghanistan.

Even so, it still won’t take on a pack of raggedy-arsed Persians without the security of “The Barm” to back them – just in case the Iraniggers actually fight back! :omg:

the Republicans' willingness to contemplate a nuclear Armageddon in the Middle East is hardly surprising, coming from a party effectively in the grip of deranged "born-again" dispensationalists – for whom rumors of nuclear war are part and parcel of the "good news" that Christ is returning. It has been widely noted that the Republicans have become a party of authoritarians, but it's much worse than that: they've morphed into a party of lunatics, as well.

Read the rest of it here

How typical of the bragging, bombastic, bird-brained Bible-believin’ “patriots” here on USMB, that their mad dog regime threatens people with "nooklah" annihilation, if they even TRY to acquire just one of the tens of thousands of barms, the supposedly most "trusting in Christ," most Christian nation on earth has.

Keep in mind that these messianic maniacs – the only people to USE nooks on humans so far - have bought the globe to the brink of obliteration several times now.

Remember also that the Bible and the anti-Semitic ravings of Protestantism’s own class-betraying, Princely freckle felching founder was the foundation for Hitler’s Holocaust. And that their “God’s” biblical command to annihilate all non-believers is still in “The Good Book” - just waiting for the time these Calvinazi \!/’s get the whip hand again.

It’s about time the sane world, i.e. anywhere outside of that notorious WASP lunatic asylum up there, bought America’s rabid God-botherers to book - THEIR Book, that is! Before these imbeciles self-fulfil their own Jewish fascist fairytale and incinerate the lot of us.

This is why I never lose an opportunity to hold the scripture pickin’ fraud’s hypocritical feet to the Hell-fire these obnoxiously self-absorbed bastards have fashioned for us "unbelievers."

No one, once they become au fait with what these fucking frauds lyingly claim to believe in and live by, could ever equate Christianity with “decent” and “nice” again.

Who in their right mind – Americans excepted, of course ;) - could venerate such a mentally tormented tome, whose God has NEVER laughed, or even smiled wanly for that matter, and that doesn’t have one good word to say for intelligence and self-awareness?

Sergeant Gunny started talkin'
With a bullhorn in his hand
He was cool, he was clear
He was always in command
He said "Blood will flow;
here Haji,
Haji you talk to your boys..."
"Trust in me -
Jesus will come to set you free!
Marine tells of order to execute Haditha women and children

AFP | August 31, 2007

A US Marine was ordered to execute a room full of Iraqi women and children during an alleged massacre in Haditha that left 24 people dead, a military court heard Thursday.

The testimony came in the opening of a preliminary hearing for Marine Sergeant Frank Wuterich, who faces 17 counts of murder over the Haditha killings, the most serious war crimes allegations faced by US troops in Iraq.

Wuterich, dressed in desert khakis, spoke confidently to confirm his name as the hearing to decide if he faces a court martial began at the Marines' Camp Pendleton base in southern California.

The 27-year-old listened intently as Lance Corporal Humberto Mendoza recounted how Marines had responded after a roadside bomb attack on their convoy in Haditha on November 19, 2005 left one comrade dead.

Mendoza said Marines under Wuterich's command began clearing nearby houses suspected of containing insurgents responsible for the bombing.

At one house Wuterich gave an order to shoot on sight as Marines waited for a response after knocking on the door, said Mendoza.

"He said 'Just wait till they open the door, then shoot,'" Mendoza said.

Mendoza then said he shot and killed an adult male who appeared in a doorway.

During a subsequent search of the house, Mendoza said he received an order from another Marine, Lance Corporal Stephen Tatum, to shoot seven women and children he had found in a rear bedroom.

"When I opened the door there was just women and kids, two adults were lying down on the bed and there were three children on the bed ... two more were behind the bed," Mendoza said.

"I looked at them for a few seconds. Just enough to know they were not presenting a threat ... they looked scared."

After leaving the room Mendoza told Tatum what he had found.

"I told him there were women and kids inside there. He said 'Well, shoot them,'" Mendoza told prosecutor Lieutenant Colonel Sean Sullivan.

"And what did you say to him?" Sullivan asked.

"I said 'But they're just women and children.' He didn't say nothing."

Mendoza said he returned to a position at the front of the house and heard a door open behind him followed by a loud noise. Returning later that afternoon to conduct body retrieval, Mendoza said he found a room full of corpses


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