What about this punishment for the Pittsburg Jewish killer?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"Public Hating"
The Public Hating a collection of short stories by Steve Allen

The Creative Classroom by Mitchell Lopate, M.A.T. - Academic Mentoring Support : "The Public Hating" - a lesson in execution

This is a short story from the above book that maybe appropriate for today's Jewish killer.
An excerpt...

"Oh, the power is wonderful," cried Weltmer. "You've got him. Now let's really turn it on. Come on!"
Ketteridge writhed on the grass and then rose and began running back and forth, directionless,
like a bug on a griddle.

That's some pretty weird shit you linked. Hang him within 2 weeks after his jury trial.
Why didn’t they just kill the asshole?

God Bless those men who went in and stopped the shooting, but why waste a dime on this sick fucker.

Now he is on the taxpayer dole for the next decade!

We needed a taxpayer relief shot.
Why didn’t they just kill the asshole?

God Bless those men who went in and stopped the shooting, but why waste a dime on this sick fucker.

Now he is on the taxpayer dole for the next decade!

We needed a taxpayer relief shot.
While in this case I might generally agree, we have all seen what guilt until proven Innocent gets us... NO thanks.. I am good with allowing due process.. Allowing officer/judge/executioner powers will always end badly.
Why didn’t they just kill the asshole?

God Bless those men who went in and stopped the shooting, but why waste a dime on this sick fucker.

Now he is on the taxpayer dole for the next decade!

We needed a taxpayer relief shot.
While in this case I might generally agree, we have all seen what guilt until proven Innocent gets us... NO thanks.. I am good with allowing due process..

That's why he should get a speedy jury trial, and hung within 2 weeks after being found guilty.

That was the Founding Father's intent. Following that blueprint would cut 2/3 of the judges/lawyers and prison space necessary. The taxation for such things could also fall by 2/3.
Why didn’t they just kill the asshole?

God Bless those men who went in and stopped the shooting, but why waste a dime on this sick fucker.

Now he is on the taxpayer dole for the next decade!

We needed a taxpayer relief shot.
While in this case I might generally agree, we have all seen what guilt until proven Innocent gets us... NO thanks.. I am good with allowing due process..

That's why he should get a speedy jury trial, and hung within 2 weeks after being found guilty.

That was the Founding Father's intent. Following that blueprint would cut 2/3 of the judges/lawyers and prison space necessary.

Absolutely hung within a fortnight. I am with you.
That's some pretty weird shit you linked. Hang him within 2 weeks after his jury trial.

Well you can thank Steve Allen for that "weird" shit as he wrote this in 1990.
Steve Allen maybe to far back in history for many people here who weren't even born but Steve Allen was the originator of the talk TV shows...
The Tonight Show had originated in 1951 in Los Angeles as a radio program hosted by Steve Allen.
List of works by Steve Allen - Wikipedia
He was more well known as a comedian... than a dark author!
Oh by the way, the networks are stating this but:
1) He hated Trump.
2) Trump's daughter is Jewish having converted to marry a Jew.

Have we heard any of that from the biased MSM?
Is it possible that mental health has more to do with this than political beliefs? I have heard some pretty hateful rhetoric on this site from all sides. Perhaps instead of constantly pointing out all the things we don’t like about others opinions, we should all take stock and account of our own words.
While some can barely stand President Trump, you undermine your own message by meeting his calls for unity by decelerations of hypocrisy. While that assessment may or may not be accurate, it certainly does not help calm things down. Many here seem more interested in shouting down opposing viewpoints than they are in actually listening to them.
I do not believe in racial segregation, but how can I convince anyone who believes in it that they are wrong by calling them names and declaring them evil. By doing so, I change my point from segregation is unhealthy for a pluralistic society to I am an impolite ass. In turn, allowing the person I disagree with to dismiss my ideas as nothing more than a personal attack.
When was the last time any of us responded to someone calling us names for our beliefs by saying, “Wow, you’re right! I am not looking at this issue completely or correctly!”
Is it possible that mental health has more to do with this than political beliefs? I have heard some pretty hateful rhetoric on this site from all sides. Perhaps instead of constantly pointing out all the things we don’t like about others opinions, we should all take stock and account of our own words.
While some can barely stand President Trump, you undermine your own message by meeting his calls for unity by decelerations of hypocrisy. While that assessment may or may not be accurate, it certainly does not help calm things down. Many here seem more interested in shouting down opposing viewpoints than they are in actually listening to them.
I do not believe in racial segregation, but how can I convince anyone who believes in it that they are wrong by calling them names and declaring them evil. By doing so, I change my point from segregation is unhealthy for a pluralistic society to I am an impolite ass. In turn, allowing the person I disagree with to dismiss my ideas as nothing more than a personal attack.
When was the last time any of us responded to someone calling us names for our beliefs by saying, “Wow, you’re right! I am not looking at this issue completely or correctly!”

I totally agree with your observations ...to a point.
Personally I look at the principles involved.
Is the actions advocated truly in keeping with principle # 1: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you". ...i.e. "Golden Rule"
In some cases on both sides Democrats/GOP, that advocation is not followed.
The other principle (# 2) that I look for in positions is how reasonable, logical, common sense is the position?
Now in the case of Principle 1... In the case of Democrats, few positions that adhere. For the most part GOP does consider the "Golden Rule" may not follow it all the time but it is a primary motivation at least with the GOP that I know.

In the case of Principle #2... by far logic, common sense, reasonable, positions based on facts is not followed by the Democrats.
By far most Democrats use the right side of the brain... home to emotions, intuition, creativity, art and music.
Whereas the left side of the brain logic, language, reasoning, analysis and math reign supreme that seems to be the GOP description.

Now until both parties can come to the realization that the extremists of their positions are truly harmful to the general and I hold out hope for the GOP but very
little for Democrats, we'll continue to have this dichotomy.

The possible only hope is that the education system is purged of the the Left brained, liberal, firebrand, in your face mentality which has influenced the MSM
so much that the august "journalism" graduates have totally forgot their objectivity.

What can be done about the liberal education system that literally has brainwashed students of using logic, common sense, rational behavior and
replaced with in your face, disrespect and over all emotional responses to situations, i.e. like Ferguson, or other events that the MSM has biasedly presented
to the public. So with the public's opinion swayed the MSM, the polls reflect this, the politicians with their fingers in the air read these biased results and
then POLICIES are made that directly affect ALL our lives...my life, everyone.

That's the major reason I'm on this forum is hopefully to inject links to the facts that the biased MSM blatantly ignores!
What about this punishment for the Pittsburg Jewish killer -

what about it

our laws provide due process for everyone - they will figure it out and dont need any help from RW idiots burning torches in front of the jail.
What about this punishment for the Pittsburg Jewish killer -

what about it

our laws provide due process for everyone - they will figure it out and dont need any help from RW idiots burning torches in front of the jail.
What's crazy this is the norm in the US....shootings, death on daily basis....love foe the guns and violence reached a barbaric level.
Now that Trump is president, everything will be handled according to our laws, Siete.
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