What About Those Terrible Crusades?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Typical Muslim apologist when you talk about jihad and terrorist attacks brought on by a belief in the words of the Koran. Well, this five minute piece with an excellent video lays out the truth!

And, as always, it ain't pretty. And it links to previous pieces that explained how Christian kings were simply defending themselves and freeing their people from the relentless religious persecution by Muslims.

Let's see how the Islamists try to debunk this @ Take Five Minutes And Watch The Spread Of Islam Via Jihad Before The Crusades ⋆ Dc Gazette
All the while European Christians were killing each other over territory in Europe...
And a religious rend in the fabric of Christians being all on one team, the reformation of Luther....
That is the history of Roman Catholicism. Not Christianity, Moonglow. The woman strung up was most likely a Christian
or Jew who refused to convert to Catholicism.
If you be Jew living in Europe, you had to pay a special tax, just like the Muslims, wearing a special piece of clothe or emblem to show the public which religion you twas.......Or you were either killed in a purge of those not godly in Christ, or exiled from the land you lived.....And this happened all the while Protestant and Catholics rules Europe...
Hitler and the Nazis were all Roman Catholics. You're mistaken. The Protestants were not ruling Europe. Ex-Jesuits have admitted (after becoming born again Christians) that the Vatican plan was for many of their people to "pretend to be Protestants" in order to destroy the relationship between Jew and Christian which had been great up until that point. You need to read some Avro Manhattan books on the real history of Catholicism and WWII.
Hitler and the Nazis were all Roman Catholics. You're mistaken. The Protestants were not ruling Europe. Ex-Jesuits have admitted (after becoming born again Christians) that the Vatican plan was for many of their people to "pretend to be Protestants" in order to destroy the relationship between Jew and Christian which had been great up until that point. You need to read some Avro Manhattan books on the real history of Catholicism and WWII.
The protestants controlled England, and parts of German areas to include France also....That is what caused so many wars for many years in Europe..Catholics and protestants killing each other in the Lord's name.....what a shame...
Hitler was German. Not English. Furthermore, Hitler was a faithful Roman Catholic. As for the Inquisitions (your photograph) that was done by Roman Catholics - exclusively - there was nothing Protestant about it. The Protestants were put to death. Over a period of 605 years the Vatican put 68 million people to death, Moonglow. I am not going to get into a dispute with you about it. If you choose to believe revisionists, I cannot help you.
Did the Crusades Intensify the Jihad?
A new book explains the true role the Crusades played on the jihad.
March 10, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim


The hadiths, and the worldview they have engendered, speak for themselves: “Lining up for battle in the path of God [jihad] is worthier than 60 years of worship.” “If he dies or is killed, all his sins are forgiven … He will be wedded to the virgins of paradise, and the crown of dignity will be placed on his head.”

Themes emerge, some familiar to those following modern day jihadist discourse (e.g., the supremacy of jihad versus all other duties, and the great rewards associated with it)—but also lesser known ones, such as the terrible punishments awaiting those Muslims, according to Muhammad, “who do not believe in jihad … They will be tortured like no other sinful human.”

Mourad and Lindsay make clear that the Crusades did not create the doctrine of jihad, which had already been codified in books such as Ibn Mubarak’s Kitab al-Jihad some three hundred years earlier. The primary innovation, or “reorientation,” in this period is that Asakir and other Islamic scholars intensified the importance of jihad in the new context of repulsing infidel invaders. They also expanded “the ideology of jihad to include direct and indirect attacks against other Muslim groups, especially Shi’is.” Although jihad had been proclaimed against other Muslims more than two hundred years before the Crusades, afterward, it became a major theme as Sunnis saw Shiites as subversive moles, weakening Islam against outside aggression.

Considering that the Muslim world is even more vulnerable to non-Muslim influence today than during the Crusades, it is unsurprising that in its most recent Islamic State manifestation, jihad continues to intensify, its fury directed against whatever is in its path—Jews, Christians, Yazidis, and, of course, Shiites.

Did the Crusades Intensify the Jihad?
Crusades and Jihad are the exact same thing, so Muslims have no moral standing to condemn the Crusades.
Jeremiah, the American colonies were founded by English Protestants and Catholics fleeing from persecution by the Church of England.
The Crusades were in response to the invasion by the Muslims. The hammer saved France and most of Europe from domination in France or Islam would have taken Europe. Just as it took Northern Africa and Spain. The Muslims trying to force their religion down the rest of the world's throats was why the Crusades moved into Jersusalem.
Worst Crusade in history was the last one, GW's invasion of Iraq, which he himself called a Crusade.
The Crusades were in response to the invasion by the Muslims. The hammer saved France and most of Europe from domination in France or Islam would have taken Europe. Just as it took Northern Africa and Spain. The Muslims trying to force their religion down the rest of the world's throats was why the Crusades moved into Jersusalem.
What was the justification for the forced conversions of North and South America? Looks to me like a brutal Christian Jihad.
The Crusades were in response to the invasion by the Muslims. The hammer saved France and most of Europe from domination in France or Islam would have taken Europe. Just as it took Northern Africa and Spain. The Muslims trying to force their religion down the rest of the world's throats was why the Crusades moved into Jersusalem.
What was the justification for the forced conversions of North and South America? Looks to me like a brutal Christian Jihad.
If your going to be a pragmatist at least be in this century, I thought you people always want everything NOW, but you want to go back to the 1400's Spain's terror invasion of the new world...
The Crusades were in response to the invasion by the Muslims. The hammer saved France and most of Europe from domination in France or Islam would have taken Europe. Just as it took Northern Africa and Spain. The Muslims trying to force their religion down the rest of the world's throats was why the Crusades moved into Jersusalem.
What was the justification for the forced conversions of North and South America? Looks to me like a brutal Christian Jihad.

Look how awesome North America is because of it.
You know, I really don't care who did what to whom a couple hundred years ago. Fine, Christians ran amuck through the Middle East a thousand years ago. Maybe it was in response to what the Muslims were doing, maybe it was to alleviate population pressures in Europe, maybe it was over money. It doesn't matter. It is still no justification for Muslims to keep killing people today. Anyone who wants to keep the cycle of violence going for stuff that happens 50 generations ago or five is a moron, pure and simple.
When will the fundy nutters stop defending their cannibalistic forebears?
That is the history of Roman Catholicism. Not Christianity, Moonglow. The woman strung up was most likely a Christian
or Jew who refused to convert to Catholicism.

There were only Catholics in Europe in the times of the war of the Frankonians and Normans (who had conquered England in 1066) against the Arabs and Seljuks (who had conquered the same time Jerusalem and Mekka). So if you have european ancestors you are a "crusader" now for some fanatics in the world of the Muslims - completly independent wether you are a Christian or not - while your ancestros were called 200 years ago and earlier "Frankonians". The wars were once called the "Wars of the Frankonians". During the time of the english Colonialism the Arabs learned to use the word "Crusades" instead.

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