What Americans Need to Know About Deportation

2 things about Deportation the unhinged Left and Media does not want you to know:

1) During Obama's 1st term, ICE deported more than 1.5 million illegals. Trump has deported 750,000 illegals after 21/2 years in office. Trump is somewhat behind Obama.

2) Trump plans to send illegal children to Fort Sill, once used as a Japanese internment camp. Yet, in 2014, Obama moved 1,800 illegals there with some being children.

It truly appears that Democrat outrage is truly fake concerning deportation.
That’s because this is fake news from the right. No one cares about deporting illegals.

In fact I fault trump for being behind Obama on this. You should hold trump accountable. Makes me think they actually like illegals because they save rich Americans money
2 things about Deportation the unhinged Left and Media does not want you to know:

1) During Obama's 1st term, ICE deported more than 1.5 million illegals. Trump has deported 750,000 illegals after 21/2 years in office. Trump is somewhat behind Obama.

2) Trump plans to send illegal children to Fort Sill, once used as a Japanese internment camp. Yet, in 2014, Obama moved 1,800 illegals there with some being children.

It truly appears that Democrat outrage is truly fake concerning deportation.
That’s because this is fake news from the right. No one cares about deporting illegals.

In fact I fault trump for being behind Obama on this. You should hold trump accountable. Makes me think they actually like illegals because they save rich Americans money
Well most go to democrat run cities sooo
The issue is not that Trump is putting children into detention camps...

The issue is that Trump is splitting-up families and taking kids from their parents while doing so...

Not exactly brightest-crayon-in-the-box thinking for somebody who (supposedly) understands image and branding...

Fer Crissakes, Donald, find a way to keep the kids with their parents in such camps, even if the courts bitch about it...

Do that and you undercut half the LIbTurds arguments against it, and steal their most useful optic...

Hell, even a gold-plated 5-time-draft-dodger spoiled little rich boy oughta be able to figure that out. :21:
Don’t come here
I have to agree. If South American regimes get to just export their problems they’ll never be forced to change. No need to change. If citizens don’t like the corruption they can move to the USA.

No, Mexico can take and keep them.
2 things about Deportation the unhinged Left and Media does not want you to know:

1) During Obama's 1st term, ICE deported more than 1.5 million illegals. Trump has deported 750,000 illegals after 21/2 years in office. Trump is somewhat behind Obama.

2) Trump plans to send illegal children to Fort Sill, once used as a Japanese internment camp. Yet, in 2014, Obama moved 1,800 illegals there with some being children.

It truly appears that Democrat outrage is truly fake concerning deportation.

Wow, so Obama cleaned up the riff-raff banditos better than Trump?
2 things about Deportation the unhinged Left and Media does not want you to know:

1) During Obama's 1st term, ICE deported more than 1.5 million illegals. Trump has deported 750,000 illegals after 21/2 years in office. Trump is somewhat behind Obama.

2) Trump plans to send illegal children to Fort Sill, once used as a Japanese internment camp. Yet, in 2014, Obama moved 1,800 illegals there with some being children.

It truly appears that Democrat outrage is truly fake concerning deportation.
That’s because this is fake news from the right. No one cares about deporting illegals.

In fact I fault trump for being behind Obama on this. You should hold trump accountable. Makes me think they actually like illegals because they save rich Americans money
Well most go to democrat run cities sooo
The feds can go anywhere including your employer and shut him down for hiring illegals rather than pay you a livable wage
2 things about Deportation the unhinged Left and Media does not want you to know:

1) During Obama's 1st term, ICE deported more than 1.5 million illegals. Trump has deported 750,000 illegals after 21/2 years in office. Trump is somewhat behind Obama.

2) Trump plans to send illegal children to Fort Sill, once used as a Japanese internment camp. Yet, in 2014, Obama moved 1,800 illegals there with some being children.

It truly appears that Democrat outrage is truly fake concerning deportation.
That’s because this is fake news from the right. No one cares about deporting illegals.

In fact I fault trump for being behind Obama on this. You should hold trump accountable. Makes me think they actually like illegals because they save rich Americans money
Well most go to democrat run cities sooo
The feds can go anywhere including your employer and shut him down for hiring illegals rather than pay you a livable wage
...Many of the kids aren't related to the adults that bring them across the border, they're rented and recycled. .
How much is "many", as a percentage?

For example...

Of all children intercepted each month...

On the average (over a 12- or 24-month span or some-such )...

1. what percentage are actually accompanied by parent(s)?

2. what percentage are being falsely claimed to be accompanied by a parent?

3. of those falling under (1), what percentage are separated from their legitimate parent(s)?

a. what percentage of (3) were separated to protect the child from its parent(s)?

b. what percentage of (3) were separated for any other reason?

It is No. (3)(b) that I - and a vast number of fellow Americans - am most concerned about.

I know you don't have those answers at your fingertips.

Trouble is, neither does Donald and his Minions.

Hell, they can't even keep a semi-accurate count or tell us where some of the kids are being warehoused.

And they started this out - and, from what I read, continue - without even a simplistic semi-intelligent plan for Reunion.

Those are all damned-terrible optics and you know that just as well as I do.

And, it feeds the LibTard agenda on this subject; needlessly.

But - on reflection - this Administration does damned-near everything half-assed and without thinking it through in advance.

Perhaps, someday, History will call him The Knee-Jerk President.

Several problems with your reply here:

First off, when kids come here and the adults are detained or arrested, the government looks for places to put them. Like with American prisoners, they look for family members that are living here. If they can't find family members, they look for people from the country of origin for these kids to stay with. When our authorities try to contact them for an update, many of them won't answer the phone or door because they too are illegals themselves.

Secondly, the President of the United States takes an oath of office. In that oath he swears to up hold the constitution and laws of our country. When Trump adheres to a judicial decision made long before he entered the White House, he has no choice but to honor that decision; he swore he would.

Third, this has been going on long before Trump came along. It's like those pictures somebody tried to pass around saying the cages those children were living in were Trump cages. Somebody wisely pointed out that those pictures were taken during the Obama administration.
Oh, hell, send 'em all home, for all I care.

Just don't take kids away from parents.

The problem is we don't know if they are the parents. The only way to find out is to separate them.

It's like if you ever watched the show C.O.P.S. When the police get to a scene, the first thing they do is separate the people involved. They are interrogated individually so police can determine what actually happened.

From what I read, it's not an overnight process either because the kids are confused. But they ask them things like naming their aunts and uncles. What was the last thing they ate before they started their journey. Where were they born? Things like that. They match the answers to those given by the adult, and then come to a determination.
2 things about Deportation the unhinged Left and Media does not want you to know:

1) During Obama's 1st term, ICE deported more than 1.5 million illegals. Trump has deported 750,000 illegals after 21/2 years in office. Trump is somewhat behind Obama.

2) Trump plans to send illegal children to Fort Sill, once used as a Japanese internment camp. Yet, in 2014, Obama moved 1,800 illegals there with some being children.

It truly appears that Democrat outrage is truly fake concerning deportation.
As an amusement haunted house ride operator told me-“Its all fake”
...Many of the kids aren't related to the adults that bring them across the border, they're rented and recycled. .
How much is "many", as a percentage?

For example...

Of all children intercepted each month...

On the average (over a 12- or 24-month span or some-such )...

1. what percentage are actually accompanied by parent(s)?

2. what percentage are being falsely claimed to be accompanied by a parent?

3. of those falling under (1), what percentage are separated from their legitimate parent(s)?

a. what percentage of (3) were separated to protect the child from its parent(s)?

b. what percentage of (3) were separated for any other reason?

It is No. (3)(b) that I - and a vast number of fellow Americans - am most concerned about.

I know you don't have those answers at your fingertips.

Trouble is, neither does Donald and his Minions.

Hell, they can't even keep a semi-accurate count or tell us where some of the kids are being warehoused.

And they started this out - and, from what I read, continue - without even a simplistic semi-intelligent plan for Reunion.

Those are all damned-terrible optics and you know that just as well as I do.

And, it feeds the LibTard agenda on this subject; needlessly.

But - on reflection - this Administration does damned-near everything half-assed and without thinking it through in advance.

Perhaps, someday, History will call him The Knee-Jerk President.

Ask the directory of CBP, he made the claim on rented kids. Oh, and you can't house kids with criminals, parents or not.

Mexico offered them all asylum and they refused. They want into the US so we tax payers can support their useless asses.

Anyone hiring illegals should be in jail and the 20 million that are here should be booted out. If Ike could do it, so can Trump.

These assholes cost we tax payers billions every year and not a one of them should be here.

The fake asylum seekers shouldn't be allowed into our country either. If they need to change the laws so that happens then change the damned things. Let em all stay in Mexico.
...The problem is we don't know if they are the parents...
In some cases... not anywhere close to all, eh?

...The only way to find out is to separate them...
For 30 minutes worth of questioning, perhaps... for 30 hours or 30 days or 30 weeks or 30 months... not so much.

...It's like if you ever watched the show C.O.P.S. When the police get to a scene, the first thing they do is separate the people involved. They are interrogated individually so police can determine what actually happened...
And if it turns out they'er Koyote Kids, then fine... isolate them in humane conditions until they can be repatriated.

And if it turns out that they're actually the children of those from whom they were separated, reunion should occur within 30-60 minutes.

...From what I read, it's not an overnight process either because the kids are confused. But they ask them things like naming their aunts and uncles. What was the last thing they ate before they started their journey. Where were they born? Things like that. They match the answers to those given by the adult, and then come to a determination.
Correct... it should not be an overnight process... it should be a 30-60 -minute -long process.

If they kids and adults "pass the questioning test", and there's still a doubt in officials' minds, then undertake a snapshot DNA test.

While they're waiting for DNA test results, the kids stay with the adults.

This is not difficult stuff.
...Many of the kids aren't related to the adults that bring them across the border, they're rented and recycled. .
How much is "many", as a percentage?

For example...

Of all children intercepted each month...

On the average (over a 12- or 24-month span or some-such )...

1. what percentage are actually accompanied by parent(s)?

2. what percentage are being falsely claimed to be accompanied by a parent?

3. of those falling under (1), what percentage are separated from their legitimate parent(s)?

a. what percentage of (3) were separated to protect the child from its parent(s)?

b. what percentage of (3) were separated for any other reason?

It is No. (3)(b) that I - and a vast number of fellow Americans - am most concerned about.

I know you don't have those answers at your fingertips.

Trouble is, neither does Donald and his Minions.

Hell, they can't even keep a semi-accurate count or tell us where some of the kids are being warehoused.

And they started this out - and, from what I read, continue - without even a simplistic semi-intelligent plan for Reunion.

Those are all damned-terrible optics and you know that just as well as I do.

And, it feeds the LibTard agenda on this subject; needlessly.

But - on reflection - this Administration does damned-near everything half-assed and without thinking it through in advance.

Perhaps, someday, History will call him The Knee-Jerk President.

Ask the directory of CBP, he made the claim on rented kids. Oh, and you can't house kids with criminals, parents or not.

Translation: "Neither I nor the Trump Administration actually know." Not a problem. Predictable. Totally expected.
Mexico offered them all asylum and they refused. They want into the US so we tax payers can support their useless asses.

Anyone hiring illegals should be in jail and the 20 million that are here should be booted out. If Ike could do it, so can Trump.

These assholes cost we tax payers billions every year and not a one of them should be here.

The fake asylum seekers shouldn't be allowed into our country either. If they need to change the laws so that happens then change the damned things. Let em all stay in Mexico.

President Trump Wants Asylum Seekers to Stay in Mexico. Here's How That Would Work

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